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Be very careful in Egypt!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have been to Egypt. The best is to take cruise on the river Nile, fly down to very Southern city Aswan from Cairo, cruise starts, you will see through Egypt all the way, also can swim on the boat and see belly dancing which is not allowed to show in public in the country. You will amaze to see the bank along the river that has no change in last thousands years, and those Muslims pray four times a day, very early in the morning you will be awakened by their crying prayer.

Food can be very headache, almost every visitor got sick in Egypt, the cleaner one is to eat on the boat. You will see many armed police on the street who carry machine gun, and their major duty is to guard tourists. It is very much like Beijing after 6.4 in 1984. Horrible! You will not be surprised to see bunkers for police hiding in along the road to the hotel .

Local people from different ages start chasing you for begging money once you are out tourist zone. You will find the huge difference between poor and rich people. Benz is all over in Cairo on the dirty non-asphalt road, but they are bounced to each other. Luxary Benz shares same road with horse and buggy. It reminds you similarity to China.
It is a very interesting and historical country, there are many places such kings valley, Russian built dam, unfinished obelisk, Hassan Mosque, visiting their bazaar and National musem, certainly to Memphis to see sphinx and pyramid, another good place is to see a botanical and plant garden on an island. It is very impressive. Alexandra Harbor is another good place to visit. It takes at least one day for back and forth from Cairo.

Always carry few bottles of water when you go out. It is very hot during the day. Their pajamas is a good thing to buy and put on, it is more comfortable and cooler then your own summer cloth. Believe it or not? Try!
To bargin is another interesting thing, use your best skill to make a deal as you do in China. They work in that way too. Many fake things, but there are still some real. Always start with giving them quarter price that they ask for then slowly going up, you will pay too much if you pay half price of they ask for.

Be very careful with their food, thieves, and your own road safety.

Buy dozens of pen and pencils, or some small useful things from dollar store here before you go, they are for those begging kids, otherwise you may end up being stoned and spitted.

I'd love to go back there for visit.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 知道这里藏龙卧虎的,向各位请教,有没有到雅典和开罗去过的? 我正准备圣诞节到希腊和埃及走一圈,有前辈请给指点一下注意事项。先谢谢了。
    • 据说“藏龙卧虎”这词不能随便用。。。

      • 多谢黑暗兄,弟我可是不入江湖,不知道上的事了。原来以为只有“龙阳”一说,未知长江之水,入海已久矣。
      • 有长知识了。:-))
      • PFPF,长见识了:D
    • check out www.lp.com, travelocity.com
      • Thanks Map. I have checked these sites and wish also to hear things from people who have really been there. Personal experience is more practical for me in planning for the trip.
    • 还没去过. 不过一个朋友去了希腊和周边的岛屿, 另一个朋友去了埃及. 都说非常好, 你要有什么具体问题, 我可以帮你问问. 另外回来请写篇游记, 供咱们参考, 如何?
      • Thank you 东北的饺子. I'll jog down useful ideas for you once I'm back from the trip. I still wish to know things like what part of town is safe and what part is not, this has something to do
        with hotel reservations, city wondering around, things like that. Thanks.
        • 好, 我去问, 明天告诉你
          • Thank you you warm hearted lady.
        • 关于开罗---(提醒, 你自己在DOUBLE CHECK 一下安全问题), 仅供参考.
          "Egypt happens to be one of the safest countries in the world. Women can walk around at night without fear. I stayed at the Mena House, which has a fabulous view of the pyramids. The tourist areas in Cairo are the pyramids, the museum, the market place, and the Mosques. You could hire a private tour guide. I used Trafalgar when I was there - they do group tours. They may also do private ones."
          -----from my friend
        • 你爱自己去玩,先去买本lonely planet,应该有所有的答案。
        • 关于雅典---希望有点帮助(朋友的回信)
          "We stayed right in the middle of town...I must say, they have a different idea of luxery hotel than we do. I could practically hear the people in the next room brushing their teeth! Anyway, I was in walking distance to the Plaka and various sites that you would not want to miss. Otherwise, I would have had to take a cab. But the real fun was the cruise to the various islands...I loved Mikonos and Santorini. If they can take some time to travel, I would check that out. The acropolis was neat as ws the parthenon. Lots of fun places to walk around. I did not feel unsafe. Hope that helps"

