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OMY,睡觉前浏览了一下Rolia, 就因为俺说了句实话而不是和大家一起拍人马屁,招致如此多的ID/马甲提名兴师问罪。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛俺觉得翻译确实有待提高。第一次看到译者的ID,似乎来头不小。如若一句句点评或翻译,太多太过耗时,最近实在太忙没时间。就把第一段试着译一遍,欢迎大家砸砖。

His name is Weiwei QI, a boy of only two and half years old. While other children of his age are enjoying their worry-free childhood, Weiwei is lying in the bed receiving Chemotherapy in Toronto Sick Kids Hospital. He is suffering from a rarely seen cancer: retinoblastoma (RB). He has undergone an enucleation surgery in China. The doctors in Beijing Tongren Hospital have referred them to Canada because Canada has the best ophthalmologists in the world and the treatment is much less costly than that in the U.S. However, all the money that his parents brought to Canada has been spent on the eyeball implantation surgery. A Systemic Chemotherapy is still needed to prevent the cancerous cells from spreading.

Weiwei QI, two years and a half, was admitted to Toronto Sick Kids Hospital for rare eye cancer retinoblastoma. Little Weiwei was referred by his Chinese surgeon for Sickkids’ good reputation and word class treatment in retinoblastoma. However, after the eyeball implantation surgery, the family has run out of money and can not afford the systemic chemotherapy, which is necessary to prevent the cancer from spreading.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 发这里试试运气-有没有英文好的朋友能把祁纬唯(QIQI)小朋友的故事翻成英文?这样就能把消息发到METRO, 24HR等英文媒体,引起更多人的关注!希望能尽我们所能救救这个孩子,谢谢!
    • 匆匆翻译了一遍,为这个可怜的孩子进点绵薄之力吧。声明一下,本人不对文中任何信息的真实性负责,仅仅是翻译而已。文章没有明确指出那50万借款是加币还是人民币,本人就暂用¥500000 了。楼主是否可以核实一下。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Disclaimer: The translator of this article is not responsible for the authenticity of any information contained therein.

      His name is Weiwei QI, a boy of only two and half years old. While other children of his age are enjoying their worry-free childhood, Weiwei is lying in the bed receiving Chemotherapy in Toronto Sick Kids Hospital. He is suffering from a rarely seen cancer: retinoblastoma (RB). He has undergone an enucleation surgery in China. The doctors in Beijing Tongren Hospital have referred them to Canada because Canada has the best ophthalmologists in the world and the treatment is much less costly than that in the U.S. However, all the money that his parents brought to Canada has been spent on the eyeball implantation surgery. A Systemic Chemotherapy is still needed to prevent the cancerous cells from spreading.

      Due to the fact that they are not Landed Immigrants, they have to pay Toronto Sick Kids Hospital for the cost of the Chemotherapy, which is $3000 per day, 3 days each round. 4-5 rounds of Chemotherapy are expected. On top of the Chemotherapy, there will be the cost of surgeries. The family has immediately been dragged into a financial crisis.

      Weiwei’s mother told the reporter of 51.ca that her family was desperate. The couple is not familiar with Toronto and does not know where to seek help. Upon their arrival in Canada, they attempted to seek help from Consulate-General of China in Toronto. However, they were stopped by the security guards at the door. A consul came out to tell them that Consulate-General could not help them as there was no funding for this kind of matter. The couple expected that the Consulate-General could refer them to some local community associations or charity organizations but they got nothing promising. The couple was very disappointed.

