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CIC 移民协助资助计划, 请看内容和URL

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Immigrant Settlement and
Adaptation Program (ISAP)


ISAP funds organizations to provide immigrants with the essential bridging services to facilitate their access to community services.
Funds are provided for up to one year.

Eligible Organizations

Not-for-profit organizations and educational institutions.

Eligible Clients

Permanent residents or people about to become permanent residents.

Eligible Services

Organizations assist new arrivals to Canada by providing reception and orientation services; translation and interpretation services; paraprofessional counselling; referral to mainstream services and employment-related activities such as job-finding clubs.
In job-finding clubs newcomers learn about the Canadian labour market, how to prepare resumes, job-search skills, interview techniques and other skills that will help them find employment.
ISAP also funds projects designed to complement or improve the delivery of settlement services. These include planning improvements for the delivery of settlement programs, research projects on settlement and immigration integration, seminars and conferences to share information about settlement and integration activities, and training of ISAP workers.

To Find Out More About ISAP

Contact your nearest Canada Immigration Centre.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 饺子为SAILOR支歪招--欢迎大家讨论可行性
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛下岗了? 恭喜恭喜!

    这是许多加拿大人求之不得的机会. 可以领EI了.

    1. 如果你经济尚不成问题, 索性就歇上一阵子. 一边领EI, 一边找工作.

    2. 考虑做个CONTRACTOR, 钱多, 税少. 当然要MARKETING自己. 但编程高手, EVALUATION很好做, 是不是行家, 一出手就知道了. 俺知道几个CONTRACTOR的WEBSITE, 你要, 俺找找. 这样的经济形势, 许多公司倒愿意按PROJECT找CONTRACTOR.

    3. I HATE TO COMMERCIALIZE ROLIA. 千万别把ROLIA商业化. 但有几个可能性可以探讨.
    1) 注册ROLIA为NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, 这样我们可以DONATE,同时也可减税.我第一个DONATE. $100不多, $5不少. 你干脆全职管理ROLIA算了.

    2) 还有个更好的途径. CIC(加拿大移民局)的IMMIGRATION SETTLEMENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM, 提供资金给为帮助移民融入社会的ORG. 如温哥华的中侨SUCCESS就是使用的FEDERAL GOVERNMENT的资金. 如果你有意, 我可以RESEARCH一下. 记得每个LANDING的移民的$975的LANDING FEE吗, 就是这个用途, 包括免费的ESL课程. 我认为ROLIA在这方面是QUALIFIED.

    3) 我一直酝酿出本书, 你有类似兴趣, 我们可以探讨.

    4) 开个ROLIA饺子店, 哈哈 (其实不是玩笑. 俺在认真地考虑BUSINESS, 受不了加拿大高额税率, 俺不准备做没有多少DEDUCTION的EMPLOYEE, 听起来不少, 拿回家没多少)


    放弃了一份工作, 其实却打开了无数的机会. THINK OUT OF BOX!

    饺子是认真的.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好招. u are truly full of talent
      1.下岗是值得恭喜的. 这意味着另外一个全新的事业的开始;
      2.CONTRACTOR 就别作了.还是利用这九个月好好开发rolia.com 吧;
      2)可以向政府要钱---这部分钱真的是取之于民,用之于ROLIA;你不用,别人拿去用于其他社区. 为什么不利用它活跃一下ROLIA社区呢?
      3) 可以帮助没有加拿大经验的高手解决经验问题,聘他们为义工;大伙都有利;
      4) 等发展了以后,还可以真正的帮别人解决就业问题; ROLIA的功劳大大的;

      • 我不赞成把ROLIA直接的商业化, 也没有合适的BUSINESS MODEL. 但如你所说, 其他太多的事情可以做. CONTRACTOR有个好处, 就是项目可以在美国找.
        • 我这人比较老土,我觉得还是做Contractor比较省事。
    • sounds good...有3个问题:1、我们donate的钱够Sailor开销吗?2、你要出什么书?3、饺子店卖东北的饺子吗?hoho,另外,好象说政府给的拨款越来越少了,以致ESL要收注册费。我倒觉得做contractor可能性比较大。
    • Thank you, 饺子. You light my way, I'm considering all these carefully and seriously.
      • 正好我家speed也闲着, 要不你们两个一起做些contract得了. 嘻嘻...
    • 1. DONATION是其中一项, NON-PROFIT ORG有很多可以利用的政策优势
      1. DONATION是其中一项, NON-PROFIT ORG有很多可以利用的政策优势

