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看看这个:What to do if your pet is sprayed in the eyes with skunk spray?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛First aid: flush your pet's eyes copiously clean water, ideally with sterile saline (saline eye wash: not for contact lenses, but the solution for use in eyes). Prevent pawing and rubbing of the eyes to reduce the chance of secondary trauma. Follow up with an veterinary examination if your pet doesn't quickly improve.

With continued irritation, your dog may be suffering from the potentially caustic effects of skunk oil. Possible effects of skunk oil include corneal ulceration, conjunctivits, or uveitis; all painful eye conditions that require topical and medical treatment from your veterinarian. Thankfully this is rare, but eye conditions can happen and change quickly. Please see your veterinarian if your dog's eyes seem uncomfortable.

Check for wounds
While usually sprayers instead of fighters, skunks do have sharp teeth and claws and can do damage if provoked. Check your pet for bites and lacerations post-skunk encounter, and see your veterinarian if you notice any wounds. Don't be fooled by a "small wound" -- that may just be the part you can see, in the skin. Typically bite wounds do a lot of damage under the skin, and if left untreated, create a perfect environment for an abscess in a few days.

It is important to remember that skunks may carry Rabies. Take necessary precautions (call your vet or human physician) and make sure your pet is current on their vaccinations.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 昨晚 Toby 给 Skunk 喷了,臭味要多久才会没有?
    昨晚9点钟出去遛,Toby 一头扎进灌木丛,我以为是追松鼠,不到2分钟跌跌撞撞出来了,倒在地上拼命打滚,边滚边蹭,10 - 20分钟,万分痛苦的样子。黑漆漆,我什么都看不见,闻到一股刺鼻臭味,才意识到他给Skunk 喷了。



    • 番茄酱
    • 记得petsmart有卖的,另外民间就是用番茄汁.可怜的TOBY,希望眼睛没事
      • 眼睛没事吧?
    • 你这运气,我那本home vet的书里有用ketchup加上别的东西,弄一个除臭的,回去我发给你。
    • 今早查看,眼角很多分泌物,眼睛发红,但可以睁开。网上有不同说法,有的说暂时失明,有的说小动物会失明。除了用清水洗,想不到别的办法。但愿他眼睛没事。
      • 网上有没有说可以用什么洗一下眼睛?
        • 没找到,所以用清水。
          • 1L 3% hydrogen peroxide (from the drug store), 1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) -about 55g. 1 teaspoon (5ml) liquid dish soap, 要尽量洗到毛的根部,没用完的就扔了,不能留着。
            • 不要拿这个洗眼睛。
              • 这个是洗澡的。
          • 我有polysporin 眼药水,需要到我家拿。
      • 试过他能看见吗?
        • 他左眼没事,所以我不确定。今天回去再看看。
          • 还要看看身上有无其它伤处。
          • 见过 vet 检查眼睛
      • 看看这个:What to do if your pet is sprayed in the eyes with skunk spray?
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛First aid: flush your pet's eyes copiously clean water, ideally with sterile saline (saline eye wash: not for contact lenses, but the solution for use in eyes). Prevent pawing and rubbing of the eyes to reduce the chance of secondary trauma. Follow up with an veterinary examination if your pet doesn't quickly improve.

        With continued irritation, your dog may be suffering from the potentially caustic effects of skunk oil. Possible effects of skunk oil include corneal ulceration, conjunctivits, or uveitis; all painful eye conditions that require topical and medical treatment from your veterinarian. Thankfully this is rare, but eye conditions can happen and change quickly. Please see your veterinarian if your dog's eyes seem uncomfortable.

        Check for wounds
        While usually sprayers instead of fighters, skunks do have sharp teeth and claws and can do damage if provoked. Check your pet for bites and lacerations post-skunk encounter, and see your veterinarian if you notice any wounds. Don't be fooled by a "small wound" -- that may just be the part you can see, in the skin. Typically bite wounds do a lot of damage under the skin, and if left untreated, create a perfect environment for an abscess in a few days.

        It is important to remember that skunks may carry Rabies. Take necessary precautions (call your vet or human physician) and make sure your pet is current on their vaccinations.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 今天回去再仔细检查检查。他几个星期前打过 Rabies和其它针,应该没事。
          • ketchup和tomato sause别用了,书上说,用了会有一个pink smelly dog而已,没用。
        • 先收藏了。。。。这玩意这么凶啊。。。。喷一下后果很严重。。。。
      • 应该用清水洗,洗完后用眼滴润滑一下。
    • 晚上还是不要offleash,不安全,我们这儿公园有告示,附近有郊狼出没。另外野生动物会携带病毒。
    • 悲剧了。朋友的狗被喷后1星期才好,也采取很多除味措施,效果都不大。
      • 味道事小,他眼睛感染,能自己弄好吗?
        • 我朋友给狗滴的一般眼药水。
    • can use skunk off
    • Tomato juice
    • 我不懂哈,但是给人眼用的人造泪液理论上应该也是可以用的吧?要不你问问宠物医生?
      • 这个不行,人造眼泪也有副作用,人多用的话,会让角膜变薄还是什么的,狗应该更不行了。
        • 喔,那算了。还是别瞎用了~
    • 同情啊。我的狗狗上个星期也给 喷了,好在不是很严重,当时她就使劲甩头和吐泡泡,我立即就给她去洗澡,但还是有味道,我用的Criss 的方法 (#8375043@0) ,现在味道小很多了。注意不要把那个液体弄到眼睛里
    • 谢各位。用上面方子洗了,气味小了很多,眼睛涂金霉素软膏,红眼血丝明显褪了。希望 狗狗长记性,从此远离Skunk。
      • 要多洗几次才会消失。我的狗狗还是没长记性,见到其他的动物还是要冲上去。
      • 继续用药直到痊愈。被喷了不只是臭的问题,皮肤会有刺痛,眼部或有伤口的地方还会感染。黑灯瞎火时要格外小心。妈妈多给点好吃的,安抚安抚Toby的小心灵.
      • 你要不每天用eye wash洗洗,再上药膏,说不定可以好的快点。
      • Toby 抱头满地打滚时,我吓死了,以为中毒马上要挂了。现在看好象没事了。会坚持用药。小子今天又去后院追松鼠,好了伤疤忘了痛。
        • 你有空看看他身上别的地方,说是碰到伤口也容易让伤口感染,就怕Toby有旧伤口。
      • 没事的啦,我的眼睛被喷过,当时有些疼,用清水洗,过后就没事了。气味完全消失要等一个礼拜。
    • Toby宝贝今天好些了吗?
      • 谢谢挂记!眼睛基本恢复正常了,臭味还有,需要一段时间才会彻底消失。Toby 痛定思痛,正在深刻反省错误。:)) Pictutre >>>
        • 你把它关在外面了?
          • 没有,哪舍得。第1晚关客厅,从第2天就和平时一样了,理直气壮地进卧室躺床脚边。这是今早在外面疯玩回来在后院休息的时候拍的。
            • 他知不知道,他自己味道不一样了?
              • 刚开始有刺痛时是知道的,现在不痛了光有气味就不在乎了。该吃吃,该玩玩,看不出任何异样。我们就得忍受着臭味。
                • 好了伤疤忘了痛,估计下次还得追。
        • 像思考者。
    • 哈哈。可怜的tuby boy .