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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

how about this song?可以做伟哥广告也可以给rolia上的顾问妞们...Timmy--One More Try. One more try.. Let me put my arms around you

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It's been a long time since you left me
I didn't mean to make you cry
I didn't mean to disappoint you,
I didn't mean to tell you lies
And after all that we have been through,
Won't you let me tell you why
One more try...
I didn't know how much I loved you
One more try..
Let me put my arms around you
Living all these lonely nights without you
Hoping babe we can give it, one more try

It's been a long time since I've kissed you
It always used to feel so good
And if you know, how much I missed you
You'd forgive me if you could
And now that we have found each other
Can't we give it one more try (one more try)
One more try...
I didn't know how much I loved you
One more try..
Let me put my arms around you
Living all these lonely nights without you
And after all that we have been through,
Won't you let me tell you why...
And now that we have found each other,
Can't we give it one more try (one more try)
One more try...
I didn't know how much I loved you
One more try..
Let me put my arms around you
Living all these lonely nights without you
Hoping babe we can give it, one more try

Oh girl, you know I love you
I just want you to know, my love I'll always treasure
So please, just don't let me go...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 最近关于爱情的话题好多哦,其实如果把问题简单化一下子就天下太平了,无论男人,还是女人,都期待一份稳定,长期地感情,谁也不喜欢让自己的感情飘飘荡荡无所依托,各位以为如何?
    • 是阿, 刚学到人的十四种基本需求, 其中之一: EMOTION STABILITY
      • 说的有道理! Just curious, 还有13种是什么?
        • me too.
      • 14 Basic desires and learned needs
        1. a sense of personal power, mastery over others

        2. Ego gratification, a feeling of pride and importance

        3. Financial success, money and all the things it can buy

        4. Recoginition of efforts, the reassurance of worth.

        5. Social of group approval, acceptance by one's peers.

        6. The desire to win, the need to excel, be the best.

        7. A sense of roots, a belonging to something, a place or a group

        8. the opportunity for creative expression.

        9. the accomplishment and achievement of something worthwhile

        10. New experiences

        11. Liberty, freedom and privacy

        12. As sense of self-esteem, dignity, self-respect

        13. Love, in all its forms

        14. Emotional security
        • Thanks.
        • 谢谢。特别同意第4和第14条。 一个是在工作中感到valued and appreciated, 另一个则是生活和感情上的feeling of security. 一个人真能得到这2样,就该知足啦
    • 可惜有的男人在未能找到一份稳定、长期地感情时,抓住一份暂时的温情填补自己的空虚。男人,如果你不能承担应有的责任,请在你的女友30岁前告诉她,我们不合适;或在你妻子40岁前告诉她,我不打算和你共渡一生。
      • 精P!
      • mm啊,如果无法放手的正是你的青春怎么办?
        • 我不是在赌桌上输了钱,还抱者桌脚不走的人。“失恋象感冒,会让你很难受,治不及时还会死人, 但忍耐一段时间,认真吃药,一切都会好的。”但最忌讳在这期间,随便找个人填补自己的感情空白。
          • 你的意思是,得了感冒不能胡乱吃药,还是说,吃完药,病好了,把药渣扔掉?
            • 不能胡乱吃药
      • 30岁前的女友可能会是别人的妻子,到无需承担太多的责任,但对40岁的妻子可以用一句话来抹去责任吗?
    • 一首童安格的老歌,“不要分离”,可惜我没找到mp3格式的,哪位能帮忙找一下子,送给rolian们?
      • 他们还是分了的好。
        • 没错,给大家一个机会成长,现实就是现实
      • how about this song?可以做伟哥广告也可以给rolia上的顾问妞们...Timmy--One More Try. One more try.. Let me put my arms around you
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It's been a long time since you left me
        I didn't mean to make you cry
        I didn't mean to disappoint you,
        I didn't mean to tell you lies
        And after all that we have been through,
        Won't you let me tell you why
        One more try...
        I didn't know how much I loved you
        One more try..
        Let me put my arms around you
        Living all these lonely nights without you
        Hoping babe we can give it, one more try

        It's been a long time since I've kissed you
        It always used to feel so good
        And if you know, how much I missed you
        You'd forgive me if you could
        And now that we have found each other
        Can't we give it one more try (one more try)
        One more try...
        I didn't know how much I loved you
        One more try..
        Let me put my arms around you
        Living all these lonely nights without you
        And after all that we have been through,
        Won't you let me tell you why...
        And now that we have found each other,
        Can't we give it one more try (one more try)
        One more try...
        I didn't know how much I loved you
        One more try..
        Let me put my arms around you
        Living all these lonely nights without you
        Hoping babe we can give it, one more try

        Oh girl, you know I love you
        I just want you to know, my love I'll always treasure
        So please, just don't let me go...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 同意,就和搭车一样,很多人想搭车,可是也有上错车的,也有没赶上自己的那班的,
    • 没错。简单点稳定点最好了,可以省下多少时间精力去做正事!各位逮住男人S骂,女人就没有负心的吗?就这么回事了,大家从容面对人生的每一次寒冷吧。
      • SG听不下去了?也有感慨要发?:-)
        • 没有了啦。受伤的人无论是MM还是DD,都快些走出来,过好以后的日子。
          • 太冷啦, 别游啦
            • 那我潜,下面暖和。。。
      • 这算是你看了"流星花园"的心得体会吗?
    • 呵呵.搬完一小时铁块,回来在玻璃杯中加三大勺香草冰淇淋,再倒满高脂牛奶,搅动一下.洁白中溶解着洁白,喝一口,香,甜,醇,冰爽.....呵呵,涳干了脑袋里的水,想起,这是简单的生活.
      • 真是不公平,有人竟然能这么暴饮暴食... :-(
      • 记得很久以前有个同事说,在冰天雪地的时候,坐在暖和的屋子里吃冰淇淋,这是------------------------------------资本家!!!
      • 如果用搅拌机再拌一下, 就是milk shake啦。气愤, 气愤, 气愤,尽然有人胆敢这么吃。
        • me:-)
      • 同愤,关于舒舒服服的暴饮暴食
      • 怎么谈起吃了啊?跑题了吧??