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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛BURNABY
Please reply to BURNABY
6 November, 2002.
Quote File: W02-1646

Dear JaguarX:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the terrible tragedy of the death of
Amanda Wei Zhao, and concerns about the safety of women in our community.

I appreciate your interest in this situation and your frustration with the
way it has been handled by the police. I share these concerns and have
raised them in several ways. On October 23rd I wrote to the Officer in
Charge of the Burnaby Detachment of the RCMP to express the frustrations of
my constituents and to ask questions regarding the delay in contacting the
Chinese Consulate about Ms Zhao’s disappearance, the delay in making news of
her disappearance public, and the concerns about the possibility that women
of Asian descent were being targeted. A copy of my letter to
Superintendent Schmietenknop is enclosed, as is his reply. As well, I
raised this matter in the House of Commons during Question Period on October
25th, when I directly questioned the Solicitor General of Canada, and called
for a full review of the case. A copy of this exchange is also enclosed for
your information.

Please be assured of my ongoing interest in this case, and in the security
of women in my constituency. Thank you again for contacting me on this
important issue.

Sincerely yours,

[signed by]

Svend J. Robinson, M.P.

CEP 232/SCEP 232

Sent by:
Bill Siksay
Assistant to Svend Robinson MP
4453 Hastings Street
Burnaby BC V5C 2K1
604-299-4022 (phone)
604-666-0727 (fax)
CEP 232/SCEP 232更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
Sign in and Reply Report

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 我今天收到RCMP关于赵微的回信了, 并有4个attachment. 大家有兴趣看吗?
    • 有!
      • content
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛BURNABY
        Please reply to BURNABY
        6 November, 2002.
        Quote File: W02-1646

        Dear JaguarX:

        Thank you for contacting me regarding the terrible tragedy of the death of
        Amanda Wei Zhao, and concerns about the safety of women in our community.

        I appreciate your interest in this situation and your frustration with the
        way it has been handled by the police. I share these concerns and have
        raised them in several ways. On October 23rd I wrote to the Officer in
        Charge of the Burnaby Detachment of the RCMP to express the frustrations of
        my constituents and to ask questions regarding the delay in contacting the
        Chinese Consulate about Ms Zhao’s disappearance, the delay in making news of
        her disappearance public, and the concerns about the possibility that women
        of Asian descent were being targeted. A copy of my letter to
        Superintendent Schmietenknop is enclosed, as is his reply. As well, I
        raised this matter in the House of Commons during Question Period on October
        25th, when I directly questioned the Solicitor General of Canada, and called
        for a full review of the case. A copy of this exchange is also enclosed for
        your information.

        Please be assured of my ongoing interest in this case, and in the security
        of women in my constituency. Thank you again for contacting me on this
        important issue.

        Sincerely yours,

        [signed by]

        Svend J. Robinson, M.P.

        CEP 232/SCEP 232

        Sent by:
        Bill Siksay
        Assistant to Svend Robinson MP
        4453 Hastings Street
        Burnaby BC V5C 2K1
        604-299-4022 (phone)
        604-666-0727 (fax)
        CEP 232/SCEP 232更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 醒醒! 这是谁给你的信? 知道拉亚裔选民的票了, 不错.
          • 我没睡着啊.
      • Wei Amanda Zhao.doc

        Svend Robinson, MP (NDP Burnaby-Douglas) today raised in the House of Commons Question Period serious concerns about apparent “bungling” by the Burnaby RCMP in their handling of the disappearance of Chinese student Amanda Zhou. Zhou was living in Robinson’s Burnaby riding at the time of her disappearance. In Question Period today, Robinson called on Solicitor General Wayne Easter to ensure a full and comprehensive public review of all aspects of this case. He noted that Zhou’s disappearance and murder followed a number of attacks on Korean women in B.C. Robinson charged that there were unacceptable delays in the public notification of Zhou’s disappearance, and in informing the Chinese consulate in Vancouver. “It is essential that the public in Burnaby and indeed beyond have answers soon to the serious questions about the apparent serious errors by the RCMP in the handling of this case. Too many Asian Canadian women have been brutally beaten or murdered in recent times. With so many foreigners studying in the Lower Mainland, it is vitally important both for the security of those students and their families, and for the future of this important sector of our economy, that there be confidence in the RCMP’s response to serious crimes such as this.” Robinson noted as well that if Canada expects that Canadians travelling overseas will be treated with fairness, we must ensure the same for foreign students in Canada.

        Svend Robinson can be contacted in Ottawa at 613-996-5597, or through his Burnaby office at 604-299-4022.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Schmietenknop Response 2002 10 28.doc
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛FULL TEXT OF RESPONSE FROM

        28 October 2002

        Dear Mr. Robinson:

        Re: Disappearance and death of ZHAO, Amanda Wei

        Thank you for your letter of 2002 October 23 that was faxed to my office on 2002 October 24.

        There has been much initial news medial focus on the race and gender of Ms. Zhao, attempting to link this to other cases of reported attacks on Asian women throughout the Lower Mainland,

        Particularly, we are investigating separately the assault of a Korean woman in Burnaby some seventeen hours prior to Ms. Zhao’s disappearance. I can state that the situations are different. Investigators on both cases have employed the Violent Crime Link Analysis System (ViCLAS) as an investigative tool to attempt to establish links in criminal activities. This tool, utilized throughout North America, has not surfaced any links between these two investigations.