      2. 政府的钱是越来越少了. 但是总是有, 关键我们要RESEARCH

      3. 书? 太多主题可以写了. 我可以找到出版商, 关键是要做好才能赚钱, NOR-RPOFIT出书就免了

      4. 还有一些更好的IDEAS没出台, 主要是还未成熟, 也想听听大家的主意. 请注意5后面是点点, 意思是不局限这几个主意, 欢迎大家BRAINSTORMING
      • I'm not quite sure about the policies, but I remember the NPO can use the funds collected by donation for investment and the profit is tax deductable.
    • Contractor is one of the best choice
      Contractor is one of the best choice, provided you are good in English.
      My opinions:
      First priority is still try to find another job. Usually you can get one in one or two months. You can't live on donations (seriously). You can't depend on the government's assistance

      Other option:
      * teach computer courses in some computer schools
      * Find some friends to form a consulting company and start your own business.
      * back to school
      • u must misunderstand something
        Our suggestion is about Sailor with Rolia;
        1. Those donation is for Rolia Community not for Sailor;
        2. Rolia community will get some fund from government not sailor depanding on Government; Don't u see lots of communities are still getting funds from government now.
        3. Sailor will be the CEO of the Rolia community;

        4. He will be a self-employee and never be laid off
        • 除了我们LAY OFF他, 哈哈
          • 你敢嘛?不怕XDJM们群殴?嘻嘻
      • Contractor is not a good choice for a programmer at this moment
        1. Don't u see any company related to "e-xxx" has been getting shrinked since last year;
        2. The economic situation now is really bad for contractor ;
        3. It's really hard for consulating company to get contract;
    • 他们傻吗?
      刚来加拿大时, 最常去的地方是CHAPTER书店. (不知道多伦多有没有)

      浓香咖啡气味和舒适的环境, 让我一坐就是半天.

      最不明白的是即使你不买书, 你可以坐在里面随便看. 除了书不能拿回家外(当然你买就不同了), 比图书馆好多了, 书全是THE LATEST. 我百思不得其解, 他们这样怎么赚钱?

      实在忍不住, 拉着他们的员工, 问, 人人都在这里免费看书, 你们怎么盈利呀. 他答到: 最重要是把人吸引来, 生意也就来了.

      回去想了半天, 有道理, 想想在国内, 极少进书店, 站着挑书太累, 看长了, 还招白眼. 那些裸体摄影的, 还封上塑料膜. 嘻嘻

      关键在人, 或者, 人流量. (不是TRAFFIC, 点击数) 商机在此. 如何开发这个资源, 还未想成熟.

      最近, 很懒.
      • Do u know CHAPTER didn't make money at all during recent years? Maybe someday will be closed.
        • 知道, 那是个COMPLEX问题, 这里只是借鉴他们的经营方式之一, (其实在北美都是如此)
      • 品牌是有价值的!!!
    • Sailor, 办法总是有的,关键要大家开动脑筋,俗话说,三个臭皮匠,顶一个诸葛亮,更不要说这么多聪明的脑袋瓜子凑在一起了 :)
    • some would call it not relevant to this topic..but please read..
      from 林达 - 《历史深处的忧虑》
      • 好贴! 我正在酝酿的CONCEPT与此异曲同工. 还没想好.
        • If we Chinese people can do this kind of thing. That would be the time for we Chinese to be strong enough to live in this country.
          • another one..
            from [旅美轶事之四十四]火锅店事件--草庵居士
    • CIC 移民协助资助计划, 请看内容和URL
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Immigrant Settlement and
      Adaptation Program (ISAP)


      ISAP funds organizations to provide immigrants with the essential bridging services to facilitate their access to community services.
      Funds are provided for up to one year.

