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I feel tired and difficult living in Canada alone. I also want to cry. My god, I hope to return back to China to live with my family.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I live in Toronto alone. My husband and my son are living in China. I miss them very much. Before I sleep every night, I always look at the photoes of my son who is only 3 years old and so lovely. I have left him for aobut 3 months. Whenever thinking about my son, I can't help crying. Crying is the ordinary thing for me especially when I am ridden down by Chinese bosses and landlords. I think that some of old immigrants are so concienceless. They think that new immigrants are well-behaved. I do not know how to protest myself. Now, I am working for an insurance agent who let me work every minute without any rest and to my angry, his wife is on the serious guard on me in case I am lazy. Whenever I hear his wife sitting beside me watching TV with her daughter and laugh, I feel bitter. I miss my son and husband further. I hate myself not studying hard in China and waste so much time otherwise, I can find a good job here. But I want to get much money as my tuition, I have to bear them. I want to cry again. Can you tell me how to protest myself?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 如果劳工在这该有多好--真想哭。
    买来床,床垫, 桌子,电饭煲,烤面包机,烧开水炉,地毯,锅碗瓢盆油盐酱醋。 租了辆车拉回公寓。虽然总挑便宜的买所以并不理想,但终于有点象家了。愿我的劳工来的时候能满意,因为原本他是坚决不同意移民的。桌子太重想把他拖到合适的位置,累得要吐血。如果劳工在这该有多好--真想哭。
    • 55555,别再发这样的帖子了,想起偶的女友在家乡望穿秋水,就想哭...
      • 5555,想起我老婆,还不知道什么时候才可以回去和她结婚,我也想哭
      • 5 5 5 5 5。。。哇 哇 哇。。。我更有理由哭,哇哇哇, 我的另一半,将来的老公,你在哪儿啊。。。5555555。。。
      • 不要难过,我们都会支持你的,当然是精神上的,我离你太遥远,女孩子在外面太艰难,很多事情要靠自己!相信你可以战胜困难
    • You Two guys may help each
    • 好了别伤感了,你还是多想想那些还没有LG,一切全靠自己的女生吧。
      • 你的背后,有我们。
        • 知寒知暖型,最让人感动.........
          • 鸭绒被。
            • 仙姐呀,你逗的我肚皮直抽筋呀
        • 你们的背后,是我。
          • 我紧拽着why的衣角
          • 。。。的鸭绒被
      • 对呀我还不知道今生有没有BF OR LG呢,照这么说得跳楼了.
        • 等仙姐铺好鸭绒被再跳
          • 最好是楼下有位哥哥拿着鸭容被正在一级准备...
            • 唉,在楼下站半天了,也没见有什么动静啊。
              • 等错窗户了。
              • 涮锅水下来了!!!!
    • ???
    • 先借我的肩膀给你擦擦眼吧,虽然没有阿诺---爽死那个的肩膀温暖。
    • 等老公来了再拖嘛。别跟自己过不去,不管他愿不愿意,既然是两个人都决定去,无论谁先谁后,都要互相支持,一起奋斗。
    • 今年1月份我在多伦多而老婆在北京的时候...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我去年12月11日到的多伦多,老婆留北京。原因很简单,我们在多伦多一个人都不认识,天又那么冷,我怕老婆吃苦。幸运的是我很快找到了打工的地方,然后就是通知老婆来,然后就是我疯狂找房子租、买床垫、买日常必需品。(一句轻描淡写的“日需品”,包含了多少东西啊!在这安家的朋友最有体会。)为了能找到一个更满意的房子住,我住了一个多月的“移民接待站”。在今年一月份的31天里,我一下就瘦了10多斤。1月里的某一天是我们结婚一周年纪念日,可惜都没法在一起。想起那天大雪纷飞,我坐TTC去Walmart买东西。我左胳膊夹着个鞋架,右胳膊夹着个衣架,下了TTC走在马路上的时候,想擦擦汗都腾不出手来,回家以后累得手发抖。那时候的心情...哎...盼只盼老婆来了有个好一点的环境,我们幸福地生活在一起。




