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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1885,the Chinese Immigration Act, which stipulated that all Chinese entering Canada must first pay a $50 fee。

This was amended in 1887, 1892,and 1900,with the fee increasing to its maximum of $500 in 1903.

After Jean Chrétien (Right honourable,CC OM PC QC), in the same year, replaced Mulroney as prime minister, the Cabinet openly refused to provide an apology or redress.

Still, the CCNC and its supporters continued to raise the issue whenever they could, including a submission to the United Nations Human Rights Commission and eventually undertaking court action against the Crown-in-Council, arguing that the federal Crown should not be profiting from racism and that it had a responsibility under both the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and international human rights law.

Paul Martin ( Right honourable, PC CC).When Paul Martin was appointed prime minister in 2003, there was a sense of urgency as it became clear that there were perhaps only a few dozen surviving Chinese Head Tax payers left and maybe a few hundred spouses or widows.

In 2004, Doudou Diène, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, concluded that Canada should redress the head tax to Chinese Canadians .

As they had done while campaigning for the federal election in 2004, the New Democratic Party and Bloc Québécois stated, during the leadup to the January 2006 election, their support for an apology and redress for the head tax.

Similarly, on December 8, 2005, Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper released a press statement expressing his support for an apology for the head tax.

On June 22, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered an apology and compensation only for the head tax once paid by Chinese immigrants. Survivors or their spouses were paid approximately CAD$20,000 ($22.5 thousand in 2014 dollars) in compensation. There were only an estimated 20 Chinese Canadians who paid the tax still alive in 2006.

感谢保守党历届政府!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 这次,自由党还是会赢,连OPP都公开支持自由党,插保守党牌的要小心了。
    • 自由党的基本面太强了,首先是政府工。自由党对政府工很好,每年加的工资可都是真金白银,虽然当中有人不满意自由党的理念,在真金白银面前还有什么好选择?
      • 政府工这个票源太大了,教师,警察,消防,护士, 图书馆,社区服务,加上他们的家属,人数太庞大了。他们的投票热情最高,因为直接和收入关联。
    • 其次,是各类工会, 他们与自由党理念一致,而且自由党一贯保护工会的利益.
    • 再次,是各种政府的外围组织, 移民安置,招工辅导等靠政府funding的组织.
    • 这个很难说,Mike Harris第一届任内砍掉的公营事业人员和服务多了去了,第二届仍然连续当选多数党政府。
      • 那时候跟现在不一样了,自由党大规模扩张公务员,跟公务员有关系的人更多了。而且这几年经济不如那时候,那时候出去找个待遇不错又有保障的工作很容易,现在政府工作人员下岗就得没啥工作能干了,能不死死把住铁饭碗吗
        • 什么时候政府工作人员下岗找工都不容易,所以这些人整天喊Job security
        • 包子就免了,太奢侈。不如您开棚放粥吧。十万job losers和他们的家属能把您的粥棚挤爆。好玩!
    • 第四,同性恋,环保分子,女权分子,吸毒分子,犯罪分子都和自由党互相支持。这几类人,不管自己属于那个阶级,即使是同属剥削阶级的餐馆老板,小业主,也都是自由党的坚定支持者。
    • 第五,低收入或没收入的人,因为自由党的福利好而支持自由党。
    • 第六,大公司,银行,保险公司支持自由党,前者因为自由党政府经常出钱支持,比如3大汽车公司,cisco等,自由党出钱建厂;后者是因为自由党借钱多,政策有利。
      • 那你是什么人?
      • 教师,警察,消防,护士, 图书馆,社区服务,加上他们的家属,各类工会,各种政府的外围组织, 移民安置,招工辅导,同性恋,环保分子,女权分子,吸毒分子,犯罪分子,餐馆老板,小业主,低收入或没收入的人,大公司,银行,保险公司等。你都不属于?
        • 我就是我, 是颜色不一样的烟火.
          • LOL.....怪有诗意的。我也来一句:我就是我,是颜色不一样的花朵.
    • 第七,自由党一贯在经济上资助,政治上支持移民和难民,让难民享有比公民更好的医疗,让移民更早拥有选举权。因而移民和难民支持自由党,移民相关的从业人员也支持自由党,移民顾问律师,房产经纪等。
      • 行了,你是支持自由党的----鉴定完毕。LOL.....
        • 自由党当年对人头税平反百般抵赖狡辩,什么平凡代价太大,骨牌效应等等。众多华人社团马屁拍了几十年都不为所动。保守党哈勃大胆答应平凡道歉,现在也没看到有什么骨牌效应,财务代价。说自由党好的人,不是惯性思维的无脑袋,就是没道理的愚忠
          • 人头税问题:
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1885,the Chinese Immigration Act, which stipulated that all Chinese entering Canada must first pay a $50 fee。

            This was amended in 1887, 1892,and 1900,with the fee increasing to its maximum of $500 in 1903.

            After Jean Chrétien (Right honourable,CC OM PC QC), in the same year, replaced Mulroney as prime minister, the Cabinet openly refused to provide an apology or redress.

            Still, the CCNC and its supporters continued to raise the issue whenever they could, including a submission to the United Nations Human Rights Commission and eventually undertaking court action against the Crown-in-Council, arguing that the federal Crown should not be profiting from racism and that it had a responsibility under both the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and international human rights law.

            Paul Martin ( Right honourable, PC CC).When Paul Martin was appointed prime minister in 2003, there was a sense of urgency as it became clear that there were perhaps only a few dozen surviving Chinese Head Tax payers left and maybe a few hundred spouses or widows.

            In 2004, Doudou Diène, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, concluded that Canada should redress the head tax to Chinese Canadians .

            As they had done while campaigning for the federal election in 2004, the New Democratic Party and Bloc Québécois stated, during the leadup to the January 2006 election, their support for an apology and redress for the head tax.

            Similarly, on December 8, 2005, Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper released a press statement expressing his support for an apology for the head tax.

            On June 22, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered an apology and compensation only for the head tax once paid by Chinese immigrants. Survivors or their spouses were paid approximately CAD$20,000 ($22.5 thousand in 2014 dollars) in compensation. There were only an estimated 20 Chinese Canadians who paid the tax still alive in 2006.

            感谢保守党历届政府!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 啊,写完后,感觉应投NDP。。。。
    • 第八,老人支持自由党,自由党给老人更多福利,这次加上安省CPP。
    • 第九,自由党对年轻人好,减免大专学费,帮助找工,资助实习工资,全天幼儿园帮助年轻家庭。
      • 其实,这个就是所谓的“贿选”,针对具备特殊利益的小团体,牺牲集体的利益和整个社会的未来。
    • 自由党对谁都好,就是对自己的继任不好,把困难留给未来的一代
      • 如果多印点钱,共产主义就实现了。
    • 你再列几条就基本上cover大部分省民了,难道这就是传说中的为全民谋福利的政党?
      • 不用再列了,自由党已经是多数了。
    • 麻烦楼主分析分析保守党对那些人好.