      平燕夫妇2009年结婚,本来就没有多少积蓄,用按揭买的房子也被抵押了50万元,用作小纬唯来加拿大的治疗费用,这笔钱到现在刚好花完,丈夫已经紧急飞回国卖房子,但是贷款还没有付清的房子又抵押的50万,卖掉也剩不下几个钱。“无论如何我们也要治好小纬唯,就算倾家荡产也要治。” 在国际物流公司任职的父亲本来已经为了来加拿大帮儿子治疗而辞职,老板把他的职位保留到6月20日,身为家庭唯一的经济支柱,他不得不离开妻儿回国,除了处理卖房子的手续,还不得不继续工作维持家庭生计。
      The couple (Yan PING and QI) got married in 2009 and did not have very much savings. Using their house as a pledge, they borrowed ¥500,000 to pay for the cost of treating weiwei in Canada. This amount of money has just been spent. The husband (Qi) has already flown back to China to sell their house. However, the mortgage on the house still hasn’t been paid off. With the ¥500,000 loan on top of the remaining mortgage, they will not get much money from the sale of their house. “We will cure weiwei’s illness at any cost even bankruptcy” The husband quit his job in an international logistic company in order to help his son receive the treatment in Canada. The boss can still hold the position for him till June 20. Being the only source of income of the family, he had to leave his wife and son for China to deal with the sale of their house and continue to work in order to support the family.

      祁家目前住在慈善机构提供的宿舍,加拿大的医生算是很有医德了,全球著名的儿童眼科专家盖力(Dr Gallie)主动免去医生的治疗费,这笔费用已经近10万加元了。昨天媒体把他们的电邮曝光:qiqi0769_cn@hotmail.com,到今天为止已经有十几个善心人士发来电邮,希望可以捐款,但是他们在加拿大没有银行账户,所以当务之急是到银行开户,请读者留意本网的跟进报道。看到报道的社团领袖和慈善机构人士,也可以直接与他们联系。
      Qi’s family currently resides in an apartment provided by a Charity Organization. The doctors in Canada are very ethical. The world famous ophthalmologist, Dr Gallie, voluntarily waived the doctor’s treatment fee, which was worth almost CAD$100,000. The media published the couple’s email address: qiqi0769_cn@hotmail.com , as of today there have been more than 10 people who emailed them hoping to donate. However, the couple does not have a bank account in Canada. So the most urgent thing for them is to open a bank account. Please keep yourself updated on our follow up regarding this incident. Those who have read this article can contact them directly.

      During a general medical examination 18 months ago, some abnormity was found in weiwwei’s vision. After further examination in Suzhou Children’s Hospital, the ophthalmologist, with teary eyes, advised the parents that he/she had rarely seen this disease during his 20 years’ work in this field. Although this hospital was in good standing in terms of its medical treatment, the doctors still referred them to the bigger hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai. The enucleation surgery was done in Shanghai Xinhua Hospital. However, the ophthalmologists in China were not comfortable with performing the eyeball implantation surgery as there had been frequent rejection reaction in previous cases. As a result, the ophthalmologists in Beijing Tongren Hospital referred them to Toronto.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 介个绝对是正能量, 不论翻译水平如何都值得大力表扬. 谢谢酱油哥.
        • 赶紧申请当粉丝吧。
          • 本来就是, 而且是真正铁杆的, 不仅仅是一味捧臭脚.
      • 我认识的国人里英文水平没有超过酱油侠的。专业翻译公司也未必有这水平。佩服!
      • 不错不错。牛人啊,还有爱心。
      • 不常来这里。就看酱油的这一义举,正式申请成为酱油同志的粉。
        • 矮油, 同志这个词是不是有歧义啊
          • 你,同志,想挑内斗呢?
            • 还是酱油哥
              比你经的起玩笑啊 :-)))))
        • Welcome.
      • 赞!
      • 酱油辛苦了。建议在送往其他媒体正式发表前,再请小孩子的家人核实内容。

        "到今天为止已经有十几个善心人士发来电邮,希望可以捐款"。这个显然发生了变化。详细 的有关华人社区的各种帮助,肯定有利于动员其它社区的关心。

        • 多谢建议。

      • 赞花时间精力。英语水平尚可。不过翻译水平有待提高:通篇逐句直译,chinglish 及思维。描述了大量繁琐不必要的细节,文章重点不清意思不明。细节处错误不少冠词运用也不够准确。
        另外文章几乎全由一个个单句组成,就象小学生作文。 有些用语比较rude生硬。

