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观Presqu'ile wetland黄昏有感而作

观Presqu'ile wetland黄昏有感而作




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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 观Presqu'ile wetland黄昏有感而作
    观Presqu'ile wetland黄昏有感而作



    • 有点象拼体文
      • 拼体文是什么?
        • 骈体文。
          • 呵呵,吓写的没什么章法:)
            • 那时目害马并体文。:-)
              • 口下马并人丽文...
                • 骈文很华丽公整啊。在下写给长辈的较正式的信都用骈文,取其华而不实。写情书只用英文,取其放浪形骸。给朋友写信则用杂文,嬉笑怒骂,指点江山。。。。:-)
                  • 加一个写检讨书用甲骨文,让人不知所云 ;)
                    • 复习中学语文。丘迟《与陈伯之书》。仅此一书而令三军卸甲,足见骈文之妙:-)
                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛迟顿首。陈将军足下无恙,幸甚幸甚。将军勇冠三军,才为世出,弃燕雀之小志,慕鸿鹄以高翔。昔因机变化,遭遇明主,立功立事,开国称孤,朱轮华毂,拥旄万里,何其壮也!如何一旦为奔亡之虏,闻呜镝而股战,对穹庐以屈膝,又何劣邪!寻君去就之际,非有他故,直以不能内审诸己,外受流言,沈迷猖獗,以至于此。圣朝赦罪责功,弃瑕录用,推赤心于天下。安反侧于万物,将军之所知,不假仆一二谈也。朱鲔喋血于友于,张绣剚刃于爱子,汉主不以为疑,魏君待之若旧。况将军无昔人之罪,而勋重于当世。夫迷涂知反,往哲是与,不远而复,先典攸高。主上屈法申恩,吞舟是漏。将军松柏不剪,亲戚安居,高台未倾,爱妾尚在,悠悠而心,亦何可言。今功臣名将,雁行有序,佩紫怀黄,赞帷幄之谋,乘轺建节,奉疆场之任;并刑马作誓,传之子孙。将军独腼颜借命,驱驰毡裘之长,宁不哀哉!夫以慕容超之强,身送东市,姚泓之盛,而缚西都。故知霜露所均,不育异类,姬汉旧邦,无取杂种。北虏僭盗中原,多历年所,恶积祸盈,理至焦烂。况伪嬖昬狡,自相夷戮,部落摧离,酋豪猜二。方当系颈蛮邸,悬首蒿街。而将军鱼游于沸鼎之中,燕巢于飞幕之上,不亦感乎!

                      暮春三月,江南草长,杂花生树,群莺乱飞。见故国之旗鼓,感平生于畴日,抚弦登陴,岂不怆恨?所以廉公之思赵将,吴子之泣西河,人之情也,将军独无情哉?想早励良规,自求多福。当今皇帝盛明,天下安乐,白环西献,楛矢东来,夜郎滇池,解辫请职,朝鲜昌海,蹶角受化;惟北狄野心,倔强沙塞之间,欲延岁月之命耳。中军临川殿下,明德茂亲,总兹戒重,弔民洛汭,伐罪秦中。若遂不改,方思仆言。聊布往怀,君其详之。丘迟顿首。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • 什么时候的中学学这?就记得陋室了。
                    • lol!!!
                  • Can you pen a how-to manual on composing a love letter?
                    • LOVEMAKER V3.1
                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛LOVEMAKER V3.1

                      Welcome to the LoveMaker! (v3.1 Erosoft Industries, (c) 1993)

                      At the prompt, please enter your response.

                      I am the LOVEMAKER. A personalized, interactive poetry assistance
                      program. What is your name?


                      What a nice name, JOHN. You must be a man.


                      How nice for you. Who is your poem for, JOHN?


                      How nice for SHEILA. She must be a woman?


                      SHEILA must be very special to you, JOHN. Is she?


                      What is the occasion, JOHN?

