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我不太熟悉影坛的琐事,此 Zhao Amenda Wei 相信不是彼赵薇吗。

Zhao lives with her boyfriend, 18-year-old Ang Li, in a basement suite in Burnaby. He is not a suspect. She attends Coquitlam College, and president Tom Tait said the entire school is devastated.

"She was just a wonderful student. It's just so, so sad," said Tait. "We're really scared. It doesn't look good. We're all walking around like zombies."

Tait said Zhao's parents are in Beijing.

"Her parents are actually 60 years old," he said. "They're both retired but the mother's working at a school for extra money -- about $200 a month Canadian -- that she sends to Amanda for living expenses. They're just scraping to make ends meet for their only child, so it can't be any sadder."
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 赵薇被杀, 让人痛心; 而警方的无能和冷漠更让人气愤. 我写了一封信, 准备发给1. the Mayor of Vancouver 2. the Primer Minister 3. Chief police official of RCMP. 4. MP in my region 5. the media. 也呼吁您发EMAIL给有关人士.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I am writing this letter to express my extreme disappointment and anger on how badly the Wei Amanda Zhao murder case was handled. There’s been nothing but indifference on the part of the government and incompetence on the part of law enforcement.

    Apparently, the criminals who target Asian women, especially foreign students are on the loose. We want to know whether a special task force has been set up to solve the case before another Asian woman is killed

    We recently saw a missing person case on TV and newspaper. Enormous airtime and headlines were devoted to the missing person. A thorough search had been conducted. Is it the color or ethnic background of a missing person that determines the government’s actions? Is it okay for Asian women to be killed? Is this the training the RCMP receives?

    The Chinese girl’s family trusted Canada as a safe place to live. With this trust, they sent their only daughter cross the Pacific Ocean to study here. And Canada’s response has been killing and indifference

    Has the RCMP person who initially took the call and failed to respond been fired? She should probably be charged as an accomplice to the killers, for her inaction. What actions have been taken to track the killers down? When are we going to see some results? Do 20 more Asian women have to be raped or murdered before something is done? Do the tax dollars we pay not qualify us for police protection?

    We demand answers now.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 支持支持!争取联合署名,越多越好!
      • 建议大家单独发EMAIL, 越多越好. 前段时间在MIAMI被怀疑为恐怖分子的三个阿拉伯后裔的学生被医学院拒绝了INTERSHIP, 数千EMAIL发到医学院, 最后医学院同意接受. 请发EMAIL给有关部门!一句话两句话都可以
    • 正在查上述机构的联系方式(EMAIL), 如您查到, 请跟贴. 谢谢
    • 支持!
      • 强烈支持
    • 是“赵巍”吧?要真是“赵薇”被杀的话,我估计放鞭炮的人不少。
      • really?
        • 嗯,可能吧。嫉妒的人太多。
    • 总算有人出来了,我还以为rolia只会风花雪月呢。看了你的信,我私下以为说得过重,口气可以缓和一些,要明确表达不满,但是不要过于往种族方面靠(虽然事实如此)。
      • 尤其这句“Is it the color or ethnic background of a missing person that determines the government’s actions? Is it okay for Asian women to be killed? Is this the training the RCMP receives? ”过于直白了,效果不见得好。
        • 我同意这样说啊。如果把种族歧视牵扯进去,应该更受重视。//例如美国辛普森的案子。
          • "Is it okay for Asian women to be killed? " 你觉得这句话效果会好吗?
        • 谢谢. 这是我的感受. 你们发EMAIL时, 请表达你们的感受和要求.
          • 俺英文写作一直不好,打算copy & paste, 略做修改,事先声明,不算侵犯知识产权吧。:-)
            • my pleasue
        • 意见就是意见,还用替政府考虑口气合适不合适吗?种族歧视就是种族歧视,事实就是事实,还用考虑口气吗?我们又不是政府部门。就应该讲自己的感受,让政府知道我们真实的感受。
    • The Toronto Police Association is calling for a boycott of The Toronto Star over its stories detailing racial bias by city police
    • media, 请帮忙寻找中文报纸的联系方式. (我手头上没有)


