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Maybe you can learn Geography and work in GIS(Geographic Information Systems) in the future. Here's a story about the Geography student who are working for a GIS company.......

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When Jeff Dean came to Perth, Ontario, to visit his grandfather for a weekend, he wasn't expecting to run into a fabulous career opportunity. Jeff, currently a third-year geography student, had an interest in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). When he heard that Jim Peden, a local high school teacher, had an similar interest, Jeff looked up his phone number and called him. They met for only a few hours, but Jeff was hooked.
A few months later, when Jim called him and offered a co-op position with his new company, the Centre for Geographic Information Systems (CGIS), Jeff agreed.

CGIS, based in Perth, is a firm that creates digital base maps and related databases for clients in both the public and private sector. These maps and databases are the basis of GIS.

Jeff's first work term with CGIS was excellent. Since there were no predefined job descriptions or roles, Jeff's responsibilities were varied and challenging. He worked in AutoCAD, trained and supervised a staff of four co-op students, and created an assignment for a Grade 11 class at the local high school. Further, he wrote the CGIS user manual and prepared and delivered several presentations on the benefits of GIS to stakeholders.

For his next work term, Jeff decided to return to CGIS as a project manager. He began delegating his previous duties, and became an active participant in meetings and the business side of CGIS. His value to CGIS had grown, and when he realized his dynamic role within the expanding company, he decided to remain there for a third work term. Jim Peden, in his evaluation of Jeff, writes "[Jeff's] task orientation, contribution to team problem solving and his limitless energy re-emphasized both the necessity and the true value of co-op learning at the university level."

Now a full-time employee at CGIS, Jeff is completing his Bachelor of Environmental Studies through distance education. He credits UW co-op for providing him with a career opportunity in his field of choice, and for allowing him to graduate debt free. It's a great example of the UW co-op solution at work: a student and an employer, both more than satisfied.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 真诚地希望听到你们的看法, 我都不知道自己这样做对不对.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我30出头,早年来加为了生存放弃了上大学的机会. 在college混了两年没毕业就很幸运地找到工作, 好在电脑行业不太看重文凭, 我这多年来换了几次工作最后找到现在这一个, 也算一个小头母,做了4年., 公司在现在这样的情况下都还营运不错, 我肯定3年之类工作是稳定的,收入还可以, 有自己的房子,贷款已还完,还有一个Condo在收租. 一个女朋友, 交往3年了, 最近在逼婚.

    最近一段时间,不知道为什么, 感觉很压抑. 每天晚上睡觉前在后院子抽烟的时候尤其如此, 难道我的生活就是这样了吗? 人生的路在30岁就走到了尽头? 我少年时代的梦想到现在一个都没实现, 没有一个大学学位对我来说真的不能算一段完整的人生, 一辈子的遗憾. 我总是在想30岁还能不能从新开始, American beauty 我看了无数遍, 我为那个父亲感动, 40多岁还敢从头再活一次, 到麦当劳打工, 追求女儿的好朋友... 几个月前在Rolia上和一个网友瓣嘴的时候, 她说了一句话, 大意是, 为什么人长大了,独立了, 反而开始害怕了,开始患得患失了? 对阿, 我怕什么? 我问自己, 那么艰苦不都过来了吗? 再来一次有什么可怕的, 我不想在这种后悔忧郁中过一辈子. 我觉得我还有梦.

