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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 又录了一个音频,与上一个同类题材,不过个人感觉这次在语速上注意得好了点,欢迎讨论。星期一事儿多,录得很匆忙,望见谅。捣乱的就算了吧。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛原文转贴于: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space

    In 1905, Albert Einstein published a paper on a special theory of relativity, in which he proposed that space and time be combined into a single construct known as spacetime. In this theory, the speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers—which has the result that two events that appear simultaneous to one particular observer will not be simultaneous to another observer if the observers are moving with respect to one another. Moreover, an observer will measure a moving clock to tick more slowly than one that is stationary with respect to them; and objects are measured to be shortened in the direction that they are moving with respect to the observer.

    Over the following ten years Einstein worked on a general theory of relativity, which is a theory of how gravity interacts with spacetime. Instead of viewing gravity as a force field acting in spacetime, Einstein suggested that it modifies the geometric structure of spacetime itself. According to the general theory, time goes more slowly at places with lower gravitational potentials and rays of light bend in the presence of a gravitational field. Scientists have studied the behaviour of binary pulsars, confirming the predictions of Einstein's theories and non-Euclidean geometry is usually used to describe spacetime.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不错了。到这程度,如果不是准备面试播音员,就不用再进步了。
      • 过奖。读的时候感觉良好,一回放总能发现别扭的地方。
        • 当时回放没有用,要过两个月甚至一年再回来听,才能听出真正的优劣。从我的旁听者角度看,现在已经很不错了,已经可以超过90%以英语为第二语言的中国人了。
          • 多谢鼓励。说得没错。本人重听几年前的录音时觉得问题更多。这段文字我现在重听就已经听出不足了,相信明年再听会更不满意,进步就是在这种否定之否定的过程中实现的。
    • iPad听不了。你怎么老弄这题材,下次整个八卦的,我一准儿有兴趣。。。
      • 本人不善八卦。只会读这些没感情色彩的文章。
        • 11,从何说起啊。
          • 就是啊。。。
    • Good attitude, positive energy and overall not bad. I listened to it once…
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Technically it is fairly poorly put together comparing to your last production. By pronouncing 1905 the very Chinese way, Chinese English which you laugh at often, you almost ruin the whole piece. Didn't get enough time to prepare? Tones, intonations, pronunciations as well as flow of the entire reading all could have been better. You set the bar high for others so you should set the bar higher for yourself. I would give you a B for this one. Below where this is an X means wrong/unclear pronation to me, at least.

      In 1905 X, Albert Einstein published X a paper on a special theory of relativity X, in which X he proposed that space and time be combined into a single construct known X as spacetime. In this theory, the speed of light in a vacuum is the X same for all observers—which has the result that two events that appear simultaneous to one particular observer will not be simultaneous to another observer if the observers are moving with respect to one another. Moreover, an observer will measure a x moving clock to tick more slowly than one that is stationary with respect to them; and objects are measured to be shortened in the direction that they are moving X with respect to the observer.

      Over the following ten years Einstein worked on a general theory of relativity X, which is a theory of how gravity interacts X with spacetime. Instead of viewing X gravity as a force field acting X in spacetime, Einstein suggested that it modifies the geometric structure of spacetime itself. According to the general theory, time goes more slowly at places with lower gravitational potentials and rays of light bend X in the presence of a gravitational field. Scientists have studied the behaviour of binary pulsars X, confirming the predictions of Einstein's theories and non-Euclidean geometry is usually used to describe spacetime.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thanks for taking the time plotting the Xs! I partially agreed with your comment. As for the rest, to each our own.
        • Sure thing. Oh, it should be
          “ Below where there is an X…”...
    • 欢迎各位也读一下贴出来,十分钟的事情而已。
    • 棒!本坛第一!国移翘楚!
      • 多谢夸奖!实不敢当。国移中有的是能人。
      • 不好意思
        第一是 eric。
        • 意在提高,第一,第一百不是问题。。。应该不是问题。。
        • 强求一律不好吧... 每个人的变音能力不一样, taste 也不同. 蓝精灵在加拿大呆了那么多年了, 要是分不清高下还了得? 如果就英语发音标准而言从目前已经上当音频来看, 我觉得担心姐第一当之无愧.
          • goingconern 读的那一段就发音和语调而言,无可挑剔。但个人认为那段文章很短,50秒就能读完。对一个高手来说,在短时间内保持不漏破绽是相对容易的。所以我选的文章都在90 秒以上,上一篇近3分钟,以此挑战自己。
            我今天早晨找你翻finest hour的旧帖,也是想听听它有多长。后来自己翻出来听了,也读了,发现很短,我用53秒就读完了。
            • You rock.
          • 俺指的是男生。女生比酱油哥好的,那是不计其数。
            • 司令的语感语流好像更上一乘.
              • 好像有这么回事。
        • 感觉这里很多人眼高手低,评论别人时都像专家一样,从没见你们哪一个敢pk一下。我从没说酱油好得不用提高了,只是说他比你们都强得多。
          • 俺口音太重,很惭愧的。
            • 还是兵歌心态好,有自知之明。
              • 他的口语很不错的, 牛仔风格, 粗犷朴实不做作.
