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A。我还没谢她呢。B。那还不赶紧谢。(或:那现在就赶紧谢吧。/ 那现在就谢谢吧。)


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 有人常常提语感,请允许本人来个语感小测验,试翻译对话:A: I haven't thanked her yet. B: It's time you did. 答案稍后公布。
    • 1, 我尚未致谢? 2,你现在做
      • no,no,no 太丫啊,你的语感不妙啊。。。You got C -.
        • 第一个我真不知道。第二个不是你说的时候就该做的意思吗?
          • 难道第一说的是反话?多得她不少?
    • A发狠一挣,扑倒在地,一时间眼角滚下泪珠,哀哀哭道:卿就这样去了吗?早有心言谢,叹吾命歹,何其竟不能当面与卿共诉衷肠。。。B也恨声道:早知如此,何不当初?汝早当谢她,此时此刻,怕是悔之晚矣。言毕,浑身抖个不住,早已气的小脸儿通红。。。。
      • 肥哥用力过度。
      • 你写小说吗?想拜读大作。
    • A. 还没有谢她 yet。 B. 现在是你 did 的时候了。
    • B 你早就该谢了
      • 站这儿。
    • A.我还没谢她呢。B.你应该已经做过了。感觉有点儿责备的意思。
    • 8-yr old gal said b meant "you need to thank her soon".
    • :) Your B is not right. Does anyone really speak like that?
      • agreed. it's time brother soy sauce talked to a shrink first. -goingconern(GoingConcern); 1.31 13:17 (#8032372@0)
        • 你也不要用力过度。
      • It is a correct expression.
        • There are only two links from Google talking about this structure and using the same examples you gave. No any other grammar books or writers' guides even mention this structure. I am not convinced and it still sounds terrible English to me.
          • When I first heard this expression years ago, I was puzzled as you are now. After having applied it to my communication with the natives repeatedly, I find it very natural now and it just rolls right off my tongue once the situation presents itself.
            • How did you find out they were not treating it simply as tense error? It is not hard to guess the meaning after all. Could you find it in any online articles or books? If you could, I learned something today. But I couldn't.
              • It should be in grammar books. I will let you know when I find it
                • OK
                  • 不谢哥变了。
                  • 这个链接供你参考:
                    • 按照你的链接,那么我的翻译就是对的:A。我还没谢她呢。B。那还不赶紧谢。(或:那现在就赶紧谢吧。/ 那现在就谢谢吧。) -huanhuan4(huanhuan); 2.1 10:58 (#8034211@0)
                      And if the situation is a little more urgent, we use the expression "It's high time" which means it's very important that this happens now - "It's high time we left - come on or we'll miss the train." Or again a parent might say to an older child - "It's high time you found a job, young man!"

                      So in summary -

                      "Let's go" is an informal suggestion or a polite instruction -

                      "It's high time" - is a formal statement that it is important that something happen soon or that something happen now.