        • OMY,睡觉前浏览了一下Rolia, 就因为俺说了句实话而不是和大家一起拍人马屁,招致如此多的ID/马甲提名兴师问罪。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛俺觉得翻译确实有待提高。第一次看到译者的ID,似乎来头不小。如若一句句点评或翻译,太多太过耗时,最近实在太忙没时间。就把第一段试着译一遍,欢迎大家砸砖。

          His name is Weiwei QI, a boy of only two and half years old. While other children of his age are enjoying their worry-free childhood, Weiwei is lying in the bed receiving Chemotherapy in Toronto Sick Kids Hospital. He is suffering from a rarely seen cancer: retinoblastoma (RB). He has undergone an enucleation surgery in China. The doctors in Beijing Tongren Hospital have referred them to Canada because Canada has the best ophthalmologists in the world and the treatment is much less costly than that in the U.S. However, all the money that his parents brought to Canada has been spent on the eyeball implantation surgery. A Systemic Chemotherapy is still needed to prevent the cancerous cells from spreading.

          Weiwei QI, two years and a half, was admitted to Toronto Sick Kids Hospital for rare eye cancer retinoblastoma. Little Weiwei was referred by his Chinese surgeon for Sickkids’ good reputation and word class treatment in retinoblastoma. However, after the eyeball implantation surgery, the family has run out of money and can not afford the systemic chemotherapy, which is necessary to prevent the cancer from spreading.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 至于北京同仁堂医院,苏州,上海医院的名字,孩子爸爸在哪里上班,他老板如何,孩子父母结婚多少年,房子抵押,能卖多少钱,没有银行账户,大使馆的人走出门来。。。等等细节
          • 往客气点说,你这不叫翻译,叫缩写。原文意思被你删掉近半。你要是觉得原文写得不如你意,可以去找原文作者叫板,把屎盆子往翻译者头上扣,师出无名,概念不是一般地糊涂。
            • 这些话传递出的意思极其狭隘。原来你是准备好来接受大家的欢呼叫好的。


              看有些ID的意思文章有没有影响力能不能募到款不重要,重要的是要忠于蹩脚的原文,就是要用chinglish, 长见识了。

              • 两个译本高下不言自明. 让自以为肉联第一的做自己的梦算了, 他是绝对听不进不同意见的.
                • 奥,原来是肉联第一,oops, 不小心摸了老虎PP。都怪俺近来少在肉联走动。天太热,俺还是一边凉快去吧。
                  • You would be better off then :-)
                  • 典型chinglish思维。
                  • To newidid, please make comments related to what people here wrote rather than attacking people who wrote here.
                    • What's this then -" 把屎盆子往翻译者头上扣,师出无名"?
                    • 多谢仗义直言。别为某些ID浪费时间了。没丝毫必要。这个帖子的"讨论"已经完全背离其初衷了。到此为止,相信时间和事实吧。
                      • As long as you are THE BEST. Good luck.
                    • 你哪里看到我对别人的人身攻击了。请你不要再继续To我的ID啦。谁谁的英语水平如何,你粉谁助谁,一点都不关我事,我没兴趣和不懂幽默的人搭话,我更没兴趣捧人臭脚。初次在外语坛发言是因为那可怜的孩子,也不想众人的爱心被误,明白?
          • 还是以第一段为例:
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛His name is Weiwei QI, a boy of only two and half years old. While other children of his age are enjoying their worry-free childhood, Weiwei is lying in the bed receiving Chemotherapy in Toronto Sick Kids Hospital. He is suffering from a rarely seen cancer: retinoblastoma (RB). He has undergone an enucleation surgery in China. The doctors in Beijing Tongren Hospital have referred them to Canada because Canada has the best ophthalmologists in the world and the treatment is much less costly than that in the U.S. However, all the money that his parents brought to Canada has been spent on the eyeball implantation surgery. A Systemic Chemotherapy is still needed to prevent the cancerous cells from spreading.