          • 按你说的 "本坛第一!国移翘楚!", 没必要提高, 也没人敢PK吧?
    • 很流利啊,功夫够深。
      • 录音的过程就是个正音的过程,回放时可以发现很多平时留意不到的问题。我一直是这么学英文的。但把音频发到网上则是最近的事。一起练习,共同提高吧。
        • 谢谢奉献经验!以后大家可以用这个方法学习。你读的速度好快,想必说中文时语速也不慢,我推断出来的,不知道是不是那样。
          • 本人说话速度适中吧。不属于嘴快的那种。
    • +1正能量
      • 多谢表扬。
    • 你的问题是给所有的音分配的时间都是一样的, 所以你的节奏是不对的, 听起来怪怪的。
      • 闪了,继续只看不说
        • 大耳朵听得真切.
        • 这个一定是以上某位的马甲了。
          • Why and how so?
          • 你这么说好小器哦。。。。
            • 以鼓励为主, 所以没说太重
              "Tones, intonations, pronunciations as well as flow of the entire reading all could have been better. "...
              • 我不是你,我只听了20秒,没有听到太多别的问题。 闪了,只是不想让别人误会。
                • 谢谢澄清你不是我的马甲.
      • 有同感.
      • 不能光说不练呀,上一段吧!一分半能读完没大错就是高水准!
        • 对有些人来讲,只能“说”,不能“练”, 一“练”就没法再“说”下去了。请别误会,本人指的是少数人。
          • Come on,您不也是千呼万唤才始开练,练了两把而已啊
            • Is 酱油哥 not always right?
              • 没人能永远正确,我只是觉得他这么说有点牙碜。不知道他说的少数人是哪些人。。
                • 你家小猪是顺毛驴吧?
                • 这个嘛,大家心照吧。
                  • 我这个礼拜不在家,听不了你们的录音。所以我没给评价。你是说大兔子吗?曾记何时您不也是给录音的人提意见,后来大家让你也上一个,你拖了N久,这期间你也一直在指导大家。大兔子只说了一句啊。
            • 对本人来讲, 说和练不矛盾,对某些人就不同了,请稍安勿躁。
              • 所以大兔子的提个意见也是可以的嘛,你反映为什么那么大?
      • 这位是内行看门道啊。
    • 好!这里确实有不少装蒜充专家的,相信你有能力明辨!
      • Thanks for encouraging! I know where I stand :)
    • 这个外语坛,不是大家相互切磋共同提高的么,又不是擂台,为啥非要比出个伯仲,吵来吵去的呢。酱油兄读的狠不错,口齿清晰,流利,自信,中国口音虽有那么一点点
      • 呵呵,你的歌声最好听。你来了,我想听歌。
        • 呵呵谢谢,我是来学习的:)
          • 大家都是来学习交流的,重在参与。
      • 就是啊。。。非要排个第一,第二似的
        • 如果没人敢应战,酱油真要称第一了!
          • 恭喜他
            • 恭喜干脆称老二没人敢称第一不是更有趣? ^ *
            • 我觉得太辣妹读的话可能更好听!
              • 上次读过了,磕磕巴巴的,酱油哥都不懈给评语,臊得我啊。。。。
                • 有什么呢。我见过学英语,外国人学汉语,那些最能放下面子大胆地讲,不怕大家笑话的最终是口语最好的,人家成功之后大家就变得只是羡慕赞扬,再也没脸去挖苦了。
                • 你要多练两遍,酱油为这个音频也下了一番功夫,不是十分钟就搞得定的,我看很少人能够在90秒内完成
                  • 我才懒得练。。。又不能减肥。。。哼!
                    • 我觉得这是个很好的极限运动,说不定能减肥呀!
                      • 去!你们都笑我胖!
                        • 没看到你照片怎么知道你胖?
      • 感谢偶像鼓励。从没想和谁比试,只是借此机会提高而已,中国人讲国语有几个没口音的?遑论英文。
        • Glad to see that you are now acknowledging it... We better not say something like
          • 这是个度的问题,口音到一定程度就会刺耳了,比如当年的刺头,口音不仅重,而且很多词的发音都是错的,这些其实都不要紧,不可取的是他听不得本人帮他指出来。
            • 嗯, 虚心使人进步。 一个人若真是从内心里接受不同意见,肯定会更上一层楼。相信多数人比只相信自己要可靠。
              • 作为评论者,不论是夸讲还是批评,如果做不到客观,都起不到帮人的作用。比如这里有些人就有指鹿为马的习惯,他们的标准不是事实,而是对评论对象的喜恶或是其他的个人目的。
                • OK, 看来只有这样的评论让人心花怒放 "棒!本坛第一!国移翘楚!"... . The truth is that's far more than just overstatement. It is pure flattery. I am sure that most audiences share the same feeling. To be honest you have a long way to go...
                  • 到此为止吧,刺头,以下省去3行字。。。。。。。。。。。。
                    • 你就生活在自己的梦里吧, 小可怜. Best of luck!
