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How to Drain Pipes for the Winter

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hot tips for avoiding frozen pipes with This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey


1. Shut off the main water valve, which is typically located near the water meter.
2. Drain hot and cold water from house by attaching a hose to sill cock or basement faucet; drain the water into a sump-pump pit or to the outdoors.
3. Open all faucets and flush all toilets in house, starting with top floor and working your way down.
4. Close all the faucets in house.
5. Connect an air compressor to an open sill cock or basement faucet and blow air into the system at 70 pounds per square inch (psi).
6. Open sink faucets to allow water to blow out.
7. Turn on the dishwasher and allow it to run to clear water from the drain line.
8. Run both hot and cold water through the washing machine to flush out the lines.
9. Open the shut-off valve beneath each toilet to allow compressed air to blow out water from water-supply tubing for a few seconds, then close the valve.
10. Pour propylene glycol into every sink and tub trap.
11. Add a little propylene glycol to every toilet tank.
12. Drain any water left in the boiler into a bucket, and then pump propylene glycol back into the boiler's piping.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 2013圣诞多伦多大停电记
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dec 21 Saturday
    2:30-5:30am 断断续续跳过几次闸,因为以前也发生过,所以没有太留意

    Dec 22 Saturday
    10:30pm 又断了一次,但很快恢复

    Dec 22 Sunday
    1:30am "大戏"开始,停电了, 本来以为到天亮就能恢复,但一直等到早上7,8点,还没有一点动静。最糟糕的是车被锁在车库了,哎。室内温度18度。
    11am 走路去车站,坐车到subway, 到kennedy station被告知scarborough RT 停了,只有shuttle bus, 坐shuttle bus到了scarborough town centre

    12:30am - 6pm 总觉得停电是暂时的,所以就先吃饭,再逛逛马路, 觉得town centre里人特别多,food court里要等位子等很久,每家排对都很长. 后来想到可以去walmart买个小的propane tank (家里有,也锁在车库了),可以烧饭烧水,可是一去,都卖完了,还就到有人抱着小的bbq炉子出来,觉得有点不妙.

    7:30pm 坐shuttle bus, subway, bus回家,理解到什么叫pitch dark, 手电筒等已找出来,还点了个蜡烛,没有电视,没有internet, 用手机上一下网,但手机电池已经不多了,盖了两层被子,用手电筒看了会书,就睡了。室内温度15度。

    Dec 23 Monday
    9:00am-2:00pm 想想还是不死心,坐车又去附近的walmart supercentre, 号称全加生意最好的,还是没有propane tank,很多camping的东西也卖光了, 抱着一丝希望,又跑到对面的canadian tire,也没有,还帖着一张notice : all bbq stoves, propane tanks, etc are temp sold out. 只好回家,在subway给手机,ipad充了一下电, 觉得非常慢.

    2:00-8:00pm 开始动大bbq炉子的脑筋 lol,可是back yard门开不开,给冻住了, 试了几次,只能作罢。 翻箱捣柜,总算找出了个radio, 居然是n年前(n>20)的panasonic的walkman带radio的那种! 换节电池,work的非常好,一看上面的lable, made in taiwan. 马上调到680 news, 一听300,00家没电,现在还有115,00家没电,可能要到周末才能修好.no kidding 看看室内温度12度, 估计挨不到周末,准备明天撤退。 晚上极冷,想想titanic里的jack为了爱情跳到冰冷的大西洋真是伟大.

    Dec 23 Tuesday
    4:00am-7:30am 所谓早睡早起,早上4点半就醒了,睡不着了,听了听新闻,好象没有太多改善,开了些warming centre. 想想多伦多的市政建设这些年真是蛮差的,很多highway,subway, basic infrastructure还是50,60年代设计的,那时多少人,现在多少人.
    7:30am 正在胡思乱想,只听见一种巨大engine重新启动的声言,不敢相信, 咬了下手指头,是真的 (这是编的),来电了! 飞奔下楼,开了车库门,开出车,抢出两罐propane tank, and that concludes my 2013圣诞多伦多大停电记.