      • premier@gov.bc.ca
        • http://www.city.vancouver.bc.ca/ctyclerk/intouch.html
        • postmaster@city.burnaby.bc.ca
          • Don't write to postmaster. It's just web admin.
            • that is the only email I found for the mayor in Burnaby :(
              • IS fax number OK?
                Mayor Drummond
                Phone: 604.294.7340
                Fax: 604.294.7724

                contact info of city concil at

                and this one is interesting too:
                • yes, thanks alot!
        • MP in Burnaby
          Svend Robinson (NDP)
          Office: 4453 E. Hastings, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 2K1
          Phone: 299-4022 Fax: 666-0727 E-mail: robins@parl.gc.ca

          Paul Forseth (Canadian Alliance)
          Office: #101-313 Sixth Street, New Westminister, B.C. V3L 3A7
          Phone: 666-5446 Fax: 666-5520 E-mail: foresth@reform.ca

          Herb Dhaliwal (Liberal)
          Office: #818 Airport Square, 1200 W. 73th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6P 6G5
          Phone: 664-9292 Fax: 664-9294 No E-mail
      • http://www.city.vancouver.bc.ca/police/policeboard/index.html
    • 饺子终于露馅了,女人就是女人。温哥华五十几个失踪妇女的案子不也是前段时间才破吗?你可以骂骑警低能,但跟种族歧视有什么关系?
      • 还是不一样。犯罪案件很多,但这一次警察反应之迟钝冷漠,非常明显。那50多位妇女失踪,也是因为她们都是社会底层,很多是妓女什么的,警察才会漠视。社会就是这么残酷。
        • 我看过你的那个帖子,我觉得是成年人和未成年人的区别。假如你是警察,某人报警说他几个小时没看见他女朋友了,你怎么想,一个成年人,几个小时没联系上,还够不上失踪的标准吧?
          • what if you can't contact your wife or your husband for several hours in the night?
            • 你着急是当然的,但警方也有他的办事准则,如果你没有足够的证据证明那个人处于危险中,怎么说服他行动。就现在得到的信息还不足以下种族歧视或警方反应迟钝的结论。
              • 你觉得结论仓促吗:1。中国大使馆将向RCMP总部递交抗议书。2 Burnaby 的国会议员在ottawa表示RCMP的处理速度难以容忍,要求调查。3 RCMP内部对处理zhao wei一案的过程已经开始调查,估计下周会公布调查结果。
                • 你自己也说了,调查结果还未公布,现在只凭一方的说法下结论不是太早吗?领事馆里面的人是个什么德行大家都知道,目前我宁愿相信RCMP通知过他们,何况RCMP也说有通知记录。至于RCMP的办事能力,不好说,也许真的很差。
      • 老哥,你这话说的可就不在理了吧。您就那么肯定跟种族歧视没关系?
    • 强烈支持!
    • 支持一把!
    • 为什么google上只查到一片有关的英语文章。
      • You are talking about against Racism, meanwhile your speech here is from a racist.
    • 我不太熟悉影坛的琐事,此 Zhao Amenda Wei 相信不是彼赵薇吗。
      Zhao lives with her boyfriend, 18-year-old Ang Li, in a basement suite in Burnaby. He is not a suspect. She attends Coquitlam College, and president Tom Tait said the entire school is devastated.

      "She was just a wonderful student. It's just so, so sad," said Tait. "We're really scared. It doesn't look good. We're all walking around like zombies."

      Tait said Zhao's parents are in Beijing.

