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我早上给helpdesk写的一封email. 请高手点评一下,可以从任何方面 。谢谢。

Hi Helpers,

It usually takes long time (30+ minutes) for my Microsoft LYNC to sign in, and this has been causing lots of inconvenience.

I know some people never log off their computers and others log off every day. I’m one of the latter. The problem is when I log on my computer in the morning, it takes half an hour or longer for Microsoft LYNC to sign in, while I expect a matter of seconds.

If there is a solution, please help me solve it. If there is not a known solution, just let me know and close this ticket. I understand LYNC is new to our system and something can be imperfect for a while. I’m not going to change my habit (logging off on a daily basis), though.


Howard Dong

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 我早上给helpdesk写的一封email. 请高手点评一下,可以从任何方面 。谢谢。
    Hi Helpers,

    It usually takes long time (30+ minutes) for my Microsoft LYNC to sign in, and this has been causing lots of inconvenience.

    I know some people never log off their computers and others log off every day. I’m one of the latter. The problem is when I log on my computer in the morning, it takes half an hour or longer for Microsoft LYNC to sign in, while I expect a matter of seconds.

    If there is a solution, please help me solve it. If there is not a known solution, just let me know and close this ticket. I understand LYNC is new to our system and something can be imperfect for a while. I’m not going to change my habit (logging off on a daily basis), though.


    Howard Dong
    • 罗嗦还带点情绪。有必要么?就说:反映个情况,我每天login系统都需要30多分钟。请helpdesk调查并解决。
      • 同意~
      • +1
      • +1
      • ++
    • 让俺做个好事。请见俺的版本。
      Hello Friend,

      I seem to need your help. Basically, every morning when I log in to my computer, I have to wait for 30 - 60 minutes before I can start my work. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. Please help me out.

      Thank you,

      Howard Dong
      • "what's wrong with me? " the better change it to "what's wrong with my account "
        • 正想说呢。
          • 嘿嘿,二位眼睛好。接受批评。应该说, what's wrong with my account, OR what's wrong with my computer.
            • 简单明了的,写得挺好:-)
      • 千万别对人说,"what's wrong with you? "。否则对方一定跟你急。
      • LOL. "Hello Friend"? Are you writing to your 哥们, OR colleague(s)?
        • 是的,是的。通常俺都treat 那些在Help Desk工作的 同事当friends. 工作中也要有轻松的一面吗。
          • Okay, I see. Then, how's about this version:
            "Buddy, get your ass over here, and fix it up. Drinks are on me. Cya at bar tonite "
    • 最后一段谁看了都不爽。
      • +1
      • 呵呵。helpdesk基本上不会理会你的email里面写的啥。因为基本上他们也不看。
      • ++
    • My version...
      Hi folks,

      Every morning it takes me over 30 minutes to login the lync, which doesn't seem normal. I will be appreciated if you can solve the problem for me.

      • +1
      • I guess
        you meant " I will appreciate it" or " it will be appreciated".
      • It would be greatly appreciated if you would fix the issue for me.
      • Doean't "I will be appreciated" mean somebody else (will) appreciates you?
    • is addressing people as "helpers" respectful? does it imply "subordinate"? why I felt a bit condescending ......
      • +1 , 看到这句已经不舒服了
    • 不明白给help desk写email有啥用,help desk 不会理会email和电话的。 fill ticket 是最重要的。多数help desk 的原则是,no ticket, no work.而且你只需要描述症状,你没必要去找任何原因,那是他们的事情
      • 俺不完全赞同。一种可能是,有些公司没有您说的ticket系统。二是,Help Desk 有义务 help create 这个 ticket。
    • 说问题就好了,罗嗦那些烦死了。我如果是help desk,真不想理你。
      • 啊,真的?俺可以理解。但如果俺说您没有Customer First 的精神,您不会介意吧?
        • 所以用了"真不想理你",而不是"根本不会理你"。管还得管,就是干这个的嘛。
    • 遇到这种事儿,尽量打电话,实在没有人,再写 EMAIL。
    • Thank you all for your valuable feedbacks! Here's my revised version:
      Dear Help Desk Team,

      Could you please help me with my Microsoft LYNC? Almost every morning it takes long time (30+ minutes) to sign in, which causes some inconvenience.

      Thanks in advance,

      Howard Dong
      • 写得不够严重。俺的版本里说,30-60分钟。您可以说,Sometimes it takes XX minutes...嘿嘿,是sometimes 吗。
      • 就一句: MS Lync hangs when sign in. Please investigate.
      • 阅,准了:-) 这东西改起来没个头的。说清楚就成,发吧。BTW,好像你有ticket了,可以给他们个ticket#。
        • 对,对,对。我想大伙儿都是抱着互相学习,帮助的态度。这东西改起来没个头的。说清楚就成,发吧。
    • 和help desk 打交道很简单,就两条, fill ticket, and escalated. 就是写email也只写给manager..写给具体干活的人,没用。要知道那个干活的人可能和你一样,ENGLISH 是第二语言。无所谓你怎么写,都是一回事。
      • 不会吧,我有个在大公司做support的,他和我说,最反感的就是那些动不动就escalate的人
        • 不同角度看问题,干活的人最恨escalated,一escalated, 时间就由customer控制了,而不由干活的人掌控了。但是你要想要你的case to be higher priority, 就需要escalated.
    • 我以前在公司做的时候,还巴不得 Lync 连不上呢,刚好没人知道我在干嘛了,哈哈。lync 本来就问题多多,有什么好吵的,如果有需要用 lynch 的,就用 email 或者打电话然后 share desktop 算啦,更高效
    • 啰嗦了点。很普通的工作邮件,看不出有什么值得一"评"的地方。
    • 这个邮件不用发了, 30分钟不是什么大事,早上到了公司启动电脑后就去喝咖啡吃早点,回来电脑也ready了。再说公司的电脑也许lease块到期了,我们那里每两年换一次电脑,电脑刚开始闹别扭的时候就有新电脑来了。
    • It is a bit long. Imagine Helpdesk staffs are getting tons of e-mails like yours. The simpler, the better.