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Talking about immigration, language is definitely the key.

If newcomers know little English, how could they be immersed into this English society? They could form isolated communities. In such isolated communities, because of the language barrier, they may still keep the values of their original countries, and it's very likely that those values are totally different to the Canadian values.

Such situation is not good, or even dangerous to the whole society. For example, there has been something called "homegrown terrorism". Is it really homegrown? It actually grows in those isolated communities!

Making higher language requirement does not resolve such problem, however it's a necessary step toward that.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 什么是华人的群体利益?这要从华人的特点来看。华人勤劳聪明重视子女教育,在公平的条件下有竞争力。因此,华人的群体利益就是维护社会公平。有人就会说,每一个政治家都会声称主张维护社会公平,其实不尽然。
    比如,福特说 "Those Oriental people work like dogs. 。。。I'm telling you, Oriental people, they're slowly taking over"。很明显,福特在这里把勤劳当成威胁。还比如,保守党把受教育程度的得分降低而把语言得分提高,立马就压住了中国移民。SCA5就更是直裸裸的打击亚裔后代了。
    • 现实一些吧,来自中国的技术移民,现在登陆了还愿意久居的,非常少了。现在不是十年前了。愿意留下的,大都是为子女教育考虑的,多半还有一个在中国继续挣钱的,留下的0收入领福利
      • 还有一部分愿意留下的是回不去的,国内竞争太激烈,还是这里比较好混
    • 这么可爱的胖哥能这么说?他这样说,拉拉知道吗?
    • Talking about immigration, language is definitely the key.
      If newcomers know little English, how could they be immersed into this English society? They could form isolated communities. In such isolated communities, because of the language barrier, they may still keep the values of their original countries, and it's very likely that those values are totally different to the Canadian values.

      Such situation is not good, or even dangerous to the whole society. For example, there has been something called "homegrown terrorism". Is it really homegrown? It actually grows in those isolated communities!

      Making higher language requirement does not resolve such problem, however it's a necessary step toward that.
    • 其实这句话的关键在于Oriental,这个词就好像日本说中国是支那一样,有贬义。从这里看出,当地人从小受的教育就是把华裔看成奴隶,从修铁路的那一代开始。
      • 记得那次节目里贾宁扬说过,08年他采访胖富的时候,他自己都不知道这个次是侮辱中国人的,是福特说的,冒犯了中国人,他道歉