                      And now - it's about time I finished this answer.
                    • Thanks, the reason it gives is that it is a subjunctive mood, which, I feel, is a stretch, because once the gate is open, it could be used to explain many poorly structured sentences.
                      Now, the question is: does that qualify as a subjunctive mood? There is nothing about this structure on Grammar Girl’s site. I will take a close look at several reference books on grammar next week. Just for fun. But regardless of the result, I won't use it. Subjunctive mood is not in much use today. Only several common ones like "If I were you", "I would have ..."still in frequent use.
                      • You just brought up a good topic: subjunctive mood. I find that it is somewhat misinterpreted in the grammar books written by Chinese. I will start a new thread on this topic when I am free.
                • 酱油哥不要太认真了。以不谢哥的英文水平,不会不知道这个用法的。
                  • Oh, There are many things I don't know.
    • B:你刚才不是已经泻过了吗?
      • 泻。。。泻神马啊。。。
        • 谢。其实上下文很清楚,A不认识那个要谢的人(也就是B)。B用的是it's time you did. "did"的意思很清楚:"谢过了"。
          • 开个玩笑,:P
    • 不懂。语感这东西,总是要跟上下文连起来吧?在语境熟悉的情况下,语感好的人经常能从上下文中听懂一个没听说过的词或词组的含义。
      • 所以我写了两句。对知道这一用法的人已经足够了。
    • 酱油兄看来是和奇怪语法较上劲了,这里是网上收来的说法:when we use "it's time/it's about time + S + simple past tense" ,we want to complain or say that something should have been done at the time of speaking.
    • 看得出有些朋友还很迷惑,提示一下,同样用法:We've enjoyed the evening, but it's time we went. 这个句型很简捷实用。
      • 这个意思是?:美好是美好,但是已经过去了。
    • 我个人觉得,这些很少有人用的语法句型最好不要用,没有必要搞那么复杂。
      • 这是常用用法。
        • 至少我在这十几年,从来没有听人这么说过。你上网查一查,也几乎没有几个这样的说法。
          • 有一个卡车公司,俺从来没有听说过。后来俺炒它的股票输了不少钱。从那以后,俺出门经常看到它们家的卡车。你说怪不怪?
            • 说这些没用,你上rolia上做个统计,看看有几个人听过这样的说法。。。
              • Rolia上少人知道是很正常的,因为这里都是老中。重复一下,语言不是逻辑。用法就是用法。
                • 用法和逻辑可能都是对的,但是现在应该很少用了,电视上,电影上,平时和洋人聊天没听说过。其实英语和中文一样,一直在不断更新,越来越简化,一些复杂费解的用法不断的被淘汰,当然本地人由于文化背景,对这些用法还知道,但是也很少用,
                  • 不是你说的那种情况。这种意思,这是唯一用法。你没“见”过,是因为你不知道,就象俺从来没有“见”过那个卡车公司的名字一样。
                    • 不知道你说啥。。。你听到谁说过?rolia上很多来加拿大十几年的了,有谁听说过,电视上,电影上,生活中?
                      • 不知道的事情你就视而不见。听说过 cushman & wakefield 没有?俺以前也没有。有一次面试,中介没有告诉俺雇主是谁,俺到了一看,大楼上一个大牌子,叫 ”Cushman & Wakefield“。俺以为它就是俺的新东家,所以记得清。从那以后,俺到处都能见到 ”Cushman & Wakefield“ 。
                        • 比俺大点, 比俺母公司小一点儿.
                          • 刺哥原来是做房地产的。这几年大发了吧?
                            • Of course.
                        • You are right -- we don't know nothing. :) You will hear this everywhere from now on.
                          • Learn some ghetto slangs.
                          • 不谢哥是开玩笑吧?
                            • Kidding. Just want to see if you are mad.
                  • 丁丁有点较真了。英文对老中来说是外文,一种用法你没见过不等于少用。
                    • 不是较真,如果天天看英文电视,看了几百部英文电影,和同事天天聊天十几年都没有听过,你是不是应该认真考虑一下这样的用法到底是不是一个通用的用法。如果说我一个人的经历不算数,在肉联上和我有同样在这生活十几年的网友,有谁听说过吗?
                • 酱油哥很喜欢称国人为老中, 如果是对应中国人戏称外国人是老外还可以理解, 否则会让人觉得这种用法带有贬义.
            • 你要是较真,去找本莎士比亚的脚本来看,正宗的英文,看看现在还有几个人这样说话。。。
    • 我还没谢丫呢 - 你刚谢了丫啊
    • 刚刚同一个native speaker讨论了一番,他的第一反应是,应该感谢的时候了,当然当her是third person的情况下。我的解释也对,但more dramatic. 一句话,没有Context,很难有标准答案。
    • A。我还没谢她呢。B。那还不赶紧谢。(或:那现在就赶紧谢吧。/ 那现在就谢谢吧。)
    • 答案很简单:B:你早该这么做了(谢她) It's time we went: 我们早该走了。上面有几位答对了。顺便,这个句型不是偏僻少用的句型。
      • 酱油回避我的帖子。看看你刚刚提供的链接,里面的解释证明我的理解和翻译比你的更地道,可你就是不肯承认,反而使劲跟别人的帖子,借以转移注意力哈。
    • 酱油哥V5。常见句型。
    • 常见而简单的语法,中学课本上早讲过了,也没语感什么事吧,语感本来就是一个很奇怪的词,对的就是对的,错的就是错的,不是凭感觉来的
      • 本人觉得理解这一用法需要语感,语感是一种境界,不是判断对错的标准。很有意思的是,对同一个表达,你说中学就学过,但楼上有说闻所未闻的,有说这个表达是错的,各个都和你一样有信心。
    • 直译 B) 这是时刻 你已经做过了(感谢)。---- 现在是你已经感谢过了的时刻。
    • It's time you did--这句话的关键难道不是这个缩写的It's么? “it is or it was”。真是越看越糊涂了。
      • 看了所有的跟帖,学习了,希望也进步了。 :)