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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛PART 6 --- MONEY TALKS

While Reagan was breaking unions and demolishing regulations, he also convinced Congress in 1981 to pass his Economic Recovery Tax Act, cutting the top tax brackets by nearly a third but raising taxes on the middle class.

By dramatically increasing the social security tax, as recommended by Alan Greenspan to Ronald Reagan, we shifted the burden of government , so that today, 70s% of Americans pay a heavier share of their income in Social Security and Medicare taxes than they do in income taxes.
And we pushed the burden down.
At the same time at the very,very top, we radically cut taxes ,so that the 1,000 richest men,women and children in America face an effective total federal tax rate, social security and income taxes, about 17 cents on the dollar, and their average income is $263 million.

After decades of lobbying driven by corporate money, the tax code is now full of loopholes and special deals that help big business avoid paying its fair share.
To avoid paying taxes, U.S. corporations have stashed more than $1.5 Trillion in offshore accounts.

Author, IT TAKES A PILLAGE: Nomi Prins
Corporations only pay 13% of the federal budget's revenues. Out of $2.5 trillion, corporations only pay 13%.

Bernie Sanders(2010):
So I just want to list some ten, the ten worst corporate tax avoidance:
Exxon Mobil, largest oil company in the world, made 19 billion in profits in 2009.
Exxon not only paid no federal income taxes,
It actually received a $156 million rebate from the IRS.

Over the past five years, while General Electric made 26 billion in profits in the United States, it received a $4.1 billion refund from the IRS.
So if you're a working stiff, you're making 30,$40,000 a year, you're paying taxes.
But if you're Chevron, and you made 10 billion in profits in 2009, you don't have to pay any taxes. You get a $19 million refund.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 一部当下记录片的完整记录:HEIST-----Who stole the american dream?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Former Managing Director,Goldman Sachs Nomi Prins:
      Once upon a time, we knew in this country we had a great depression, and we had a stock market crash in 1929 followed by several years of 25 % unemployment , of corporations declaring bankruptcy, of people in the streets on bread lines.

      Franklin Delano Roosevelt(FDR):
      I pledge myself to a Nw Deal for the American people.

      In the depths of the Great Depression,President Roosevelt's New Deal put millions back to work, provided unemployment insurance,created Social Security and made easier for workers to join unions and bargain collectively.

      Nomi Prins:
      What FDR and that government had the balls to do was enact legislation that really took command of the Wall Street environment and said," You know what? You can't speculate with other people's money."

      Coming out of the Great Depression,just three laws fundamentally altered the course of America's history.

      The first one, FDID Insurance, make it safe to put money in banks.
      The second one,Glass-Steagall, try to separate the risk-taking on Wall Street from your local community bank.
      And the third one, SEC regulations, provide some cops to watch the robbers.

      Out of that what we got was 50 years of economic peace.
      No financial panics, no meltdowns.
      And during that 50 years, we built a strong and prosperous middle class in America.

      After World War II, the New Deal evolved into a "Great Deal" for the American people.
      Growing prosperity and social justice seemed to be everyone's destiny as the U.S. economy exploded into the greatest economic machine in history.
      There has never been anything like the America of today, a nation so productive that the typical worker's family is able to afford conveniences and luxuries available only to the privileged few elsewhere.

      The New Deal established that ordinary people had the right to protect themselves against corporate abuse.
      The early 70's expanded those safeguards with the creation of agencies like the Occupational Safety and HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, whose mission was to protect workers.
      The Environmental Protection Agency was created to protect human health and the environment.

      CEO,American Airlines (1985-1998) Robert Crandall :
      Regulation is nothing more than the imposition of a set of rules to prevent the free market from behaving in a way which is contrary to the common good.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

      Senator Bernie Sanders:
      A decision was reached by corporate America that working with unions, working with government to improve the standard of living for all people was not the right thing to do.

      Big business doesn't like the government to tell it what to do.
      They don't want anybody to interfere with their ability to make money in the way that they see fit.

