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This is my take of this question...I am open to discussions..

The current state of today's network technology, both for LAN and for WAN and Internet, was rooted, or call it limited by the computing capacity from 20 years ago....

The whole idea of the three layer design was because one layer of network devices just couldn't handle everything it needed to handle - it did not have the computing power at that time...

All the things of scalability, redundancy, policy enforcement, routing, QoS etc. etc...just can't be handled by a few devices...

NOW, it is a different story...The demand is different and the vast amount of computing capacity is different...from 20 years ago...But, one thing is still the same: the closeness of network devices and the protocols that run on top of it..

The change, inevitably, will drive a new model of network...It will be driven, initially, from large data centres...But, sooner or later, the change will dominate everything on the network layer and provide a revolutionary common structure..
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  • 工作学习 / 科技领域杂谈 / 去年夏天在一次小酒会上,ShoreGroup的创始人和CEO问我: 你觉得今后什么网络技术最重要,多长时间内会对业界产生影响? 我说SDN, 在5-10年内。他当时很有些疑问,反问,你真觉的要用那么长时间吗?

    今天看到Juniper要推出一款可编程扩展的core switch,作为对SDN的一个交代,我是心存怀疑的。总觉得这类革新技术恐怕不会从类似Cisco或Juniper这样掌握现有市场的公司来。更有可能的是从大学研究室,甚至是从几个人的小作坊开始...

    看最近50年计算机技术,从大型机,到个人电脑,到iXXX, 真是各领风骚20年。在任何一个时期,总会有一个产品,一项技术博得了当时的人心,领悟到当时的市场需求,看起来风光一时。但随着热潮消退,市场变迁,总会被其他技术所取代。

    现有流行的网络技术,现在的市场主流核心产品,开始于Cisco在90年代初的革命,开始于旧金山那个校园里。如今20年过去了.......随着cloud computing, server virtualization 的兴起,在网络技术上,市场在期待着一场新的革命

    时光再翻过10年,回头看看,会发现网络技术发生了翻天覆地的变化,开放可编程,全虚拟化的网络软件会运行在开放而极便宜的硬件平台上。而现在的强者Cisco, Juniper, 恐怕已经远不再那样红火。
    • cisco不干,找华为干嘛。呵呵
    • 这就像靠右行驶一样,也许靠左更好,但你永远改变不了。在LAN可以,在家随便你打横走都可以,在WAN和公网,IPV6还跑不开呢。
      • This is my take of this question...I am open to discussions..
        The current state of today's network technology, both for LAN and for WAN and Internet, was rooted, or call it limited by the computing capacity from 20 years ago....

        The whole idea of the three layer design was because one layer of network devices just couldn't handle everything it needed to handle - it did not have the computing power at that time...

        All the things of scalability, redundancy, policy enforcement, routing, QoS etc. etc...just can't be handled by a few devices...

        NOW, it is a different story...The demand is different and the vast amount of computing capacity is different...from 20 years ago...But, one thing is still the same: the closeness of network devices and the protocols that run on top of it..

        The change, inevitably, will drive a new model of network...It will be driven, initially, from large data centres...But, sooner or later, the change will dominate everything on the network layer and provide a revolutionary common structure..
        • ibm就一个系统集成商,革命啥的就甭提了
          • when did i mention IBM?
            • You would @ 07:59 , :)
          • 没错。那些产品我虽然不熟悉,但想来都是在layer 7以上,data power可能是把对XML的处理固件化或类似层次上的产品。在软件/服务器与网络谁应该有智能的问题上从来没有统一意见。IBM/HP认为网络只是个pipe, 智能在server, Cisco则反之。
            从网络诞生以来,一直是closed system, 一直是distributed system...根源是scalability受限于当时的computing power. 无论什么routing protocol, 都是源于此。

            在计算的所有其他领域,一直是centralized model 和distributed model, open system 和closed system 不断螺旋交替的过程。

            网络是计算的一部分,centralized open system 这时代即将来临。or, so called Skynet era is knocking on our door..
            • 我赞成网络要有一些智能


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