    瞒着家人和女友, 我在3月底申请了几所大学, 这几天陆陆续续收到了通知. 到了这时侯到开始有点茫茫然, 不知道自己是不是做了一个正确的决定. 我报读的是电脑本科, 这末多年的相关工作早已使我对它失去了热情, 现在的情况下读出来找不找得到工作还有是个问题, 因为小的时候读小说<<北方的河>> 让我对地质野外工作一只感兴趣, 本想换专业, 可是出来后工作可能更成问题. 女朋友到现在还不知道我要辞职念书, 她如果知道了会怎样反应?
    我不敢想. 在理想和现实之间徘徊, 很痛苦. 很想听听大家的意见, 我这样做对吗?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • I have the same feeling four years ago
      four years ago, I have the same feeling with you. but at that time, I lived in china. and I am younger than you. almost the same situation. it is funny to recall all teh things again.
    • It's not as difficult as it looks like. And, if what you care about is you don't have a degree, just get it part time.
      We all have many dreams, and we know we can not fulfill all of them. I am happy now not because I have a job, but because I have money to do what I like. What do you like?
      • I don't know what he likes, but I know very well that I like literature and photography...
    • 我支持你!只要你不是急着用钱,如果有机会了为什么不去念?我32了,现在才办理移民,34办过来,如有可能我还想混个硕士呢。。
      • I spent two and a half years to implement my dream, and now, I have to change my major to computer again. but it is ok, I have no regret anymore,
      • Are you crazy?
    • 得到不易, 放弃更难. FUNNY OR NOT, 无产者革命最彻底, 是我的口头禅. 学会放弃, 才有更新东西的到来.
    • 我现在正在转学分, 想读一个Part Time, 我的感受跟你一样, 觉得在混日子, 但又不知道目标是什么, 所以就选择上学. 我roommate说我好像是为了上学而上学, 没有必要. 可是不上学干什么? 这是所有新移民的悲哀!!!
      • Part time 没劲
    • Dream always dream, the life is true. 为何不在现实的基础上织一个新的DREAM呢?
    • 哥儿们!在下和你同龄
      交表之前和你一样,甚至也一样的整夜吸烟,发呆,拿到FN后就不那么患得患失了。我的工作是做长线,每个PROJECT都要几年,FN意味着不能再做新项目了,收入一落千丈,自己的公司也卖了,只有等待和学习E文,但是不经过这一下,年青时的计划就全完了,不想象父辈那么碌碌无为,不管CA如何,CHANGE FOR CHANCE,NO PAIN NO GAIN,向阿甘学习!
    • I have been told that if you risk nothing, you risk everything.
    • try what you want and lost what you gain.
      what kind of life do you want ? stable or vivid . I hate myself for I can not find a good job to get enough money. otherwise, I would try again.
      of course. remember to be responsible for others who love you.
      if you married and have kids, that's another story.
      few people can do as the actor in "american beauty".
    • Maybe you can learn Geography and work in GIS(Geographic Information Systems) in the future. Here's a story about the Geography student who are working for a GIS company.......
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When Jeff Dean came to Perth, Ontario, to visit his grandfather for a weekend, he wasn't expecting to run into a fabulous career opportunity. Jeff, currently a third-year geography student, had an interest in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). When he heard that Jim Peden, a local high school teacher, had an similar interest, Jeff looked up his phone number and called him. They met for only a few hours, but Jeff was hooked.
      A few months later, when Jim called him and offered a co-op position with his new company, the Centre for Geographic Information Systems (CGIS), Jeff agreed.

      CGIS, based in Perth, is a firm that creates digital base maps and related databases for clients in both the public and private sector. These maps and databases are the basis of GIS.

      Jeff's first work term with CGIS was excellent. Since there were no predefined job descriptions or roles, Jeff's responsibilities were varied and challenging. He worked in AutoCAD, trained and supervised a staff of four co-op students, and created an assignment for a Grade 11 class at the local high school. Further, he wrote the CGIS user manual and prepared and delivered several presentations on the benefits of GIS to stakeholders.

      For his next work term, Jeff decided to return to CGIS as a project manager. He began delegating his previous duties, and became an active participant in meetings and the business side of CGIS. His value to CGIS had grown, and when he realized his dynamic role within the expanding company, he decided to remain there for a third work term. Jim Peden, in his evaluation of Jeff, writes "[Jeff's] task orientation, contribution to team problem solving and his limitless energy re-emphasized both the necessity and the true value of co-op learning at the university level."

      Now a full-time employee at CGIS, Jeff is completing his Bachelor of Environmental Studies through distance education. He credits UW co-op for providing him with a career opportunity in his field of choice, and for allowing him to graduate debt free. It's a great example of the UW co-op solution at work: a student and an employer, both more than satisfied.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 真是人生的大问题呀! 打字太慢, 简单列几条供参考
      1. 总结一下你现在的状态: 有的人会说这是MID-LIFE BLUE COMING EARLY, 不只是学位的问题.

      2. 如果你同意上面的总结, 解决的办法就不只一个. 关键是要有新梦想. 除了上学, 是不是有别的可以考虑的? 地质, 探险什么的可以作业余爱好, COLLEGE里也有类似的课程,. 你已差不多有了FINANCIAL FREEDOM, 享受生活! 喜欢家庭孩子吗? 结婚!

      3. 虽说解决的办法就不只一个, 上学是最好的选择之一. 如果能不太操心生活的压力, 把EDUCATION 当人生体验, 真是再好不过了. 我原来有同学原是STOCK BROKER, 后来学设计, 那叫体验不同人生.

      4. 给自己留后路. 不辞职念PART-TIME?

      5. 什么事变成工作了都不象小时候想的那么好了. 所以也别对地质啊什么的报太大希望.

      6. 想做梦任何时候都不晚. 但还是趁早比较好.
    • Are you crazy? All the things you have to do are for a good job.
    • 我认为人的一生最有意义的莫过于作自己喜欢作的事,只是由于各种压力我们不能这样做,从你的情况来看,房子都付完了基本没有什么压力了,为什么不让自己开开心新的作自己喜欢的事呢?
    • 咳咳咳......生存还是死亡,这是一个问题。(我这也算是答复吗?咣...铛!)
    • 读full-time,我不赞成,你可以try part-time。工作得之不易,何况现在的行情,你也是知道的。宁愿人累一点,追求无止境。人到了而立之年,对于生活和事业都要处理得当。
    • Why not to realize your dream? Maybe part time is better
    • 呵呵,不敢苟同你的做法。