      Eligible Organizations

      Not-for-profit organizations and educational institutions.

      Eligible Clients

      Permanent residents or people about to become permanent residents.

      Eligible Services

      Organizations assist new arrivals to Canada by providing reception and orientation services; translation and interpretation services; paraprofessional counselling; referral to mainstream services and employment-related activities such as job-finding clubs.
      In job-finding clubs newcomers learn about the Canadian labour market, how to prepare resumes, job-search skills, interview techniques and other skills that will help them find employment.
      ISAP also funds projects designed to complement or improve the delivery of settlement services. These include planning improvements for the delivery of settlement programs, research projects on settlement and immigration integration, seminars and conferences to share information about settlement and integration activities, and training of ISAP workers.

      To Find Out More About ISAP

      Contact your nearest Canada Immigration Centre.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • This is a great idea. Some of the workshops that teach people how to look for job may be sponsored by this fund. I remember yesterday's Totonto Star says the provincial government is going to spend more money to help new immigrants.
      • 越看越觉得可以继续探讨. ROLIA QUALIFIED可能性很大. 政府支付工资, 福利, 和业务开销. ROLIA如果有意, 可以组个TEAM, PUT TOGETHER A PROPOSAL. 请看...
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURES

        CIC funding varies according to the nature of the activities. Proposed expenditures must be necessary and reasonable. CIC will not fund any expenses that can be covered by another source. If your proposal is approved, you must keep records of all expenditures and activities and be prepared to justify these before payment can be made.

        Staff salaries and wages

        CIC may contribute towards the salaries and wages of staff who are involved with ISAP-funded activities, up to the current salary or wage rate for similar work in the local labour market.


        CIC may contribute towards your share of mandatory employment-related costs for staff, as required by federal or provincial/territorial laws. These costs are:

        Canada Pension Plan;
        Employment Insurance;
        vacation pay;
        Workers' Compensation premiums, where applicable;
        employer's health tax, where applicable;
        education levy, where applicable.
        These costs are based on a percentage of wages and vary from province to province. Ask a Settlement Officer which rates apply in your region.

        CIC may also contribute towards non-mandatory employment-related costs for staff such as life insurance, retirement plans and long-term disability insurance.

        Overhead costs

        CIC may contribute towards your overhead costs, including:

        space rental;
        licenses, permits;
        bank charges;
        leasing or purchase of equipment under $500;
        fees for technical advice, research, accounting and audit services;
        staff training;
        travel, meals and accommodation to attend conferences, workshops and seminars in Canada.
        Costs for travel, meals and accommodation must not exceed government rates. Wherever possible, you are expected to book in advance and use public transportation, to keep costs down.

        Capital costs

        CIC may contribute towards the lease or purchase of capital assets worth $500 or more. These should be considered as special costs and each must be approved by CIC. Funds are provided if the capital assets are deemed necessary to the success of the activities. Disposal of assets when the program winds down will be at CIC's discretion.

        Goods and Services Tax (GST)

        CIC may fund part of the GST you pay on purchases. If you are eligible for a GST rebate (or Input Tax Credit), CIC will reimburse you 100 percent of the GST you have paid, minus the rebate you are entitled to. For example, if you are incorporated as a not-for-profit organization, you may be entitled to a 50 percent rebate from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, with CIC reimbursing the other 50 percent.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Good one. Hi Sailor, it's time for you to think about it again.. and this idea is more feasible than my original one.
        • 饺子的头脑特灵活,真是有其母必有其子,佩服
          • 有饺子必有饺子馅儿,呵呵。。。
        • For Not-for-profit organizations who may apply to be a service provider of ISAP program, they should have been in existence for at least two years.
          • I noticed too. But individual is qualified too. I think it is still doable.
            • I guess there is limitation on services you can claim to provide if apply as individual..
            • Anyway I think sailor had better to register rolia as a NPO first.
          • Dont give up so easily, should does not mean must. There are always excepstions to should. If you compare the requirement of educational institutions, you may notice that the wording is different.