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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Near miss does not mean "nearly missed", it means "that miss was too close".

I see what you mean about "near hit" and that we want them to miss. Think of it this way. Planes miss each other all of the time in the air. Those are all misses, and they are very far away from each other. Controllers try to keep all planes about 1 mile away from each other side to side, and 1000 feet away from each other up and down. When planes come closer than those boundaries, steps are taken to separate them before they get too close. This is still a "miss".

If, for some reason, planes are allowed to get so close that they could collide, then 2 things can happen: they collide which is a "hit", or they miss each other which is a "miss", but it got so close that it is called a "near miss".

Think about it from the controller's stand point. Their job is to ensure "misses" all day long, and keep planes as far apart as possible. When a "near miss" happens, something must have gone wrong, but it was still a "miss".

Below is a link that traces the use of the phrase back to WW2 where it was short for "a miss that was nearly a hit".

It is also used to rate bombing runs. If a bomb misses its target completely, it is a "miss". If it hits its target and destroys it, it is a "hit. But lands close enough to do damage, it is a "near miss".更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 今天学了个新词,给大家晒一下
    这个词是near miss。周三位于外地的工厂发生了一个incident,有个铸件从架子上滚下来,差点砸中一个工人的脚。全公司通报这个事件,用的词就是near miss。

    我们茶余饭后谈论了一下这个词。有的同事说这个词用得不对,应该是near hit。理由是near miss,到底是miss了还是hit了没说清楚。

    • google的结果。这个解释非常到位
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Near miss does not mean "nearly missed", it means "that miss was too close".

      I see what you mean about "near hit" and that we want them to miss. Think of it this way. Planes miss each other all of the time in the air. Those are all misses, and they are very far away from each other. Controllers try to keep all planes about 1 mile away from each other side to side, and 1000 feet away from each other up and down. When planes come closer than those boundaries, steps are taken to separate them before they get too close. This is still a "miss".

      If, for some reason, planes are allowed to get so close that they could collide, then 2 things can happen: they collide which is a "hit", or they miss each other which is a "miss", but it got so close that it is called a "near miss".

      Think about it from the controller's stand point. Their job is to ensure "misses" all day long, and keep planes as far apart as possible. When a "near miss" happens, something must have gone wrong, but it was still a "miss".

      Below is a link that traces the use of the phrase back to WW2 where it was short for "a miss that was nearly a hit".

      It is also used to rate bombing runs. If a bomb misses its target completely, it is a "miss". If it hits its target and destroys it, it is a "hit. But lands close enough to do damage, it is a "near miss".更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Another similar expression is "narrowly miss", which I hear more often.
        • Two different things. We say :"I had a near miss today. A car almost hit me on my way home." Or "A car lost control and narrowly missed a pedestrian. "
          • 平妹语感就是好。
            • 马屁拍得真响亮,错的都当对的拍。
          • Disagreed. "Narrow miss" and "near miss" are two similar expressions. When used as a verb, "narrow miss" takes the form of "narrowly miss". For example,the man has escaped with his life after a narrow miss with a car.
            In your own example, "I had a near miss today" is the same as "I had a narrow miss today"
            • 酱油哥喜欢煞有介事地自圆其说。人看来还是自信点好啊,刺哥你说呢?这语感也许真是培养不出来的。
              • 你这种人根本没有能力讨论事实,从来都是对人不对事.看懂了吗?歇着吧你。
                • 酱油哥就是太“自信”,满脑子顽固的歪想法。俺评你从来都是对事,俺对你没有任何情绪。near miss 跟 nearly missed 不是一回事;narrow miss 跟 narrowly missed 也不是一回事。BTW,俺从来没听说过 narrow miss。平妹是对的,你语感太差,而且现在看来也没有培养的必要。
                  • 说你没看懂还不服气。本人从未说过near miss和nearly miss 是一回事,事实上这两个词不是一个概念,本贴尚未涉及。本人所说的是near miss和narrow miss(动词narrowly miss)是一回事,平常人说这两个表达不是一回事。

                    • 看来你的问题不是俺想象的那样,或者比俺想象的要严重的多。
                      • Did I not say that? (#7929838@0).
                        • 看来是俺的人感太差。俺曾经为自己的人感而自豪,现在想起来真是脸上发烧啊。
                          • 学无止境啊, 兵哥. 等你到了酱油哥的水平就不用再学了, 你就可以荣为人师了.
                          • 提醒你一下,以你们的人品,脸上发烧在情理之中。所以本人敢断定那个不谢虽然与本人格格不入,但也绝不会齿于与你和刺头这种人为伍的,不信你就试试跟他讨论一下别的话题。你们整天屁颠屁颠地拍他的马屁,简直像小丑一样。
                            • 原来是去美国啊? 真羡慕你:-) 别忘了学几句美国英语呀, 回来一定让我们见识见识. 祝你好运.
                              • 美国肯定也有 lots of elites,oops,many elites。
                                • "Many professional elites".
                                  • 听起来酱油哥是去看NBA?
                            • 酱油哥俺送你一个词,你要是能悟出来,你的问题就解决了。这个词叫 make believe。俺和刺哥跟不谢哥的斗争是有目共睹的,你生活在一个 make believe 的世界,所以看不见。俺们虽然跟他斗争,但是能客观地看他的英语水平。这一点你就做不到,因为你 make believe。
                    • 酱油哥,不管你怎么看俺,俺希望你能认真的考虑一下俺的建议。学英语,语感最重要,而且好的语感只有通过大量的阅读和听才能得到,别无他法。时态介词等等真的不重要,而且等你的语感好了,这些方面自然就对了。
                    • A near miss is not the same as a narrow miss. "narrow miss" can not replace "near miss" when a situation is about safety, or missile strikes. But "narrow miss"
                      can be used to describe a loss of competition by a narrow margin, such as, "he had a narrow miss and didn't make it into the national team".

