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There's no rest during the ride. However, there are so many lights on the road we have to stop on a red light to wait for the traffic. Normally if it's a major intersection we all waited, for a couple of minutes at least.

When it's not major intersection and if the group lead feel it's safe go he will go so all the rest of riders follows. There are quite a few of avid club riders, even attackers/racers, so they pushed the speed up. As I said it's a group ride so riders could take turn draft or take the lead, depending on the ability and road feel at the moment. Ave.speed at about 30km/hr on a group ride is normal. But from 30km/h to 33km/h will be a huge difference. As the higher is the speed, the higher is the wind resistance to overcome, and higher is the output watts yourlegs need to produce.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / 密市骑行 9月15*谁有兴趣?有100,60,30,15公里可选,免费骑行,免费bbq.
    • I am in.
    • 我和儿子参加15km的
    • I'll go for 100K,
    • 注册了60K.
      • I went to there for 100km last year. Finished among the first group of riders.Be the first few to grab the food. Eat a lot. Potato salad is not bad at all. I have registered for this year's 100km already.
        Remeber to grab as much as Bananas as your back pocket could take. you need all the energies for the 100km ride. See ya there.
        • 15公里的路线上坡多吗?
          • 15公里大部分都是flat.几乎没有上坡
      • +60K
      • 犹豫不决,和你们去60公里还是15公里带大女儿在trailer里。
        • 带女儿骑60k不就解决了?
          • 站着说话不嫌腰痛
            • 如果我能去的话可以帮你拖trailer.
              • 先谢了,问题是60公里拖车3-4个小时,她肯定坐不住。我是挺想跟你们去的,但是给小的喂奶成了问题,除非我结束早:-)
      • 有封路吗,还是跟普通汽车并行?想带8岁女儿一起,怕完全问题
        • 打错了,安全问题
    • 打算参加60KM的,头一次参加,需要准备什么?有上一年的照片吗?
      • 骑之前确定单车状况良好,戴头盔、手套,穿骑行裤要舒服的多。
    • 有報30公里的嗎?歡迎PM我。我們可以在起始點結伴而騎。
      • 你准备多久完成?
    • 明天60km你们几点到啊?大家一起骑吧。
      • 大概8:15到,我们这边有5位去。
        • 到时见.
          • For 100km, we started at 8:00am sharp, and finished at around 11:25am, it's so comfortable riding in a group, because you could draft if you wants to be lazy.
            • Lazy boy!
              • I know. I am not keen on racing so just riding for fun, for the view, and for the fitness.
            • 厉害,扣去休息,估计3个小时?
              • There's no rest during the ride. However, there are so many lights on the road we have to stop on a red light to wait for the traffic. Normally if it's a major intersection we all waited, for a couple of minutes at least.
                When it's not major intersection and if the group lead feel it's safe go he will go so all the rest of riders follows. There are quite a few of avid club riders, even attackers/racers, so they pushed the speed up. As I said it's a group ride so riders could take turn draft or take the lead, depending on the ability and road feel at the moment. Ave.speed at about 30km/hr on a group ride is normal. But from 30km/h to 33km/h will be a huge difference. As the higher is the speed, the higher is the wind resistance to overcome, and higher is the output watts yourlegs need to produce.
              • I trust it wouldn't be easy to reach 33km/h ave. speed for a normal active person, in a group ride, not to say in a solo ride.
                • Lao Tie could reach this level, but he has been training for so long....., and for so hard, LOL
                  • Lazy boy!
                • Here you go, 180 KM with big hills, avg 32.1 km/h.
                  • You are too skinny so climbing wouldn't be a problem. You must use your TT bike with wide rim wheels, and you must eat lots of gel and drink energy mixes in the ride.
                    I felt other than the muscles and cadio fitness level, the energy supply played a huge role on the race. I ate 3 bananas, two packages of dried cranberry fruits, two energy bars to fuel me up on the 100km ride. If it's wihtout all those energy supplies, my legs will cry before finished.
                    BTW, I will become one of the downtown guy soon.
                    • 要搬回多伦多了?
                      • still in Miss, but will go back work in downtown core.
                    • 我吃了9个GU gels(100c x9)还喝了两瓶Hammer Perpetuem(270c x2)。
                  • The route looks formidable, with steep ups and downs. For the climb, you must have to use the smallest gear, as well as standing up to rock.
                    • Hi, Lao Tie, one question. You only consumed 3613 Calories for 180km ride? Many years ago when I did 183km, the ride cost me 7000+ calories. it's from the Garmin Edge 705. So weird!
                      • Strava估算的,不一定准。我在车上吃了100x9+270x2,共1440卡。
                      • 估算是根据你的体重,身高,年龄来测试的。我昨天骑了52公里,消耗900
          • 昨天骑车的人挺多的,据说有2000多人。第一次参加,感觉活动组织的井然有序,线路也不错,有时在公园里的小径穿行,有时在公路、街道骑行,但大部分都有bike lane.
            • 谢谢你和easywave陪骑护驾,不把我拉下。见笑了,short cut了8公里。
              • 太厉害了!这么快就恢复了!到时候让我家LD向你取取经。
              • 很遺憾沒會到你們,只好等下次了.......
                • 你应该跟 我们一起去吃饭
                  • 是的。BBQ 实在不好吃。