            chinglish 及思维:
            (比如:His name…, Only…, Lying in the bed…, a rarely seen…, has undergone…, the eyeball implantation surgery…, still needed…, the cancerous cells…, 等等,单独看没错,但地道的英语并不如此描述)。

            (你想表达什么观点:是想说这个小孩叫什么?多大了?所有其他两岁半小孩都无忧无虑,唯独这个小孩不是?他得了某种病?他在北京做了某种手术?北京有个医院叫同仁堂?加拿大的眼科医生世界最好?加拿大的眼科治疗比美国便宜。。。?1:这么一长段,讲了那么多事,信息量这么大, 你要说的到底是什么?直接点,不要绕弯子!2:其他两岁小孩都无忧无虑:普遍事实,谁都知道,不用描述浪费宝贵的篇幅和读者的时间。再说这么说也不准确因为也有为数不少的两岁小孩并非如此。3:北京医院的名字,没人care, 也和募捐无关。4。加拿大的眼科医生世界最好,价钱比美国便宜:确定吗?出处何在?如果呈现给大家的募捐文章中有太多如此的道听途说或主观上的东西,文章的credit和可信度就大打折扣了)

            In the bed。。 (医院只有一张床吗?应该是 in a bed);A rarely seen cancer(Caner是不可数名词,没有a cancer,2 cancers… 之说);an enucleation surgery (应该是 A Enucleation surgery), The doctors in Beijing Tongren Hospital have (The doctors? 应该是The doctor 或者Doctors, 准确的说法是His doctor/doctors)。referred them (them 指的是谁呀?让我猜猜看!!) his parents (parent 是集合名词,他有几对父母吗?)。。。


            (不再重复了)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 你确定你指出的那些是真错误?
            • 随便看了一眼就发现你说错了。parents指父母双方,用复数没错啊?哪里会有"几对父母"的意思?one cancer, two cancers 的说法也很常见啊?这都算错?是你搞错了吧?
              • I feel sorry for you. By always defending something apparently incorrect you make yourself a fool. I would just prepare for my interview if I were you.
                • 来这儿不长,已经看出你只会骂人,没别的本事。
                  • You really need to extend your vacabulary. Or you have a very high possibility misunderstanding others in your communications.
                    • 我语感语音很好。词汇也不会比你少。至少会用parent(s).
                • Making mistakes is a part of learning process in English that we should not view it as being a fool.
                  • For sure. But if one purposely / repeatly does so it would be a different story.
                    • There is nobody in the world, who want to repeatably make herself/himself a fool. Please allow somebody to believe something you think it is wrong.
                      • Please allow others to voice their opinions as well. Freedom of express is the core of the Canadian values.
                        • Let me get this straight. Freedom of speech is not right term you use here to justify your attack on somebody you didn't agree with.
                          It is OK to express your opinions on something you don't agree to, but just use the way the public accept to speak your mind.
                          • Relax..... Who did I attack and why are you so angry? If you are not feeling well you may consult a Dr. of any sort......
          • I can see the obvious improvements. A couple of things:
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛他叫祁纬唯,是个2年半的男孩,这个年纪的孩子本应该无忧无虑的生活,拥有快乐的童年,但是小纬唯却被迫躺在多伦多病童医院的病床上接受化疗,他患了罕见的视网膜母细胞瘤,在中国已经做了眼球摘除手术,北京同仁医院的大夫把他们一家三口介绍到加拿大,因为这里有全球最好的儿童眼科专家,而且价钱比美国便宜很多,但是做完眼球植入手术之后,他们打过来的钱已经花完,接下来还要做全身化疗,以免癌细胞扩散。
            His name is Weiwei QI, a boy of only two and half years old. While other children of his age are enjoying their worry-free childhood, Weiwei is lying in the bed receiving Chemotherapy in Toronto Sick Kids Hospital. He is suffering from a rarely seen cancer: retinoblastoma (RB). He has undergone an enucleation surgery in China. The doctors in Beijing Tongren Hospital have referred them to Canada because Canada has the best ophthalmologists in the world and the treatment is much less costly than that in the U.S. However, all the money that his parents brought to Canada has been spent on the eyeball implantation surgery. A Systemic Chemotherapy is still needed to prevent the cancerous cells from spreading.