      In 1971,corporate leaders began to orchestrate a detailed battle plan to eliminate any government policies that might stand between them and profits.
      The plan was laid out in an influential memo called :"Attack on American Free Enterprise System."
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛PART 4 --- HOW BIG BUSINESS BOUGHT OUR GOVERNMENT

      Asst.Prof.,HISTORY, University of North Carolina Benjamin C. Waterhouse:

      Lewis Powell was a well-respected citizen of richmond,Virginia.
      He was a corporate lawyer, a partner in a prestigious corporate law firm, and friends with an executive at the Chamber of Commerce named Eugene Sydnor.
      And Sydnor asked his friend if he would draft a position statement that he could submit to the Chamber of Commerce that would then sort of form the framework for how to make the organization more able to confront what they thought was a growing threat to business interests.

      Powell's memo laid out a strategy to radically alter public perceptions,ensuring that big business interests could dominate public policy.
      Powell advocated a, "vast purge" of liberal elements in society.
      He saw how corporate money could own the media and talk louder than organized labor and consumer protection groups.
      But for Powell, a future Supreme Court Justice, the real end game was business control of law and politics.

      To make their point, the Chamber of Commerce created very clever advertising to influence public opinion.
      The U.S.Chamber of Commerce and the recently formed elite Business Roundtable, and exclusive club of CEOs, joined forces to lobby Congress and push their agenda with major campaign contributions.
      Their goal: To buy congressional votes to implement a corporate makeover of America.

      Author,Robert Kuttner:
      You had massive lobbying beginning in '76,'77,'78, for cutting taxes on rich people, trickle down economics. Cut capital gains taxes, cut dividend taxes, cut income taxes, and the economy will flourish. Some of the Democrats start drinking the Kool-Aid along with the Republicans.

      1971: lobbyists in DC 175.
      2008: lobbyists in DC 33000.

      Next, big business set its sights on the biggest threat to their bottom line, the wages and benefits of the American workforce, especially union members, who,starting in the 1930s, had won bargaining power for wages, working conditions and benefits.
      But instead of negotiation, big business wanted control.

      The Powell Memo: " Businessmen should use their financial muscle to shape the politics of the country. Nor should there be reluctance to penalize politically those who oppose it."

      By 1978, business outspent organized labour three to one to defeat a bill that would have made it easier for workers to join unions.
      This was a critical turning point, setting in motion the decline of organized labour as a major political force and the voice of working Americans.

      President of the United Auto Workers, Douglas Fraser:
      I believe leaders of the business community, with few exceptions,have chosen to wage a one-sided class war today in our country, a war against working people, the unemployed, the poor, the minorities, the very young and the very old, and even many in the middle class of our society.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛PART 5 --- WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION

      Author,Perfectly Legal David Cay Johnston:
      One of the geniuses of the right in United States is they founded these 12 big Washington organizations. Institute,for the causes of their donors.

      Heirs to six of the largest family fortunes in the United States used their private foundations to fund organizations that would promote unregulated markets.
      Working in unison, the 6 families used their private foundations to shape business schools and manipulate the media.
      Most of all, they wanted to restructure government to serve their own interests.

      They're not think tanks. These are not academic research organizations.
      These are ideological marketing organizations.

      FDR 1939:
      These economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America.
      What they really complain of is that we seek a way to take away their power.

      Exec. Diretor, Center for Community Change : Deepak Bhargava
      Even in the Great Depression when 25%of Americans were out of work, you had these apologists for free market fundamentalism argue against increased government spending, increased regulation, strengthening the hands of unions, stronger safety net.
      The same thing is happening today.

      Former Fellow, The Heritage Foundation :David Brock
      The motive was ideological, putting millions of dollars into funding right wing ideas factories.
      But then those ideas needed to get pushed out into the media.

      Reagan Campaign Ad (1980)
      My plan will give businesses tax incentives that result in plant expansion,greater output,and more jobs.
      It will remove regulations that shoot up the cost of doing business.
      Strong creative leadership can restore America as the mightiest industrial nation on Earth.
      The time is now for Reagan.

      Distinguished Senior Fellow, Demos: Robert Kuttner
      It all comes together in the election of 1980, where the right had build up this powerful political, financial, intellectual infrastructure; and it all comes together under Reagan.
      By the time Reagan takes office, there is an army of policy wonks who have a whole game plan that can be put into effect very,very quickly to deregulate everything that hasn't been deregulated under Carter.

      America saw Ronald Reagan as someone trustworthy.
      The newly elected president handed out the Heritage foundation's "Mandate for Leadership" to every member of his Cabinet.
      For the next eight years, this anti-government policy guide drove the Reagan Administration's makeover of federal government from protecting the public good into working for the rich and powerful.