                      >VALENTINE'S DAY

                      SHEILA is a very lucky woman. I will need information about SHEILA
                      for a poem that best reflects your deep feelings for her, JOHN.
                      What color are her eyes?


                      Thank you, JOHN. But could you be more specific? Are they blue
                      like the sky after a clearing storm? Are they the icy blue of the
                      far flung fjords, shrouded in mist and mystery?
                      Are they the steely blue of Walter Gropius's later Bauhaus
                      sketchbooks? Are they a cornflower blue that speaks of Sunday
                      picnics in simpler times?

                      >THEY LOOK KIND OF GRAY WHEN SHE'S ANGRY

                      Thank you, JOHN. What about SHEILA'S hair?


                      Thank you, JOHN. But could you be more specific? Is it ash blond
                      with some auburn like the silky tresses of Rapunzel?
                      When the sun hits it in a certain way in the late afternoon does it
                      look like spun gold? Is it the hard, cheap blond of the streetwise
                      trollop or the dazzling, brilliant satin of Renaissance cherubim?

                      >I THINK SHE DYES IT

                      Thank you, JOHN. Are there any other characteristics we should
                      mention in our poem to SHEILA?


                      JOHN, are you still there?


                      Thank you, JOHN. But could you be more specific? Is it fine and
                      alabaster and tightly grained like antique porcelain, slow-fired by
                      master craftsmen? Or is it pink and lustrous like the hand-burnished
                      silver one's Grandmother might be found polishing with gentle,
                      loving strokes on a rainy Sunday afternoon?

                      >SHE TANS TWICE A WEEK

                      SHEILA must be very special to you, JOHN. You must have deep
                      feelings for SHEILA to write her a special VALENTINE'S DAY poem.


                      How nice for you, JOHN. What kind of poem do you think SHEILA would


                      My MENU (Alt+M) offers the following styles.
                      At the prompt, please choose ONE:
                      | Couplet | Triplet | Quatrain | Eclogue | Pastoral | Sonnet | Elegy |
                      | Epic | Ballad | Lyric | Ode | Idyll | Haiku | ??? |


                      That's O.K., JOHN. How do you see yourself? Please choose ONE:

                      | Laureate | Bard | Sonneteer | Troubadour | Meistersinger |
                      | Jongleur | Versifier | Rhapsodist | Lyricist | Other |


                      Can you be more specific?

                      >I GUESS...

                      Perhaps if you briefly shared your innermost dreams and desires,



                      >I'M THINKING

                      May I make a suggestion, JOHN?


                      Perhaps you imagine yourself a hopeless romantic, JOHN. A man who
                      lives and loves with passion and desire and appetite. A man who
                      grabs great platters from the groaning board of this world and eats
                      his fill. A man who takes what he wants the moment he sees it and
                      makes it his own. A man who kneads fate in his strong hands, shapes
                      it and commands it. A man with a reckless bent and the courage of
                      fire. A man who sees beauty in a raindrop and all the truth of the
                      universe in the eyes of a child. A man with needs and wants aflame
                      within him. A man of power and means of influence, JOHN. A man
                      destined to be the envy of other men. A man that few can ever
                      understand and fewer still will have the guts to love. A man of whom
                      it might be said...

                      Would that Alexander in his age had but half the measure of his
                      strong stout heart or clear hawk's eyes undimmed and true, pooled
                      with azure purpose. No earthbound mortal he, but master o'er each
                      and all...

                      Would this describe your self-image accurately, JOHN?


                      I thought so. I'll use my random SEARCH MODE (Alt+S) to choose an
                      appropriate style for you, JOHN. One that truly expresses your
                      deep feelings for SHEILA on VALENTINE'S DAY.

                      Please wait...

                      To print poem, please enter command Alt+P at prompt.


                      Dear SHEILA,

                      Roses are red
                      Violets are blue
                      Your hair is blond
                      and your eyes are gray (when angry)


                      Thank you for using LOVEMAKER v3.1 from EROSOFT更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • to be the versifier drafting a poem of elegy