      "Her parents are actually 60 years old," he said. "They're both retired but the mother's working at a school for extra money -- about $200 a month Canadian -- that she sends to Amanda for living expenses. They're just scraping to make ends meet for their only child, so it can't be any sadder."
    • 支持!上次那个女学生,都有目击证人,到现在也没差出来。
    • 支持!!!!!团结就是力量!!
    • On the one hand, I am totally with you, on the other hand, how come you know Wei Amander Zhao got killed? As far as I know she is really missing till now, she might be killed, but noboday has any clue yet.
      • her body was found in Mission, BC
    • 强烈支持!我抗议枫叶卡的信就发给了Sun,Toronto Star,Mississauga news, Metro TOday,公民与移民部长等。(虽然没反馈:(())。最后倒数第二句应是:Have not the tax dollars we paid qualified us for police protection?
      • 你别光写信抗议啊,要来点精神和肉体上的自我摧残。首先你应该抵制枫叶卡,要拿出打死你也不办的勇气。另外再去city hall静坐绝食。

    • 支持中....
    • 我看完后也立刻发了份短信过去了,现将信内容贴在这里
      Dear sir/ madam:

      I was really shocked and raging by the slow action of our police and indifference to Wei Zhao, a young lady' s life. Our country is putting safety and responsibility on one side While making profit from international students. This is Canada, a safety-well known country's shame.I strongly suggest that those scrimshankers, who bring disgrace upon our country's nice image, be punished without any excuse. Every Canadian is deeply concerned with the progress and solution of this event.Don't disappoint all of us any more, we hope.

      Best Regards,


      Oct 24,2002
    • 强烈支持,做得太对了!请跟贴应该发的EMAIL地址,我会把此信从我的私人信箱发过去的!
      • Thanks! here: #815203
    • 你怎么知道警察没行动?别动不动就抗议,这不是中国人的传统. 做点积极的事, 不要给社会一个概念中国人都事事的. 还是做好自己的事为好.开个企业,创造100个就业机会, 太多了,
      • 楼上所言差矣,海外华人最大的缺点就是不团结,受欺负也不敢出声,只管自己不顾别人---导致谁都不把你放在眼里。
      • 此言大错特错!听起来很象一句话:现在的年轻人,应该多作点学问,少谈些主义!好象是5。4运动的时候某先哲说过的吧。嘿嘿,料不到今日也有如此贤辈啊。
      • 哦,还有啊,在这个国家,只有事事的人群才受到尊重,象在中国一样当顺民可吃不开啊!
        • You could say that again! Now aday, Chinese seldom strike for their fairness, seldom yeel for their fredom, so thus white man and black man, even fuckin indian...
          look down us! For our Chinese can take revelent fairness and better working payment, our Chinese should strike and hurl serious words to those white and black man! We should gather together, fight shoulder by shoulder and work cooperatively! So that give a lesson to those guys who look down Chinese!
          For our stife we, our Chinaman never be writen as Chinese, but should be ChinaMan or Chinean, as well as Korean.
      • 1.传统不等于正确,当初还殉葬呢。2.积极的事有多种,办企业是,但不能否定其他方式。3.这种事警察应该比我们积极,我们道义他们职责,我们应做的积极的事就是督促他们积极采取行动。想想同样是富有的少数民族,秘鲁的日本人和印尼的华人
      • 怀疑您不看书不看报。随便翻翻报纸杂志的读者来信就该知道什么才是事事的。
    • 支持,在发给克里田和他的竞争对手
    • this link might help
    • 支持饺子,付诸行动!
    • Thanks very much for raising this case to our attention. Support!
      Dear Sir/Madam,

      As a Chinese student studying in Canada, I am very disappointed with the police's slow action on the murder case of Wei Amanda Zhao that happened in Vancouver. We, 40,000 Chinese students studying in Canada, strongly hope that the local police, RCMP and all other angencies can focus on this case, as well as the series of assaulting cases on Asia women that happend this year, and catch the criminals as soon as possible.

      We hope to study and live a secured country.

      Deeply concerned,
      • good!