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Just knocked off a few lines in an effort to show the difference between "out front of" and "in front of" since quite a few people here seem to be unaware of it:

The following examples are all grammatically correct and commonly used. Have a read of them and draw the conclusion by yourselves. It should be quite self-explanatory:

---The situation where both "in front of" and "out front of" can be used:

"A person is standing in front of the store (or house, building,etc)" is the same as "A person is standing out front of the store (house, building ,etc)"

---The situation where only "in front of" can be used:

1. One more word needs to be added IN front of the sentence.
2. A person is standing IN front of the group (crowd)

---The situation where "out front" is used:

Where is John? He is (standing) out front.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Just knocked off a few lines in an effort to show the difference between "out front of" and "in front of" since quite a few people here seem to be unaware of it:
    The following examples are all grammatically correct and commonly used. Have a read of them and draw the conclusion by yourselves. It should be quite self-explanatory:

    ---The situation where both "in front of" and "out front of" can be used:

    "A person is standing in front of the store (or house, building,etc)" is the same as "A person is standing out front of the store (house, building ,etc)"

    ---The situation where only "in front of" can be used:

    1. One more word needs to be added IN front of the sentence.
    2. A person is standing IN front of the group (crowd)

    ---The situation where "out front" is used:

    Where is John? He is (standing) out front.
    • 钦佩酱油哥的执着。不过真是没有见过 out front of。
      • 要“大量接触英文才行” :)。out front of 其实很常见。 看链接
        • 俺接触的英文已经是相当大量了。一个词,你见过,别人没见过,没有什么大不了。都是刺哥跟你较劲,想逼你上音频,你不要放在心上。
          • 英文这种编码式的语言,词汇上百万,谁都会有不认识的词。但那些还没搞清楚事实就开始装懂并且攻击别人的确实很可笑。bang off 风波就是一个例子。这次本人用了knock off,希望别再有人大惊小怪。
            • 要再大惊小怪你能咋滴?
              • 那本人就再接着笑吧,反正也过节了,增加点气氛。
                • 对啊,看起来对你木啥坏处呢
                  • 是啊,那个被你改掉的字吓了我一跳。你要是广东人那本人真得逃跑了。
                    • 啊,打错字成粗口了,真的啊!
            • Bang off has special meanings but not usually the one you proposed. Knock off has different meanings but yours is probably the least frequently suggested in North America.
              • 不好意思,这些都是本人环境里很常用的。我的同事们写文章时用词都很正规专业,但说话时就不同了,不仅语速快,又多俚语,你要是不习惯这类俚语,真很难想象你在纯英文环境里如何交流。
                • 老猫和我的同事老板都不用这类词, 他们有哈佛高材生也有沃顿top5. 从来没见谁的伊美儿或报告里用这种词, 说话用垃圾鲤鱼的极少.
                  • 那是因为你没和他们广泛深入地聊天,只谈工作,当然不会有太多俗语。
                    • 沃, 你比我还了解我的同事和老板. 语言像人群一样, 是有阶层和环境之分的.
            • 老刺这种人,你越理他,他越来劲。你不理他,他肯定就灰溜溜的。继续写你的文章,不要理老刺。
              • 真心喜欢他没走. 他要是再谦和一点儿, 我会更喜欢.
                • 你们千万别停,接着来,闲着也是闲着
                  • 奏事为着泰妹才酱紫的.
                    • 完了,黑锅我一下子就背上了
              • 我忘说了, 酱油哥这篇小短文写得言简意赅, 立论说明都不错. 尽管如此, 他还是说服不了你, 因为你没见过 'out front'. 如果是我就不用 'knocked off', 仅此而已.
                • 酱油哥是应该放下一点架子,你也不要穷追猛打。
                  • 看出来了,你俩说相声呢
                • Thorn, you have a great sense! Don’t use “knock off” that way. When you have some time, write something seriously. Language is a tool to make yourself understood, not to make people confused. :)
                • 本人相信词汇没什么贵贱,学语言应当全面深入掌握各个层面的词汇。对俗语你可以选择不用,但不应选择忽略不学。感谢你的中肯评论,这很不多见。
            • 酱油的人品可见一斑。
    • 学习中ing...
    • 大侠这个"out front of" and "in front of"好像值得琢磨。其实Out IN front of 和 in front of 是一回事,只是侧重于陈述者的位置。例如,我在马路对面,就说:John is in front of the store. 我在店里,John is out front (or out in front of the store)。