      Author,Perfectly Legal: David Cay Johnston
      Ronald cut taxes for those at the top. Instead of balancing the budget, he ran the biggest deficits in history.
      Then he presided over the passage of a series of tax increases on ordinary people, only he didn't call them that.
      The Washington press corps went along with the White House Calling these, "revenue enhancements."

      Ronald Reagan (1981)
      Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem.

      President, United Steelworkers: Leo Gerard
      He was attacking government, attacking the institutions of government, and trying to make it as a system that doesn't work.
      And in reality, rich folks don't need governments.
      They live in their own gated communities, they have their own security, they swim in their own swimming pools, they go to their own private schools.
      Rich people take care of themselves.

      Dean,Case Western University Law School: Lawrence Mitchell
      The ideology of the free market that said that if we allowed them to just use their own creativity and be able to do what they want, that the wealth they created would trickle down to create jobs and create consumer goods and make American an even richer and more prosperous society than it was.
      Well, all that was beautiful theory.
      The whole idea of a free market is a myth to begin with.
      Markets are structured based on laws, and the real issue is who the structure benefits.

      One of his first acts was to destroy the air traffic controllers which was a signal for all American businesses that is was open season on unionism.
      They understand that it's not just about labor supporting the interests of members of labor unions, but it has been the labour movement that has supported the interests of all workers.
      You wouldn't have social security, you wouldn't have unemployment compensation, you wouldn't have Medicare, you wouldn't have all of these things, which are not just for labor union members.

      AT IT'S HEIGHT IN THE 1950s:
      1 in 3 private sector workers were in unions.
      1 in 14 private sector workers are in unions.

      Robert Kuttner:
      He was able to pull off an ideological counterrevolution.
      And by the time he was over, most of the New Deal had been dismantled.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • PART 6 --- MONEY TALKS
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛PART 6 --- MONEY TALKS

      While Reagan was breaking unions and demolishing regulations, he also convinced Congress in 1981 to pass his Economic Recovery Tax Act, cutting the top tax brackets by nearly a third but raising taxes on the middle class.

      By dramatically increasing the social security tax, as recommended by Alan Greenspan to Ronald Reagan, we shifted the burden of government , so that today, 70s% of Americans pay a heavier share of their income in Social Security and Medicare taxes than they do in income taxes.
      And we pushed the burden down.
      At the same time at the very,very top, we radically cut taxes ,so that the 1,000 richest men,women and children in America face an effective total federal tax rate, social security and income taxes, about 17 cents on the dollar, and their average income is $263 million.

      After decades of lobbying driven by corporate money, the tax code is now full of loopholes and special deals that help big business avoid paying its fair share.
      To avoid paying taxes, U.S. corporations have stashed more than $1.5 Trillion in offshore accounts.

      Author, IT TAKES A PILLAGE: Nomi Prins
      Corporations only pay 13% of the federal budget's revenues. Out of $2.5 trillion, corporations only pay 13%.

      Bernie Sanders(2010):
      So I just want to list some ten, the ten worst corporate tax avoidance:
      Exxon Mobil, largest oil company in the world, made 19 billion in profits in 2009.
      Exxon not only paid no federal income taxes,
      It actually received a $156 million rebate from the IRS.

      Over the past five years, while General Electric made 26 billion in profits in the United States, it received a $4.1 billion refund from the IRS.
      So if you're a working stiff, you're making 30,$40,000 a year, you're paying taxes.
      But if you're Chevron, and you made 10 billion in profits in 2009, you don't have to pay any taxes. You get a $19 million refund.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 挺好的文章。支持私营企业的工会,政府和公共事业的工会应该存在, 但要被限制。
      • Well balanced. 嗯,不过没法balance了,翘翘板上只有一个人,没法翘翘了。。。。:))还没记录完,一个字,一个字敲的哦,费大劲了。看了后觉得清晰,简练,值得记下来,晚上完成它。梦想着一夜抄底爆富,想建个offshore account. :))
        • 政府和公共事业的工会有点像垄断的味道。应该拆分成几个,限制每个的大小。其中一个两个罢工会对市民生活有影响但不会有绝对的影响。
          • 有些public services 可以法定为 essential services,不可罢工。
            • 是。但有些非essential services也要控制一下。好像TTC就不是。把它的工会分拆成4个5个的, 情况可能会好些。有竞争的话, 会费只怕也少点。
              • 看到这个事实吗? 太不可思议了。怎么感觉政府成了财团的工会了?
                Over the past five years, while General Electric made 26 billion in profits in the United States, it received a $4.1 billion refund from the IRS.
                So if you're a working stiff, you're making 30,$40,000 a year, you're paying taxes.
                But if you're Chevron, and you made 10 billion in profits in 2009, you don't have to pay any taxes. You get a $19 million refund.
                • 是,我看到了。第一感觉就是这太不合理。不过后来又想为什么会这样?数据背后的故事是什么?实在是没有时间去考证了。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛PART 7 --- MANIPULATING THE MEDIA