            • 刺哥的发音不刺耳。酱油哥力气用错地方了。学英语,口音不重要,偏冷词不重要,语法不重要。
              • 刺头的错误发音的确刺到我的耳膜了,如果让我说他读得准,那是骗他。
                • 你的标准不是事实,而是对评论对象的喜恶或是其他的个人目的。
                  • 到此为止吧,本人已经没兴趣就这个话题与你们“讨论”了。本人来这里的目的是帮助别人同时也自我提升,对基于事实的学术讨论本人欢迎,对毫无意义的斗嘴本人没有时间奉陪。这也是为什么本人不常在天地坛发言的原因,那里的话题基本没答案,最终无一例外陷入斗嘴。
                    • 其实要是只想让所有观众都说你好, 佩服你, 只能是白日梦 .大耳朵兔子说"你的问题是给所有的音分配的时间都是一样的,所以你的节奏是不对的, 听起来怪怪的." 你马上指责他是某人马甲. 你骨子里的可怜的骄傲实在与你的水平相差甚远.
    • 没人贴我来玩
      • 设备不行杂音有点大啊,重新录一下更好!
        • 32kbps的码率问题64k的应该好点了,读错了好多地方
          • 很好啊!如果在90秒搞定,去掉一些升调,你就读得比酱油好!
            • He is better...
          • 挺好的。其实大家多参与,多练练自然就会越来越好。
            • 谢谢,平时就是开开会,很少用到大段的,不容易提高
          • 发音清晰度和准确度明显要比LZ好。
            • 嫉妒的力量真了得,这位哥哥读得也可以,但明显不在酱油的档次,从你嘴里是个人都比酱油读得好啊。学学兵歌的心态多好啊。
              • OK OK 酱油哥 "棒!本坛第一!国移翘楚!" Is there anything that he can make me jealous? Try harder. If you have any sense of voice audacity's reading clarity is better than your 酱油哥.
                That's possibly why after so many years you found an idol who is not really qualified.
          • 感谢你的参与!
    • 慢了,不习惯了。
      • 语感和关键词的准确度比LZ要好。
      • 与某些只说不敢练的主儿相比,王小姐是只练不说,仅凭这一点就值得褒扬。
        • 知易行难呀, 知易行难呀,
      • 大家火气很大,有则改之无则加勉。我的感觉:R音舌位再放低,你卷舌过度了。 另外一个句子所有的词都是重音就没有重音了。 大家都是happy来的,你的事业已经很成功了,何必拘泥于小小的口音呢。 最后一贴,保证不乱说话了。 另外我不是马甲。
        • 客观公正, 马甲V5。
        • Thank you, what you said about R is very true. I noticed it before but did not pay attention. My interest is not on English, but if if I can do something to make it better with lease efforts, why not? Especially here you already identified a problem.
          • 你对待不同意见的态度肯定能让你不断进步。他不是我的马甲 :-)
            • 感谢你的参与! -winterstorm(打酱油的); 08:59 (#8165553@0)
    • 赞赞赞,字正腔圆,VOA水平,和文学城上的几位大拿很接近了。
      • 多谢你的鼓励! 从未去过文学城的外语坛,能否指点一下如何听到那几位大拿的音频?非常想学习一下。
        • 如果酱油哥真想学习,就应该仔细体会一下大耳朵哥的点评。还有红脖子哥的。
          • 酱铀哥其实不错, 但离 "本坛第一!国移翘楚!"还有很大距离。 关键是他喜欢被恭维, 听不进不同意见, 这不是大家风范。
            • 你们,绕了他吧?他可能悄悄地接受批评意见了,只是嘴硬而已。再这样不依不饶,会有更多观众有意见的。
              • 好吧, 遵命.
      • 你这真是夸奖?
    • 得闪了,track meet this afternoon no kidding.. 各位慢玩
    • 发音好棒~如果要是语调再抑扬一些就更好了~
      • 没错,我的语调是需要下功夫。
        • You audio clips left me a feel that you appear to be lacking of confidence and somewhat frustrated. You focus more on individual syllables rather than the entire flow.
          • 我的观点,语调这东西,学不像还不如不学,怪异的语调会令我起鸡皮疙瘩。
            • How you feel is not exactly how others feel. You do have a very long way to go. Hurry up.
              • 你没听懂我的意思。我是说学得不像的语调比没有语调离纯正更远。你上次读的finest hour就是一个例子。这次读得语调稍好一些,很可能是因为这段文字很浅显的缘故,但也是典型的国移语调,第一句就听得出。
                • I did not do it. I listened to that one and it's much better than yours.
                  • How you feel is not exactly how others feel. You do have a very long way to go. Hurry up. -redneck(Cracker); 08:03 (#8171851@0)
                    • Although you are better than some other Jerry Dai's students your insecurity and unwillingness to learn or change won't get you very far. Your problem is overly confident about yourself while you are still not even close to that stage.
                      • 行了,就这样吧,到此为止。
                        • I hope it won't take you another six months to come up with an audio clip. Best of luck.