            Weiwei QI, two years and a half, was admitted to Toronto Sick Kids Hospital for rare eye cancer retinoblastoma. Little Weiwei was referred by his Chinese surgeon for Sickkids’ good reputation and word class treatment in retinoblastoma. However, after the eyeball implantation surgery, the family has run out of money and can not afford the systemic chemotherapy, which is necessary to prevent the cancer from spreading.

            1. Sentiment and tone is quite vital in this type of writing. The Chinese version was poorly written, but there is a strong sentiment and feeling that is completely missing in your version.
            2. I think you'd better try to use simple and plain English when addressing the general public. Save the people the trouble of googling "enucleation" and as matter of fact, "eye removal surgery" is perfectly fine.
            3. Avoid colloquial wording. "run out of money" is spoken English.

            Weiwei Qi, two and a half years old, who could have enjoyed his childhood as happily as any other children, had to receive chemotherapy at Toronto Sick Kids Hospital for his retinoblastoma, a rare type of eye cancer. He already has had an eye removal surgery in China, and the doctors at Tongren Hospital have recommended the family of three to come to Canada where the eye surgeons are considered the best in the world and the cost is cheaper than what they can get in US. The family, however, has been in financial difficulty since an eye implantation surgery and was left helpless for the succeeding chemotherapy that might prevent the tumors from developing.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 忙于面试一直没细看。翻得好。翻译就是应该这样,读译文等于读到了原文。有的评论把原文写作的缺陷与翻译混为一谈很不中肯。中文痕迹是无法避免的,因为原文就是十足的z中式口气。这不能难为酱油。看译制片时,虽然翻译地道,但一听就是外国人说话,就是这个原因。
    • 本人认为中文原文中有好几处的写法,语气,包括语法都有待商榷,但本着翻译要尊重原文的宗旨,都照译了。比如中领馆拒绝帮助的那段,个人认为中领馆没有这项资金是可以理解的,原文责怪的语气强了点,这么写对帮助这个孩子没什么积极意义。
      • 说实话,孩子的父母在中国纳税,他们的税率比加拿大人还高。孩子得病了,北京政府一毛不拔,任其自生自灭,也确实挺缺德的。
        • "税率比加拿大人还高"? Can you share your source of info?
          • 你自己算吧,中国的财政收入加上地方政府的卖地收入,除以全民工资总额,远高于加拿大。
            • Your source of info please. Thanks.
              • 让你找,你自己找了吗?中国孩子都出国治病,没钱等死那套故事都上演到加拿大了。活生生的孩子摆在那里,你还替独裁者辩护什么?
                • That's a totally different story. Where is your source of info "他们的税率比加拿大人还高"? Falsifying is your expertise.
                • 这孩子出国治病是为了得到更好的医疗服务,如果在国内的话,父母的保险也许会cover,不会到没钱治病的地步.
                  • 加拿大的人如果非要到美国看病,保险如果不cover的话,也是一样,除非有钱人.
                    • 加拿大医疗水平已经足够满足大多数人需求,这点和中国不可比。当然也有实例,比如周国平的孩子就死了。
                      • 注意到你谎话连篇多时了。自圆其说都不会。
              • 这是放狗搜出来的中国的税率。
                • Thanks. Facts speak loud and clear.
                • 中国的苛捐杂税很多,比如各种费,增值税是17%,央企的垄断利润,综合起来,税率远高于加拿大。去年中国财政收入是12万亿,工资总额约8万亿,扣除企业税(3000亿),实际税率大约是60%以上。
                  • 太牛啦, 全世界的统计学家/经济学家都笑啦。
                  • 注意到你谎话连篇多时了。自圆其说都不会。 -blanc(勃朗峰); 09:57
        • 原则上讲,在中国纳税,在中国就医,政府有义务管,但在海外就医,政府爱莫能助是可以理解的。安省公民去美国医院就医,ohip 会管吗。
          • 加拿大人一听手术只有中国能做,全去中国然后向加拿大使馆要钱看病,加拿大使馆会怎么答复?我很好奇。
      • 顺便帮帮这个热心老光:四处奔波忙助学
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛【原创】:四处奔波忙助学 ( 下 )















