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Canada is good for immigrants, esp. Chinese. The sense of belonging to the community is import. You get this in some major cities in US.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The community services esp. community centers are not as many and as good as in Toronto, Canada. Schools in California are lack of funding and openly asking for large sum of donations and gift cards to teachers. If you like ice skating like me, ice skating in CA is expensive and I can only do this once ever two or three weeks. In Toronto, I can do twice a week. Personally I like Toronto more than LA, only the winter weather in LA is much better, but I don't mind the cold winter weather too much. I miss Tim Hortons so much. Guess I have turned the first page over and start to find sense of belonging here after living here for more than 2 years. Plus I find more recognition here in my current US company, which I didn't enjoy the same level of recognition in my Canadian office of the same company. Feels like Americans (including immigrants in the US) are more easy going in career competition than Canadians (including immigrants in Canada). We help each other more. That doesn't mean there is no fierce job competition. You have to be good at presenting yourself and connecting to people, esp. for me in management and leadership positions.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 讨论美国好还是加拿大好,是很可笑的
    • 10000% right!!!
      • 奇怪有人讨论这个,怕伤大家的心,一直没说,其实加拿大是个狗屁国家。
        • compared to other countries, Canada is okay and not bad, but compared to USA, it is really really nothing - big system problems! and long way to catch up. Under the current systems, the gap is bigger and bigger!!!
        • 一个狗屁国家竟然被拿来跟第一相比。你恨的是这个狗屁国家,还是很那些不长眼的人?
      • Chinse in USA never 讨论美国好还是加拿大好, and it is because it is abvious and not necessary to compare at all!
    • Whenver I have to compare the two, I feel like comparing Tsinghua University and Jiangxi Normal University - they are not at the same level at all!!!
      • 一个把八万薪水当成了不得的事,还可劲贬低加拿大的人, 我对你的很多结论表示怀疑。
        • 如果我不经意伤了你的心,我道歉 - 并祝你圣诞快乐,新年快乐!
          • 多谢,不过我从来没把这个数字看成高薪,伤心从哪说起?
        • 亲,8万在美国很多地方算高工资,因为税收低,房价物价低。在多伦多10万也不算高因为房价物价都非常高,而其税后价值更缩水。最重要的事实是在加拿大8万就算高工资了,这个更可怕。
          • 8万在美国很多地方算高工资,因为税收低....什么地方?俺想看看,别满口跑火车
    • 宁可当鸡头,绝对不当凤尾。
      • you already admitted which is 鸡 and which is 凤. The point is most time you can be the 凤头 in USA and can not even be the 鸡尾 in Canada,and that is why which is 鸡 and which is 凤.
        • I'm talking about location. If you live in new york, LA, by all means it is better. Otherwise Toronto is pretty damn good, especially for Chinese.
          Look at all the Chinese super markets and the variety of Chinese foods/restaurants, even ones in NYC and LA cannot compare.
          • yes, in term of that only, Toronto is good, but how about everything else? I would say terriable compared to the US.
    • 其实加拿大就是个大农村,美国也不过城镇而已,和中国没法比,无论从商品种类还是流行程度,都欠发达。
      • true in some sense -:)
      • 您这话说的就有点儿矫情了,这也就是您生活在加拿大才这么说。其实这个话题本身就够矫情的:您愿意去一流国家谁拦着您了?
        • 那就换一个说法:中国有的是发展的躁动,加拿大则平静祥和。喜欢热闹的时候去中国,喜欢安闲的时候来加拿大。美国,不上不下,什么也不是。
    • 哪里人多那里好,人少的地方都是农村,包括多伦多。
      • 如果多伦多是农村,我这些年在哪里呆的?
        • 整个加拿大都是个大农村,你这些年在哪里呆的你说呢?
      • 多伦多人不算少啦,我挺喜欢多伦多的。
        • 我在美国的几个同学真在大农村的,到多大开会,平行扒车不会,还得我给场外指导。
          • 平行扒车和城市规划有关系,多伦多除了当趟,别的地方还真没机会用的上。
            • 他们那就没有什么downtown,一条小街而已,有一个大公司,大家都是奔着那公司去的。
        • If you can only live in cities like Toronto, you are not suitable to come abroad, to be honest.
          • 你是说我吗?我觉得我过得挺好的呀,中国加拿大美国,都挺适应的.