                      On another note, "nearly miss" is not the same as "narrowly miss". When you say "nearly miss", it means it actually doesn't miss. For example "I nearly missed my train today" means " I didn't miss the train, but I would have missed it if I had been a few more minutes late". But when you say "narrowly miss", it means it actually does miss. For example: " The bullet came straight to us and narrowly missed me by a few inches" means it did miss me.
                      • Read this link and then tell me if you still think narrow miss and near miss are NOT similar to each other. By the way, "nearly miss" is another story and it was never part of the debate.
              • Did I not say that? (#7929838@0). Engaged in such discussions certainly bring him joy and self-esteem. Just let him enjoy.
                • 又是个病句。
                  • I'm trying to learn something here. There's nothing against Brother Thorn.
                    I would write:
                    "Being engaged in such discussions certainly brings him joy and self-esteem."
                    • HAHAHA, Bravo. He is really hooked. That's the whole point. Good for him.
                  • Trumps! What else do you know?
                    You will get the next ones, FOR SURE. HA HA HA
                    • 酱油哥这回说的对,刺哥应该虚心一些。
                      • OK
                        "Being" engaged in xxx "may" bring him xxx. It's not uncommon HA HA HA.
                    • I also know that your sense of English language does not seem to be very reliable.
                      • 酱油哥所言极是。
                      • That's for sure. BECAUSE there are no locals in the company I work for. I am not a member of ToastmasterS either.
                        Ha ha ha ha ha...
                      • By the way we do not say THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE...
                        • 刺哥所言极是。 -wincity(红卫兵); 07:34 (#7934344@0) reply more
                          • 酱油哥缄口不言, 肯定是对我的认可. 感谢酱油哥厚爱!
          • 说的很好. 通常就只有这两种用法,一个是名词词组, 一个是副词加动词. 其他不要任性创造.
            • 担心姐这是支持酱油哥呢还是支持平妹?
    • 最近我学到的新句子是,i`s are dotted and t`s are crossed. 比喻一切准备工作就绪。
      • 这个idiom听说过,我听说的版本,是个祈使句:Dot your i's and cross your t's。这种idiom我不敢轻易用,因为
        • You can say something like, "when all of my i`s are dotted and t`s are crossed, they dropped the ball."
    • 昨天看的the good wife里正好有这个词,火车出轨那一集
    • 参与讨论的肯定都是老中,而且英文都还不灵。
      • 我们公司有不少老中,但除了我几乎再没别人对提高英语有任何兴趣。这次参与讨论的主要是白人和印巴人。白人认为这个词用得对,但不知道如何解释。
        • 白人学英语的方法正确。
          • 崇洋媚外
            • 一脑子浆糊。
              • 补充得很好
              • 帮帮忙吗. 省得该直线思维时非要曲线, 该曲线思维时非要直线.
    • A near miss: noun. /// Nearly (or narrowly) escaped something: action.
      • 1.A narrowly avoided collision, esp. between two aircraft. 2.Something narrowly avoided; a lucky escape.
    • 小弟刚来Rolia,读过美帝的很多帖子。感觉这个帖子一般般。没听说过"差点没被TA气死"?又,"I can imagine how challenging it is...", "I can't imagine how challenging ..." 只是语气上的差别。
      • 呵呵。闻道有先后嘛。
    • 我们想太多了,是否可以简单地用中文解释:
      Near miss = 形容词+名次 = 接近的+错过
      Nearly hit = 副词+动词 = 差不多+击中
      至于Near hit就解释不同了,形容词+名词,接近的撞击,解释不通。
      • near 也是副词
        • near放这里作形容词更贴切吧?
    • 这个中文里也用:差一点没砸着他脚。
    • Near miss 是工业安全方面的专业词汇。在中国安全杂志上,通常翻译为“险肇”,或“险肇事故”。1995年前后,我在向海洋石油总公司讲解这个词时,翻译为“险情”,或“险情事件”(near miss incident)。
      • 不知道民航业的“事故征候”对应的英文是什么。另外似乎汉语里的“事故”有的时候对应的是accident,有的时候对应incident。
        • 在工业安全领域,所有near miss都被称为incident,并要强调,incident也是accident,只是未造成伤害而已。航空业我不懂。google了一下,觉得应该是同样意思。