        Through our Media Liaison Officers (MLOs), we have asked the public not to make assumptions regarding the safety of Asian women in particular. Our consistent message is that all women, regardless of age or race, can be targets of unsavoury characters who sometimes prey on what they deem as defenceless individuals.

        Unfortunately, in a large multi-cultural urban environment, such attacks on women are all too common. We have many active initiatives through our community groups and School Liaison Officers to educate our citizens on personal and family safely.

        The disappearance and death of Ms. Zhao is tragic. An integrated investigative team is very active on the case. I have asked for an internal review of our procedures respecting public news releases.

        Our detachment staff are also liaising with the Chinese Student Placement Agency, DFAIT, our embassy staff in China and the local Chinese Consul General. These contacts commenced 2002 October 15 and continue in earnest.

        Lastly, should your constituent[s] [specific name deleted] have further concerns about policing, I encourage [them] to contact the nearest community police office in Burnaby.

        Yours truly,

        Original signed by

        C.G. Schmietenknop, Superintendent
        Office in Charge
        Burnaby Detachment更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 1563m.doc
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛BURNABY PLEASE REPLY TO BURNABY
        October 23, 2002 QUOTE FILE: J02-1563

        Superintendent Carl Schmietenknop
        Burnaby RCMP
        6355 Deer Lake Ave
        Burnaby, BC V5G 2J2

        Dear Superintendent Schmietenknop,

        I am writing on behalf of a constituent regarding the recent incidents in Burnaby involving two different women of Asian descent. I enclose a copy of the e-mail message I recently received from my constituent on this subject for your immediate attention.

        I share the concerns my constituent raises in this matter and would ask that you provide a detailed response to these issues. I am particularly interested in what specific steps the Burnaby RCMP is taking to investigate the possible racial targeting of women given the recent violent attacks that occurred in both Burnaby and Vancouver against women of Asian descent.

        I am also very concerned about the apparent delay in contacting the Chinese Consulate regarding the disappearance of Amanda Zhao and the length of time it took for the RCMP to make her disappearance public. I would ask that you provide me with a full response on these issues at the earliest possible time. I look forward to your reply on these serious concerns.

        Sincerely yours,

        Original signed by

        Svend Robinson, MP
        CEP/SCEP 232更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 10-25 Question - Amanda Zhao.doc
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CANADA


        October 25, 2002

        Amanda Zhao

        Mr. Svend Robinson (Burnaby—Douglas, NDP): Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Solicitor General. I want to congratulate him on his appointment.
        Amanda Zhao, a young Chinese student living in Burnaby, was murdered last week. This followed brutal attacks on a number of Korean women in the months immediately preceding. It took over a week for the RCMP to publicize Amanda's disappearance and the Chinese consulate was not informed as international protocol requires.
        What steps is the minister taking to ensure that there will be a full, vigorous, public review of the circumstances that led to the unacceptable delay in reporting this? What steps will the minister take to ensure it--

        The Speaker: The hon. Solicitor General.

        Hon. Wayne Easter (Solicitor General of Canada, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to Ms. Zhao family and friends for their loss under such tragic circumstances.
        As the member probably should know, the RCMP is conducting an internal review of the matter and it has already indicated that it will make the results of that review public.


        DÉBATS DE LA

        25 octobre 2002

        Amanda Zhao

        M. Svend Robinson (Burnaby—Douglas, NPD): Monsieur le Président, ma question s'adresse au solliciteur général, que je tiens à féliciter de sa nomination.
        Amanda Zhao, une jeune étudiante vivant à Burnaby, a été assassinée la semaine dernière. Ce meurtre survient alors que plusieurs Coréennes ont été victimes d'agressions brutales au cours des mois précédents. Il a fallu plus d'une semaine avant que la GRC ne rende publique la disparition d'Amanda, et le consulat chinois n'a pas été informé comme l'exige le protocole international.
        Quelles mesures le ministre prend-il pour veiller à ce qu'on fasse un examen public complet et rigoureux des circonstances qui ont entraîné ce retard inacceptable à rendre ce crime public? Quelles mesures le ministre prendra-t-il pour veiller...

        Le Président: Le solliciteur général a la parole.

        L'hon. Wayne Easter (solliciteur général du Canada, Lib.): Monsieur le Président, je tiens tout d'abord à exprimer mes condoléances à la famille et aux amis de Mlle Zhao, décédée dans des circonstances aussi tragiques.
        Comme le député devrait probablement le savoir, la GRC effectue actuellement une enquête interne dans cette affaire et a déjà fait savoir qu'elle rendra publics les résultats de cet examen.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谢谢你把回信贴上来。MP的迅问一点都不含糊。不过RCMP口气还是比较硬,好像只有等Internal Review 的结果了
    • i got one too. it is better than nothing.
    • very good and encouraging! Hope to see more specific results soon
      • 还是你挑得头啊, 应该感谢你才对. 就要让他们知道咱不好惹.
        • 对,应该感谢饺子,我也收到了,看来得等RCMP的调查。
          • 感谢各位,如果有更多的人都能象你们一样,国人在加拿大站起来的日子也不远了。