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Thank you for sharing. .

I checked fonts in my computer after reading your article this morning. I didn't find the font you want. And I do noticed that all the fonts which I am using in photoshop and illustrator are TTF format!

By accident, I found some fonts have extension pfb, which are the fonts
you mentioned, placed under Acrobat's folder. I believe they come along with the program. The names of the fonts are so weird that I could't figure out what it would look like from their names. For example, ei_____.pfb. (All of them have a strange underscol)

From your post, I think TTF is developed by Microsoft while PFB was developed by Adobe. Is that right? Should I update TTF fonts to PFB for a better performance in Adobe applications? OR, can I load and use both TTF or PFB font at the same time in Adobe applications?Did you find a website for downloading PFB fonts?

Your reply will be really appreciated.

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 研究了快一晚上,发现原来“字体”也这么深奥!我研究的一点眉目,渴望了解或研究“字体”方面的高手,进来指点!对Adobe产品感兴趣的,没有专门了解过字体问题的朋友,进来看看,有帮助!两者都不是的,就进来看热闹吧!(内容较长)
    • Try this site, hope it will help...there are some free font libs on web, but hard to find them
      • 我已经搞定了,如果有这个字体的需要,和我联系,我免费提供adobe字体的一揽子解决方案!嘿嘿
        • Thank you for sharing. .
          I checked fonts in my computer after reading your article this morning. I didn't find the font you want. And I do noticed that all the fonts which I am using in photoshop and illustrator are TTF format!

          By accident, I found some fonts have extension pfb, which are the fonts
          you mentioned, placed under Acrobat's folder. I believe they come along with the program. The names of the fonts are so weird that I could't figure out what it would look like from their names. For example, ei_____.pfb. (All of them have a strange underscol)

          From your post, I think TTF is developed by Microsoft while PFB was developed by Adobe. Is that right? Should I update TTF fonts to PFB for a better performance in Adobe applications? OR, can I load and use both TTF or PFB font at the same time in Adobe applications?Did you find a website for downloading PFB fonts?

          Your reply will be really appreciated.

          • pfb和pfm字体单独使用的话,基本上都是要钱的,但是如果你能够找到Adobe Type Manager这种软件的话,他里面带有一些基本的这种字体,一般来说,安装了之后,对付普通的英文pdf文件的字体是没问题了!
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛>I checked fonts in my computer after reading your article this morning. I >didn't find the font you want. And I do noticed that all the fonts which I >am using in photoshop and illustrator are TTF format!

            photoshop and illustrator一般来说是可以使用windows系统的自带的ttf自体的,但是如果遇到我这种情况,别人提供给你的表格就是使用的adobe自带的字体的话,你有希望将表格不会因为你使用字体的原因而造成一些误解,这个时候,你只有想办法搞到属于adobe自己的字体了。

            >By accident, I found some fonts have extension pfb, which are the fonts
            >you mentioned, placed under Acrobat's folder. I believe they come >along with the program. The names of the fonts are so weird that I >could't figure out what it would look like from their names. For example, >ei_____.pfb. (All of them have a strange underscol)

            adobe使用的这种postscript字体一般有两个文件构成,1、后缀为pfm的Font Metrics Files例如:***.PFM,2、另一个为后缀为pfb的Font Outline File例如:***.PFB,这两个文件结合起来,才能构成一个我要的那种字体;也就是说,我告诉大家的字体名字实际上是包含在另外一个文件里面的(这是我昨天的理解错误,让大家那么赵,一般是找不到的),比如你说的ei_____.pfb,当你在Type Manager里面查看他的时候,你才能发现,真正得外名称是什么,当然,有些名字内外一致,就是很奇怪的。

            >From your post, I think TTF is developed by Microsoft while PFB was >developed by Adobe.

            You are right !

            >Should I update TTF fonts to PFB for a better performance in Adobe >applications?

            > OR, can I load and use both TTF or PFB font at the same time in Adobe >applications?
            可以,据我现在所知,有两种办法,一是找到一个Type Manager,安装后,它会提示你,它将在系统盘的根目录建立一个叫PSFONTS的目录,而且,会安装一些pfb&pfm字体进去,这样一来,你所有的adobe产品,便能通过这个字体管理器,都来使用在他目录下的字体了。也就是说,它不会像普通的安装字体一样,将字体安装到windows系统中去,别的软件也使用不了。

            >Did you find a website for downloading PFB fonts?

            如果你只是希望在illustrator中使用该字体,你只需要把字体copy到illustrator下的一个fonts目录中即可,如果你向所有的adobe软件都能使用该字体,而且你也能看该种字体的samples,你就需要Type Manager软件了!

            我现在手头有16M的字体,外加Type Manager4.0,都是copy出来的,不需要,也不能安装,但是copy到相应的目录下,可正常使用。如果你的确有需要的话,我可以给你!如果你有ftp我可以传给你,如果没有,我们用msn也行,软件很小,只有几百K,主要是16M的字体。

            嘿嘿,每一个可都是钱啊!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 有谁知道那里可以找到中文的postscript字库。在用pagemaker作印刷的PS文件时TTF字体不够精细。
              • 刚刚把英文的搞定,中文的如果有可能到时候通知你。现在没什么机会用中文了,如果你在国内,建议你到D版市场去逛逛。
                • 本人刚刚在加startup了一家专门设计印刷中英文宣传单张,名片,杂志,newsletters及书籍等的小公司。但在印制大型招贴画时中文字体不够精细,急需postscript中文字体。那位大侠可以支持一下。
            • 刚刚才有机会看完回帖。非常专业,谢谢!我在琢磨琢磨,有问题再讨论。再谢!