    • So? 在加拿大的都是loser在美国的都是winner是吧?继续撸吧。
      • 撸,好猛的用词。
    • 二十年前,差不多吧,现在美国走下坡路也十多年了,加拿大在走平路,略往上爬点。。。
      • 我怎么觉得您说的正好相反呀,20年前两个国家还有雷同之处,经过近十多年的美国的迅猛发展特别是高科技方面,加拿大原地踏步甚至退步,其实逆水行舟不进则退。现在加拿大已经沦为三流国家了。
    • 无知啊,美国也就东西海岸加上Texas及芝加哥还可以。其余95%以上的地方都是没落的大农村。和安省和BC没发比。如不谈气候,最适合中国人住的也就LA和LSF可以和多伦多相比。
      • 上次去Dallas,星期天上午去Downtown, 诺大一个地方,走几个block也碰不上一个人,那么多商店,竟然没有一个开门的,楞是找不到一个吃饭的地方。
        • 我去的时候也是感觉像鬼城,我只是在convention centre 附近最繁华的地方。
        • 估计和你去的时间有关,达拉斯市中心还是很热闹的。
          • 在TI附近就有一大片的小区完全被荒废,还有的地方很多破旧的铁皮房子。。。总之感觉很破败。。。
            • 本来就是工业城市,当旅游的话可能会觉得没意思。市中心很多建筑还是很有特色的。
    • 不是适合自己的才是最好吗?
      • 有些所谓的牛人心里不存在“适合”二字。一辈子永远在寻求最好当中。
        • 这种讨论比北京好还是上海好还不靠谱。。。。咱们讨论北京好还是上海好吧?
      • Even though Jiangxi Normal University is good for you, you can not say it is better than Tsinghua, right? same reasoning for USA and Canada.
        • 子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐。我没去过Jiangxi,好玩不?
    • 我的一个朋友放弃已经拿到的绿卡,呆在多伦多,按他说的,就社会大环境 和人与人之间的关系来说,更喜欢多伦多,其他的其实在哪里生活都是一样,吃饭,交通,工作,小孩上学,买房。。。
      • Some stupids quit the GC and went back to China too. What does that mean? How many did that? one does not mean anything. Plus who knows he quits the GC? Chinese love "face" issue youk now.
        • 我挺你!你说的都是大实话,很多咱们加拿大华人不愿意面对这些事实也是因为面子。他们不愿意听到这些。有本事的人大多在美国,不仅仅是中国人这样,那些印度人,俄罗斯人,中东人,甚至法国人,欧洲人都是这样。有本事的去美国,退而求其次来加拿大。
          • Thanks! That is exactly what I mean!
      • 如同您的名字,给您一个解释,别当真,别把你朋友说的话当真。中国人除非犯了事儿,一般不会放弃绿卡。再说,您就问问您的朋友怎么放弃绿卡?怎么申请绿卡?您看看您的朋友怎么说,您就知道真假了。
        • 我的圈子里可不是只有这一位朋友放弃 GC。 不过也有像楼上各位的美国死忠,“ 美国是全世界最好的国家”,这句话真的是从他们心底里说出来的,不过这些人的年龄都偏大,年龄小点的比较客观点实在一点,
          • 这么奇怪的朋友都被你碰上,真的很不容易。我还是那个问题,他们是否真的放弃绿卡,他们是否曾经真的拥有过绿卡,你就问问他们怎么放弃绿卡就知道真假。你说的那个ABC根本不叫做放弃绿卡,他随时可以回去。
            • 我其中有些朋友放弃GC 移民欧洲的也多的是。生活是很现实的,不喜欢美国的人多的是,喜欢的也多的是,只是这个Rolia 的圈子,大多数人还在憧憬美国的阶段,等你拿了绿卡,生活在美国一段时间,自然知道这美国这鞋子适合不适合自己的这双脚。
    • 你眼里这世界上百多个国家,分成几流啊?要是能分个百儿八十流,咱混个三流国家呆着,挺满意的了。
      • 昨天我线上与中国同事讲祖国各地差异大,大大家都成了四不像,江南同事悠悠地反击我,我们管这个叫 各有千秋.怎不忆江南?
    • Canada is good for immigrants, esp. Chinese. The sense of belonging to the community is import. You get this in some major cities in US.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The community services esp. community centers are not as many and as good as in Toronto, Canada. Schools in California are lack of funding and openly asking for large sum of donations and gift cards to teachers. If you like ice skating like me, ice skating in CA is expensive and I can only do this once ever two or three weeks. In Toronto, I can do twice a week. Personally I like Toronto more than LA, only the winter weather in LA is much better, but I don't mind the cold winter weather too much. I miss Tim Hortons so much. Guess I have turned the first page over and start to find sense of belonging here after living here for more than 2 years. Plus I find more recognition here in my current US company, which I didn't enjoy the same level of recognition in my Canadian office of the same company. Feels like Americans (including immigrants in the US) are more easy going in career competition than Canadians (including immigrants in Canada). We help each other more. That doesn't mean there is no fierce job competition. You have to be good at presenting yourself and connecting to people, esp. for me in management and leadership positions.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这说到点,美国的好处是容易有个好起点在CAREER
    • 准确地说,美国是天堂,加拿大是地狱
      • 说地狱都抬举加拿大了,资源无限浪费.好坏人才不分.物价其贵.效率特低.不思进取.说的不好听点,只有饭桶才喜欢这里.