      将来我老了,想想2001年的1月,对我也是一个“很有内容”的记忆呢... ...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 太像了,还好现在不是冬天。谢谢你的鼓励,今天买完电视,准备开始找工作
      • 想不到蛋泥受过这么多苦呀. 沙拉真是幸福哦. 祝福你们两个和大家都越生活越好.
      • Same feeling! 没想到你们也有这样的经历, 其实生活就是这样有酸甜苦辣才有味道, 谢谢你和我们分享! *_*
      • 为什么不两个人一块来创建新家园呢?
        • 我的想法和你的一模一样。看来我的想法是对的了。
        • But my husband said he might earn money there to support me.
          It is very difficult for me to ask him to come here together. He has a better job than me, if both of us came here, none of us have job, he said maybe it would ruin our family, and the love. He said he knew that. Well, though I can endure any hardtime if he is by my side. I don't agree with what he said, but I couldnt insist on his coming here with me.
      • DANNY写的太煽情了,感动死人。
      • 大雪纷飞中满头大汗的蛋泥。。。。。。。。。感动。
    • 一个人在外不容易,没有他的日子里,你要保重你自己!
      • thanks
    • 不要这样吗?一个人在外是挺不容易的。有重的活儿就叫一下ROLIA的腐友,大家一定会帮忙的。西西
      • 樱桃说得对!请问你住多伦多什么位置?
        • Finch/Don mills
          • 不是很远。如果你想买什么重的/大的东西,请在头一天晚上在Rolia上呼叫我就行了。
    • 我来的时候,一个人拖着重重的行李转TTC,下楼梯的时候实在没拎住,眼睁睁看着箱子从楼梯上滚下去。下了TTC是一断上坡路,拖着行李走,不敢推,只为了万一拖不动了可以放手,免得把自己带得摔交。一个人的日子是艰难的。
    • 你说过:“因为原本他是坚决不同意移民的”, 决定是你做的,你就要承担后果。一个人如果能够学会认了,一切就比较好办了。做决定的时候就要想到咬着冷冷的牙,自己为自己的决定负责。
      • 太冷酷了,从心底冒出冷气,,决定是她作的没错,但既然是夫妻,就应该共患难,就算是陌生人,看到这种情况也会帮一把呢,,,sign~~~~
        • if he didn't agree,maybe I would have given up now
    • 早上四點爬起來,希望可以和在北京的男朋友聊一會兒天,聊著聊著就覺得心裏酸酸的。一個人是太孤獨。下次FB一定參加
      • Are you a BJ girl?
        • 是呀,看到這個貼子的時候正是我最難過的時候,可看到大家其實都是這樣挺過來,還是挺受鼓勵的
      • What is FB?
    • 深有同感. 独自移民的女孩子其实挺不容易的
      我刚到多伦多时, 也是什么事情都要自己完成, 小到买米, 大到找房子, 搬家, 买家具, 更别提找工作了, 记得特别清楚, 刚来时去唐人街买菜, 为了省车费, 我拿着4大袋的东西足足走了45分钟, 那个累啊. 一个人出门坐TTC也会常常迷路, 天生不认路的一个人, 以前是打的惯了, 哪儿受过这个罪. 其实这里朋友还是有的, 只是总觉得应该学会自立自强, 别太麻烦别人了, 什么事情不也都自己咬咬牙解决了. 在国内的时候我是连煮粥煎荷包蛋都不会的, 来多伦多后从怎么做饭, 熬粥学起, 现在居然开始又人夸我做的菜很好吃. 西西. 你现在还有劳工可以等, 我一个人出来那时, 国内的男朋友快吹了, 新环境的压力加上感情上的烦恼, 想爸爸妈妈的苦, 身边找不到任何人诉说, 好多个晚上抱着枕头哭. 呵呵, 现在想起来倒一点不苦, 只觉得有这么段经历很宝贵, 很值得回味. 女孩子的潜力其实很大, 不用靠任何人, 可以照样过的很好.
      • 5555555555555于我心有戚戚焉。熬过去,就是一片天..............
      • 是啊,是啊,我也跟你一样,一个人在外也身不由己,再加上受房东(同胞)的气,圣诞前夕在外打工病倒在街头,被急救车扔到医院 。。。苦啊。。。哭啊。。。终于挺过来了。
        • I feel tired and difficult living in Canada alone. I also want to cry. My god, I hope to return back to China to live with my family.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I live in Toronto alone. My husband and my son are living in China. I miss them very much. Before I sleep every night, I always look at the photoes of my son who is only 3 years old and so lovely. I have left him for aobut 3 months. Whenever thinking about my son, I can't help crying. Crying is the ordinary thing for me especially when I am ridden down by Chinese bosses and landlords. I think that some of old immigrants are so concienceless. They think that new immigrants are well-behaved. I do not know how to protest myself. Now, I am working for an insurance agent who let me work every minute without any rest and to my angry, his wife is on the serious guard on me in case I am lazy. Whenever I hear his wife sitting beside me watching TV with her daughter and laugh, I feel bitter. I miss my son and husband further. I hate myself not studying hard in China and waste so much time otherwise, I can find a good job here. But I want to get much money as my tuition, I have to bear them. I want to cry again. Can you tell me how to protest myself?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Things are always tough in the beginning. They will only get better. Be strong. Tell yourself this three times every night before your go to bed. Try to think positively. I think that’s the best way to protect yourself.
            What is your background? What kind of skills do you have? Your English seems to be OK. Small business owners are sometimes tough. Maybe you should look around for some other opportunities. Sometimes being a sewing machine operator (with a bigger company, not those sweatshops) could be better than working for those people.

            Have you started applying for schools? You don't have to wait until you save up all the money for your tuitions. You know you can loan money from the government.

            You seem to be a little isolated. Try to talk to people. Go to those FB gatherings.

            Good luck!
    • 就怕女孩掉眼泪,实在受不了。哭什么?找地儿喝酒去!
    • I do understand that feelings
      ! The first week to buy all those things is the most difficult. When I was shopping then, I missed him so much. I even thought of the days when we two decorated our new home in China, what a happy days then. But now, single woman here have to do all this.
    • 可以成立"留加女士"俱乐部吗?这样, 一个人独处日子,不会太难过..
    • 不要为了讨好他而累着自己, 唯一的结果是他越来越难说话, 你活的越来越累
    • 苦难是财富. 现在辛勤耕耘,秋天就一定会有丰硕成果