      For 38 years, the Federal Communications Commission had enforced the Fairness Doctrine, which mandated that all broadcasts over public airwaves offer a balance of viewpoints.
      In 1987,Ronald Reagan stopped enforcement of the Fairness Doctrine, opening the floodgates for corporate money to talk directly to America through the media.

      Former Fellow, The Heritage Foundation : David Brock
      A few years ago studies were showing that of the 350 top radio markets in the country, you had something like 90% of right wing talk, and less than 10% of progressive talk.

      Media deregulation is a big story. I think it's threat to democracy.
      Most people don't have any idea what's going on.

      After his 1992 election, Democratic President Bill Clinton continued to implement key elements of both the Powell Memo and the Heritage Foundation's prescriptions for government by and for big business.
      In 1996,Clinton signed the first major overhaul of telecommunications law in 62 years.

      1983: 50 major media companies
      2011: 6 major media companies

      What Rupert Murdoch thinks is more likely to be what you think than anything else.

      David Brock:
      They missed major stories, we know they missed major stories.
      And that is all coming home to roost now.
      I think the media is awful.
      They don't do in-depth reporting, they distort the news story to show the most confrontational headline, they don't do in-depth news gathering.

      Bush (2003):
      Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.
      Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminium tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production.

      Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist David Cay Johnston
      Twenty years ago, nobody who was in journalism thought anything of saying to a politician to his face,"Senator, stop lying to the Los Angeles Times.","General, you know that's not true, I know that's not true."
      Today ,if you said something like that, you'd be fired.
      We don't ask tough questions, and we have these orchestrated White House press conferences.
      And Obama is actually worse than his predecessor George Bush on this issue.
      If you take your financial advice from CNBC, you're gonna to broke.

      You don't get the information you need, and you're pretty much on your own.
      The same thing that's happened in business has happened in broadcasting.
      It's just completely profit driven.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 写得挺好。只可惜现在我没时间也静不下来去研究,真羡慕你们有时间能静下心来读读书。记得我读杂书都是很多年前的事了。1983: 50 major media companies 2011: 6 major media companies。
        • 时代美国需要第二个罗斯福,和他的新政。看下面一段吧,这段可能和你们IT 有关系,另外美国民主党也不民主了,和财团在桌下捏手捏脚,传情书。完了,没有真正的人民的党了。。。。刚听说美国政选捐款取消上限。。。哈哈,money talks ,and rocks !!!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛PART 8 --- OUTSOURCING JOBS FOR PROFIT

      U.S. Steel is getting out of the steel business, and they're getting out of this community.
      They're saying,"Goodbye, we've had enough, there's no more left, we've squeezed the grape, we're going on to greener pastures."

      President,United Steelworkers :Leo Gerard:
      We've seen the acceleration of the hollowing out of America as the most important and powerful industrial society on earth.

      Since 1973 approximately 40 million good-paying American jobs with benefits have been shipped overseas or dismantled by corporations, boosting their own profits at working Americans' expense.
      Thanks to decades of policy shaped by corporate money, there was nothing to stop them.

      There is this notion that this was only a Republican villainy, in fact, much of what happened during the 8 years of Bill Clinton.

      Bill Clinton (1993):
      We seek a new and more open global trading system not for its own sake but for our own sake.

      Vice-Chairman, Federal Reserve, Clinton Admin. Alan Blinder
      I supported NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) then, I supported NAFTA now,for the same reasons. The main one is I, like most economists, generically favour trade
      liberalization because trade leads to gains on both sides.

