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Beyoncé decided to perform to a pre-recorded track at the last minute due to her busy schedule. 那是她个人的决定。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Oops......Beyonce在总统就职仪式上全程假唱. Beyonce Knowles' flawless performance of “The Star Spangled Banner” at the inauguration was entirely lip-synched,
    • Beyoncé decided to perform to a pre-recorded track at the last minute due to her busy schedule. 那是她个人的决定。
      • Oh,come on ,baby......the inauguration is not her priority on her busy schedule?
        • Maybe she did not have enough time to prepare, or for whatever reason; we don’t care. That is her personal choice.
      • 不管如何,你开脱的理由让人耳目一新,辛苦了!提请刺哥,授予你金质奖章一枚!
        • 民主国家的个人行为被嘲笑,她个人承担后果。而奴隶封建专制的国家行为由专制党负责,被嘲笑的不是那个被强迫假唱的小女孩,或被强迫输球的运动员,被嘲笑的是专制党。这是本质区别。
          • 啊啊, 民主国家是可以弄虚作假的, 是吧? 这种行为是对民主的亵渎, 是滥用和无视民主, 从根本上就是对总体和美国的蔑视吗. 你居然还唱赞歌, 真让人大开眼界.
            • 民主国家一样有杀人犯,报导更醒目。
              • 思维严重混乱, 这里是讨论总统就职演说假唱问题. 先理理你的思路, 这才刚刚大早上呢.
                • 思维严重混乱的是你吧,社会中的许多丑陋和犯罪现象与社会制度无关。如果你还愿意呆在加拿大,建议你回这里的小学深造。
                  • Jack of All Trades, Master of None. It will take you life time to learn before you understand the basics. Your thinking is good-for-nothing :-) Good luck.
                    • Every time you argued, you failed in Waterloo. Lol
                      • 还是去ESL, 先学学英语语法吧. 不忍心看你献丑.
                        • 哈。我在英刊上发表过文章,你那耍嘴皮的英语还嫩点
                          • Wow, excellent. Where? Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal...? LINC please? Let Rolians share your happiness. Or simply a few English sentences demonstrating that you are indeed capable to write in the language.
                          • Do you even understand how English tenses work? Take an ESL lesson. It is free of charge.
                            • Lol, 你ESL简单时态学过头,拿无知当本钱,走火入魔了吧: "every time he went out, he was obliged to pass her kitchen","each time he passed, the young man had a ..." (from The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction). "Every time he looked, she was.."
                              • Ignorance is bliss... (#7712157@0) (#7712196@0) Outstanding, indeed.
                                • 说你东,你又扯西,还是回家学你的ESL时态去吧。
                                  • Martin Luther King, Jr.
                                    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consciencious stupidity."
                                    • 但愿你能自我反省。被几个哥们捧得自以为英语不错,沾沾自喜,挑别人时态毛病,遇上真格的就败下阵了。
                                      • Living is easy with eyes closed or sollwen.
                                        • 自己慢慢反省吧
                                          • Where ignorance is your master, there is no possibility of real life.
                                            • 好笑,真是没救了。
                                              • When ignorance gets started it knows no bounds. Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil.
                                                • 祥林嫂,你还是回中国庙里念经去吧
                                                  • There is no sin but ignorance. You know nothing, except the fact of you ignorance.
                                                    • 除了鹦鹉复舌,你还会别的吗? 祝你好梦。
                                                      • Waterlooooo......Coooooooppppppp HAHAHA
                            • 知道英文的“克林顿”是如何发音的吗?
                              • Don't ask the wrong guy. Here is the expert (#8015155@0)
                  • 山窝里飞出的金凤凰总觉得自己是最美的, 井底之蛙觉得自己是大英百科全书.
                  • 多少BS连感冒发烧都可以怪到某党某制度头上,你这样的辩护也不要太不遗余力了,哈。
                    • 其实他无意中也算说了句真话:“社会中的许多丑陋和犯罪现象与社会制度无关”。遗憾的是,当他看待国内发生的种种社会阴暗面时,这句话被丢进太平洋了。
                      • IQ is way below 90 yet pretends to be a smart cookie.
                      • Very sharp......:)
                        • 只不过是又一个无知到极点而不自知反以为荣的小可怜. 原谅他吧, 也挺不容易的.
                          • 刺哥还是舍不得你的金质奖章啊!
      • Oh come on dear. You seems to know everything but are you sure you are not jack of all trades master of none. Keep doing one thing and one thing only that you are good at. Have a good day.
    • 看看事情未被证实之前网友的评论,笑晕........Twitter Has Meltdown Over Beyonce's Lip Syncing Scandal
    • 每日都有新话题,无时无刻的唱衰美国,n多年了,心态之坚定,赞叹赞叹呐,哈哈。
      • 红弟, 下次别用哈哈了, 要不老把你和另一个ID混了.
        • 谁啊?这是严重侵权!俺抗议,抗议。。。
    • 假唱也罢了,还声情并茂,投入地假唱。
      • 网友评论之一: I don't care that Beyonce lip synced? I would've been okay with a cassette playing while Beyonce just stood quietly on a large platform.
        • I don't really care and I have better reasons for it HA HA HA - (#8015038@0) (#8015072@0) (#8015127@0)