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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / 大家不知道“跑个头”吗?我们有个群叫“CRIT” Chinese Runners In Toronto。在那里记录比这里专业。有意参加的问我要密码。
    • “跑个头” 的跑友如果加入进来, 那就热闹了, 10,000 km 目标很快就会达到.
      • 这周的跑个头排行榜
        • This "*sberg" ran really fast. in 3hr 19min to finish 44.2km. Suppose he/she is running 10km each time then it rounded out to be 10km in 45 mins. As a training session, it is really good.
          I run 10km every night but I would only like to limit it to 50mins. Shorter than that I will feel I could hurt myself by pushing it too much. after all it's all about training.
          • 别suppose了,他全马就是310的水平
            • 哈哈,原来是你,难怪跑的这么快,这么狠。兄弟, 悠着点,it's just training.全马3:10已经很好了。要那么快干吗?只要fitness level达到就好了。
              不过话说这周可真冷,如果还有跑友routinely在室外跑10km的话,我可真是佩服的五体投地。那真的是hardcore ruuner
              • 我昨天早上10K晚上10K。今天修车,没跑。明天继续。
                • The biggest enemy for outdoor running is the wind. I would have enough face lotion/moisterization with full face mask to try windy days. Otherwise, your skin get dried and will be withering later.
                  • 跑步没有骑车冷,抹lotion是个好主意,我回去试试。今早是真冷,零下12度,风冷零下20度!
                    • 最近也在外面跑,用什么loution好
                      • I used Nevea, or Vaseline, whatever brand, as long as it's skin mosterizaiton all will be fine. They are just keeping the skin from losing water because of the wind.
                    • lotion wouldn't be enough for wind of these days. I'd rather add a face mask before the run. either full faced or half faced.
                • 这天气跑室外double, 太厉害! 如果写进简化山寨版"跑个头"--<<一起奔 10,000 KM>>, 会更精彩!
                  • 今早又跑了10公里。晚上还得跑回去
                    • That's insane. Pedestrians will think you are just escaped out of a mad house.
                      • 受户外的受虐狂们的刺激,但主要是三天不跑腿痒痒(是真的啊)又出去跑了一小时,接近12km,一个字"爽",尤其跑完了更爽。
                        其实也不算冷,都是自己吓自己了。跑起来就好了。我感到如果没有mask的保护,我的脸肯定会象风干的桔子皮一样。所以户外的铁人candidates 们即使aiming for Kona,也要要"脸" 啊。
                        • 跟你说了不冷的
              • 这个真不是我,310是我的目标,可望而不可及
    • 哈哈,跑个头,还以为在骂人呢。英文名字很不错,向前跑,领跑:)
      • 哈哈哈!running 跑! a 个! head 头!
    • 我有兴趣,请PM。
    • Could you please send me the password? so interested! THanks, Helen
    • can you send me password
    • 新加入跑个头的跑友:请把 Options > Log Preferences > Training Log Access 设为 "Only allow members in my groups to view my log" 不然别人看不见你的log。