    后记 - lessons learned
    1. never install garage door opener when you cannot access garage from within the house
    2. be thankful to the things you have and never take anything for granted更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 即使装了遥控器,车库门还是可以手开的。
      • 如果没有直通车库的门,人进不去,还是没戏。不过不少人的确不了解怎么在里面手动开车库门,买的房子带opener,估计没人关心说明书
        • 从外面也可以手动开车库门, 要有跟遥控器配备的钥匙, 车库门上有一个小钥匙孔是为这个设的。
          • 赶紧studay一下, 以备不时之需
          • 好像很多人都不知道车库门是可以从外面打开的呀 上次车库门坏了 修的师傅说了才知道
            • 我们买房子的时候我就问这个问题了, 开发商的销售员教我们的. 后来我们还是给车库开了旁门, 有时要去车库取一点小东西就不用轰隆隆的开车库大卷门了.
          • 车库门上的钥匙孔,是标配手动开门的,但是未必跟opener连在一起,开锁机构不同。而且可能很多人没有车库门钥匙。不是每个opener都可以从外面轻松打开的
    • 我是靠壁炉维持室温在19度。
      • 请问没电的时候怎么开壁炉?要特殊打火么?
        • 得是壁炉一直放在pilot 上,如果断电时完全off的就没办法了
        • 没电时,有手动打火方式,具体看说明书。
    • 嫉妒 我们家现在还没电呢 孩子都感冒了
      • 我们家也没电。
        • 同情,昨晚来电的,深刻体会到什么是饥寒交迫。
          • 谢谢,26号凌晨来的,总算结束饥寒交迫的日子了。
        • 虽没经历,但也感同身受,上帝保佑你们能早点恢复用电
          • 谢谢,已有电了。但现在多伦多还有人在黑暗中等待,愿他们能早日通电。
    • 两天前在Markham & 14th Ave. 的阳光超市看到还有足量的气罐出售。卡式炉 (Gas Stove)也有。需要的人可以去那里碰碰运气。
    • 我家周日早晨断电,周三凌晨1点半恢复,期间房间温度跌到0度以下。正准备去避难呢,电来了。算一个圣诞礼物
      • 还好水管没有冻裂。
        • 地下室一个水龙头一直在放水,虽然很慢,可以保证不冻
    • How to Drain Pipes for the Winter
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hot tips for avoiding frozen pipes with This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey


      1. Shut off the main water valve, which is typically located near the water meter.
      2. Drain hot and cold water from house by attaching a hose to sill cock or basement faucet; drain the water into a sump-pump pit or to the outdoors.
      3. Open all faucets and flush all toilets in house, starting with top floor and working your way down.
      4. Close all the faucets in house.
      5. Connect an air compressor to an open sill cock or basement faucet and blow air into the system at 70 pounds per square inch (psi).
      6. Open sink faucets to allow water to blow out.
      7. Turn on the dishwasher and allow it to run to clear water from the drain line.
      8. Run both hot and cold water through the washing machine to flush out the lines.
      9. Open the shut-off valve beneath each toilet to allow compressed air to blow out water from water-supply tubing for a few seconds, then close the valve.
      10. Pour propylene glycol into every sink and tub trap.
      11. Add a little propylene glycol to every toilet tank.
      12. Drain any water left in the boiler into a bucket, and then pump propylene glycol back into the boiler's piping.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 车库可以用钥匙开,我的前房东没有留下钥匙,只好等来电后重新买去homedepot买把新锁,换上就行。 同事建议买个发电机以备不测,就是烧油发电,还不错,停电的时候我搜到Canadian Tire有现货卖,惊喜,一路上刷新都有库存,到现场才发现因为停电,关门!
      • Install a garage opener that works without power (ie. it has a backup battery power which is good for at least 5~10 cycles).