      As Jorge Castaneda who was later Finance Minister of Mexico once said, he said, NAFTA was an arrangement between the rich and powerful of all three countries leaving ordinary people out.

      Exec. Director, Center for Community Change Deepak Bhargava:
      What that really means, in simple language,is that corporations are able to move anywhere in the world they want to seek cheap labor and exploit people, and use that as leverage against workers here in the United States of America.

      1992 Presidential Candidate Ross Rerot:
      Now, if you just want to get down to brass tacks, if your are paying 12,13,14$ an hour for factory workers, and your can move your factory south of the border, pay a dollar an hour for your labor, have no healthcare that is the most expensive single element in making a car, have no environmental controls, no pollution controls, and no retirement, and you don't care about anything but making money, there will be a giant sucking sound going south .

      If you look at the statistics since NAFTA, in all three countries, wages of workers have been stagnant; the productivity of workers has skyrocketed; and workers in all three countries have gone into debt in order to maintain their living standards.

      Senator Bernie Sanders
      We also saw a massive movement toward unfettered free trade.
      And the theory of that was that if you create trade agreements with China, where people are paid 40,50 cents an hour, and you shut down plants in America, and you move to China or you move to Mexico, that, in some way that we haven't quite figured out yet, this is gonna be good for the American worker.

      For 20 years ,the American public believed we could simultaneously outsource all of our jobs and simultaneously maintain our quality of life at home.
      We thought we could do that . Guess what, no such thing.

      We are eviscerating our manufacturing capability, all in the name of lower prices, all in the name of free trade, all in the name of the market always knows best.
      The market does't know best.

      Computer Programmer Kim Berry:
      Through the 1980s, I was living the American dream, and that was really the high point of my career, and that was really the high point of my career. I didn't know it at the time .
      But I was earning $50 an hour as a consultant in '97 at HP. When I left HP to do a dot com venture and HP at the time said, that's great, if it doesn't work out, you always heave a job here, and, in fact, whatever you learn in dot com, that'll be valuable to your long-term career at HP.

      What happened while I was out doing the dot com, HP started bringing in workers from India because they would work for a lot cheaper.
      And also they brought them in to train them, to get some foreigners trained, so that they could then ship them back to the research and development labs back in India and China .

      Off-shoring of employment has been with us for a very long time but has mostly been restricted to manufacturing.
      The now wrinkle is off-shoring of services.
      The number and range and variety of jobs that could in principle be done abroad, say over the internet, it's enormous.

      CEO,Sterling-Winthrop (1989-1994) Lou Mattis
      If you look at it in terms of pure business ,they're the right decisions.
      You go to the lowest labor cost., in term of patriotism, they're not.

      It will be painful and for a number of reasons. One of them: it is going to be large,maybe over the cost of the next generation, 30,40 million jobs.
      It's important to note this is not either about only low skilled jobs or only high skilled jobs; they're all over!
      If what you do is write computer code, routine computer code, you might as well be anywhere in the world.
      You lose nothing in quality if you move the job from Indianan to India.

      Paul Craig Roberts, a co-founder of Reaganomics, feels that big business has gone too far.
      He said: All these ladders are being dismantled. Where are the jobs for university graduates?
      They are now beginning to face the same dilemmas that blue collar workers faced when they lost their $20 an hour manufacturing jobs with their good benefits. and so we have
      an economy that is starting to impoverish its workforce.

      And what the corporations are doing: they tell Congress, "oh, there's a shortage of engineers.There is a shortage of scientists. We can't find any." This is all an total lie.

      Many corporations will go to any lengths, including these legal but deceptive practices, to hire cheaper foreign labor.

      Present head of GE said that when he looks at the future of his company, he sees China and China and China.
      So these guys will go where the cheapest labours.
      There is no allegiance to the United States of America.