          高 娟,女,15岁,九年级学生,家住马石村七组。

          高 娟的父母已离异,她跟随父亲生活,父亲在家务农为生。家境不太好,很困难。

          周国庆,男,9 岁,二年级学生,家住凌津滩居委会。2006年,周国庆父母离异,母亲从此改嫁他乡,父亲也外出不归,去向不明,杳无音信。可怜的孩子,一直跟随体弱多病的爷爷,如今爷爷逐年老去,他还很弱小,才九岁,今后的日子蛮长,摆在他面前的路还遥远得很,何去何从,谁又能说得清楚呢!

          李 攀,男,14岁,七年级学生,家住一甲城村利民组。




          张佳芳, 16岁,九年级学生,眼看就要进入高中了,家住凌津滩村二组。



          夜色苍茫中,一群人又匆匆登上了车子,奔往回程。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 如果一个没有这种专项资金的领事馆能拿出钱来说明他们资金的混乱和腐败。
    • To newidid: We may lose a good opportunity to learn from you if you don't give us a few examples about what mistakes winterstorm made in his good translation to the Chinese article.
      • 我当时只有一个小时的时间花在这篇文章的翻译上, 所以其中欠妥之处一定会有的。只要批评的人说得有根据,我都会接受。对那些没有提供根据的“评论”,就随他们吧。多谢你的鼓励。
        • 称赞一下,确实中文的痕迹太多但是你的精神可嘉。
        • You are welcome. But I did want to learn from newidid, may be he has something correct to your translation. Everybody make mistakes in her/his writing and speaking.
          I view as a good thing pointing out the mistakes somebody here made, that is what the forum for learning foreign languages at Rolia supposed to mean.
          • 如果我是你,就把这篇翻译拿给本地人读一下,听听他们的意见。毕竟英文是人家的语言。我也会这么做,到时我们可以互通有无。至于这里的评论,看看就算了。我从不当回事。
            • Please allow me to say a few words. Based on what I read here
              Please allow me to say a few words. Based on what I read here over the past year, you seem to be a very hard working, fiercely competitive, goal oriented person who is determined to improve his English skills. You’ve posted some decent articles (with correct grammar of course) and gathered some loyal followers along the way. This has certainly helped build a stronger and livelier forum for everyone who comes here. For that alone, you deserve a round of applause from all of us. However, many people will agree with me that you become defensive very easily when readers point out the shortcomings in your writings, or even worse, resort to personal attacks when you run out of excuses. Maybe that is why you are a polarizing figure here that people either love or hate. I sincerely hope you can channel your competitiveness into positive energy and show us all some great writings in the not too distant future.
              • Applause !!!
                • 很好奇。这里一个外国孩子那末多人捐款,加拿大西部灾情却没人提起,死了也不少人,看来融入加拿大,对中国人真得很难。
                  • Nothing strange. Why not? The poor little boy needs more help than anyone else out in the west. Those suffered from the floods are being well taken care of by different level of governments. That's an oil rich province, super rich.
                  • 是群体效应,妈妈们比善良的结果。我真的很感动肉坛的妈妈们这么善良,过去的印象是肉坛是打架的地方。
    • 讨论问题变成了评判网友的人品,为什么论坛总是这样?因为人们喜欢论断人,人人都要做法官。岂不知这是上帝的工作吗?