          ---from my friend
          • 东北的饺子你好,我要向你表示真诚的感谢。你的朋友提供的信息正是我想要的一类,很实用。Santolini岛离希腊的本土较远,我不知能否有时间去,虽然这是著名的风景旅游地点。我的目的主要多看看
            • 不客气. 回来写篇游记或者心得, 供我们没去过的人参考就好. :-) 祝你玩的好. 另外, 建议你去图书馆借本DK EYEWITNESS TRAVEL GUIDES, 有图有文, 着重历史, 建筑, 人文, 艺术, 饮食. 是我最喜欢的TRAVEL GUIDES.
    • 现在的开罗乃是非之地,要注意安全。
      • 多谢,我一定小心。我一定是见要炸汽车的就跑,见拿枪扫射的就躲,大不了装死,好歹得活着回来向各位交差,赫赫。。。
        • Be very careful in Egypt!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have been to Egypt. The best is to take cruise on the river Nile, fly down to very Southern city Aswan from Cairo, cruise starts, you will see through Egypt all the way, also can swim on the boat and see belly dancing which is not allowed to show in public in the country. You will amaze to see the bank along the river that has no change in last thousands years, and those Muslims pray four times a day, very early in the morning you will be awakened by their crying prayer.

          Food can be very headache, almost every visitor got sick in Egypt, the cleaner one is to eat on the boat. You will see many armed police on the street who carry machine gun, and their major duty is to guard tourists. It is very much like Beijing after 6.4 in 1984. Horrible! You will not be surprised to see bunkers for police hiding in along the road to the hotel .

          Local people from different ages start chasing you for begging money once you are out tourist zone. You will find the huge difference between poor and rich people. Benz is all over in Cairo on the dirty non-asphalt road, but they are bounced to each other. Luxary Benz shares same road with horse and buggy. It reminds you similarity to China.
          It is a very interesting and historical country, there are many places such kings valley, Russian built dam, unfinished obelisk, Hassan Mosque, visiting their bazaar and National musem, certainly to Memphis to see sphinx and pyramid, another good place is to see a botanical and plant garden on an island. It is very impressive. Alexandra Harbor is another good place to visit. It takes at least one day for back and forth from Cairo.

          Always carry few bottles of water when you go out. It is very hot during the day. Their pajamas is a good thing to buy and put on, it is more comfortable and cooler then your own summer cloth. Believe it or not? Try!
          To bargin is another interesting thing, use your best skill to make a deal as you do in China. They work in that way too. Many fake things, but there are still some real. Always start with giving them quarter price that they ask for then slowly going up, you will pay too much if you pay half price of they ask for.

          Be very careful with their food, thieves, and your own road safety.

          Buy dozens of pen and pencils, or some small useful things from dollar store here before you go, they are for those begging kids, otherwise you may end up being stoned and spitted.

          I'd love to go back there for visit.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Holly Molly, you made my day Engel!!! This is such great information to have. I have printed out your reply (alone with Domplin's messages too) and will sure carry them with me.
            I read and travel a lot and do realize information from people of your own kind counts the most. We share and understand a lot of things only us will share and understand. You have painted a nice image of Egypt for all of us. I'll let you know what I see once I'm back from there. Thank you Engel and wish you the best. Cheers.
            • 我的roommate是埃及开罗人,你想了解什么?或许我能帮打听点信息。
              • You are wlcome, Olala! Bring enough pills to cure diarrhea.
              • Hi Goodbyela, I have not got on line for a while and sorry kept you waiting. I really appreciate your help. Could you help me to ask your friend
                what kind of clothing I need to carry with me during Christmas and New Year, and if Luxor is a MUST see in Egypt? Which open market in Cairo is better than the others? Thank you so much.
                • for luxor, you don't need to worry about the weather,......
                  it is really nice in the day but for night time it is a little bit cold... the weather in general in egypt is nice, as minimum of 5 degree celsuis.

                  By the way, are you a pretty girl? if yes, i will help you more.( just kidding. )

                  (不好意思,以上是我让那位老兄敲上去的,临末他跟你开个玩笑,不关我事) 对了,如果你还想知道什么,你方便的话,通过rolia发mail留下你电话,你在电话里问他好了,还有至于你是不是 a pretty girl,那是开玩笑啦。总之祝你玩得愉快!