      Since 2002, GE has reduced its American workforce by tens of thousands of people.
      In 2008, the global conglomerate received a $140 billion bailout from American taxpayers.
      GE also spends more money lobbying Congress than any other corporation in the world.
      In 2011, President Obama appointed GE's CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, to run his Presidential Council on jobs and Competitiveness.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 写的也正是我所迷茫的。和本地人聊天,他们也同样迷茫。而且正如你文章里提到的一样,很多公司的头头脑脑也一样迷茫。那么这个潘多拉盒子倒底是谁打开,又是谁在推动?我的确不知道最终会如何。当全球化没有中国印度参与时,当只有墨西哥,巴西这些国家时,
        • I do not know.:(( We are doomed again?!
      • 你太勤奋了。如果是我,把youtube的录像往上一扔,请大家自己看吧,省得自己费劲写了。
        • 看的时候觉的不长,敲下来真的够长。。。。
      • 十五年前刚来的时候,学校里大家发起讨论全球化的益处。拿出中国的大学毕业生在跨国公司里拿到高收入作例子,说明全球化对中国这样的发展中国家的好处。我同意,只是不大明白为什么当地媒体都不喜欢让劳动力成本更低的市场承担低端的制造行业,要保持本地的中小企业。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛不明白为什么来自巴西的好朋友那么憎恨美国的跨国公司到巴西的雨林里采矿,尽管她自己就是一个为这样的跨国矿产公司服务的传媒编辑。不明白为什么在政府工作的长辈建议我不要继续在商业领域工作,因为这是一个不健康病态的领域。


        终于明白,学校当年讨论的时候举的例子是在当时中国的“精英阶层”:年轻,受过教育,如果有益处,他们就是第一个受益者。而我用自己的眼睛看到的是没有那么好机会的普通民众,有生老病死种种他们控制不了的意外,也没有受到很好的教育,如果有坏处,第一个受打击的就是他们的利益。记得看到一个社会学者写的文章:“没来的请举手”。弱势群体就是这些没来的要举手的人。而跨国资本伤害最深的就是在世界上各个角落里那些没来的要举手的人。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 任何社会都是金字塔形的结构。没来而被举手的一直存在,而非全球化造成的。80年代前,中国不要说看不起病等死的更多,吃不起饭等死的也不少,只不过没报道而已。如果说那时没来而被举手占了95%,现在至少这部分比例大为下降,同时精英中产比例大幅增加。
          • 我有点不理解“风”的文字。比如:站在角落不举手的人,是谁?我是举手的还是不举手的,是角落的还不是角落的?
            • 我看的文章是讲中国,所以不是指能在这里讨论的任何人,除非是从国内跳墙出来。但那篇文章里的“没来的”是指在中国社会利益被侵占而无法发出声音的弱者,像我的姨妈或伯伯那样的底层人民。
          • 我十几年前跟你的观点很相似,讨论经济问题的时候从来没看到经济问题后面的个人。直到有天发现这个经济学问题背后的人其实就是我的亲人。其中一位是我那位后来得乳腺癌的姨妈。当时她已经下岗多年,被临时介绍到一个门市部作柜员。有天在我家发了句什么牢骚,
            我就搬出书上的或收音机里的或自编的言论:任何一个经济转型都必然有一部分人的利益会受损失,等经济转型以后慢慢大家都会好起来。而利益受损失也是无可避免的事情。姨妈睁大眼睛顿了顿,没再继续说下去。她眼里的目光我至今记得:惊骇,惶恐,不解,失望?到加拿大之后才发现,这里的工人下岗是可以拿到EI,还有各种培训项目,劳动力市场对于雇工也不允许有任何种类的歧视。我的看法也逐渐发生了转变, 却再也没有机会对姨妈道歉。所以我到现在都在探索那目光背后的涵义。

            • 哦,好像能明白这段。就是说加拿大的safty net 比中国好。这是显然的呀,目前形势是中国的在变好,变强,加拿大的在变差,变弱,但两国之间还是存在有较大差距。
              • 我们以前在中国收入一天1块,到加拿大来收入一天5块,现在就是减到2块,还是基本能接受。但本地人不干了,减他一块就要革命了。
        • 我懂你的巴西朋友和政府工作的朋友。也理解国内那些弱势的人,尤其是工厂下岗的,境遇最不好。
          • 通过几次讨论,基本可以确定从经济的角度讲,我们是一个阵营里的战友,握手!
    • 太长了。有空慢慢看。全球化就是均贫富。普通美国人如果没有一技之长,很难生活,但是其他国家穷人能够活命。总的还说,人类境况更好。
      • 从全球的角度来看,大财团变自由党,他们要有赚钱的自由,他们要在全球均贫富,提高发展中国家人民的生活水平和福趾。我们太爱国了,眼光只局限在加拿大。。。。。