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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 英文好滴来给听听。。。。这二老算不算公开打情骂俏。。。。?太好玩咧。。。。
    • 刺刺,大忽悠找你有事。。。
      • 已阅. 请转酱油哥酌情处理, 并请兵哥, 不谢哥, 担心姐和美帝苏修协助解决.
        • 官不大做派不小。。。。画了个圈转发一堆人。。。。
          • 甜而不腻, 酸而爽口, 粗中有细, 乱中有真. 很不错.
            • 胖大嫂还是BB爷。。。。?
              • 布朗和金都不错, 很有味道的爵士乐吗.
                • 你这英文行么。。。。?酱油ta们也不来给咱校对校对。。。。
                  • 现场演唱比歌词略有改编, 所以更形象生动了.
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You got a gal you love on Sunday
                    Then you get another for Monday

                    Ain't nobody's business but my own

                    You say you're always home alone
                    How come I can't get you on the phone

                    Well, that ain't nobody's business but my own

                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business but my own
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business but my own

                    All night long your playin' poker
                    Tell me what's the name of that joker

                    Ain't nobody's business but my own

                    I come over, say "Here I am!"
                    Then I hear the back door slam

                    Well, that ain't nobody's business but my own

                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business but my own
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business but my own

                    You tell me you're in bed by seven
                    But your light's on past eleven

                    Well, that ain't nobody's business but my own

                    Now you ain't so amart and you ain't good lookin'
                    How come you got so much cookin'

                    Ain't nobody's business but my own

                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business but my own
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business but my own

                    And you wear the prettiest ties and collars
                    Whereabouts do you get those dollars

                    Ain't nobody's business but my own

                    You always talk about settlin' down
                    When I bring a ring, you're not around

                    Well, I'll be there the next time that you call

                    Well let's not fuss and let's not fight

                    I'm sick and tired of sayin' "Goodnight"

                    Well, let's make up and hold each other tight

                    We both know we're birds of a feather
                    Let's go into business together
                    We can start a business of our own

                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business but our own
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business
                    Nobody's business but our own更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                    • 不对呀。。。。看了好几遍怎么木找推倒糊。。。。玩一天那段呀。。。。?
            • 这是你的评语?。。。。看前面三句。。。我以为你去了IRON CHEF 当评委呢。。。。哈哈。。有才。。
              • 凡事跟吃挂钩。。。。正宗吃货。。。。
                • 改胖六斤吧.
                  • 留神叶子给你来个。。。。脖儿拐。。。。
                • 我就这样。。。。。
                  • 俺说老刺呢。。。。
                  • 叶子小姐真可耐.
    • 这嗓音太独特了~~~
      • 强烈推荐小古滴大作。。。。
        • 看了,有点儿科幻侦探小说的感觉了,小古的文章路子宽了~~~
          • 俺脚着老刺那段歌词纯敷衍。。。。难怪酱油跟他不对付。。。。你脚着呢。。。。?
            • 哈哈哈~~你还挺较真儿~~~
              • 共产党就最讲认真吗.
                • 把亮点弄没了。。。。太不厚道。。。。
                  • 天~~这你也找亮点啊~~~
                    • 你瞧人家活到那个年纪仍然潇洒得一塌糊涂。。。。表白无处不在。。。。反正俺是XM+JD。。。。
                      • 要不你也表白一下,放纵一回,我保证不乐,也不告儿别人~~~ :-D
                        • 难。。。。人家胖大嫂摸着BB爷两眼直放绿光。。。。
                          • 那你得先练好眼力,能发绿光那种功夫,再找个胖大嫂就行了~~你肯定行,我看好你~~~
                            • 新年就是不一样哦。。。。
                              • 表要转移话题。。。。接着呢。。。。我也假装没看见。。。。。
                                • 你那三斤够不够当回胖大嫂呢。。。。?
                                  • 不够, 还得过10个节。。。。。
                                    • 安了。。。。
                              • 新年新气象~~~:-D
                                • 呵呵。。。。睡了。。。晚安了。。。。
                                  • 晚安小叶子~~
                                • 是有点不同。。。。
                                  • 呵呵~~今儿户主生日,喝酒了~~得,我也睡去了,安了~~
                                    • 安了。。。。
    • in new orleans?