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Some side notes:

Your should also have a Chinese translation of the invitation letter for your parents to know what you have said;

Make sure to include all the documents: T4, pay slips, employment letter, copy of your passport and landing paper ( or your citizenship card), copy of your birth certificate (which have your parents' names on it - proof of your relationship). Add whatever you think are necessary. Fill out the application form for your parents.

Make a lilst of all the documents. Sort documents in the same order as they are on the list.

Good luck!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 各位大虾,我和我老公申请我的母亲来加探亲刚刚被拒签了,可是我十二月出就要生宝宝了,真想妈妈呀,谁知道还有什么办法可以让我母亲来加,可以在这里申请吗?我和我老公都有permenant工作。谢谢。
    • 大家对我的难题都没有见解吗?我好着急呀!
      • 如果有加拿大的银行存款证明或者是房产证明,最好复印一起递交。说明你有足够能力负担你母亲的生活。
      • 现在我重新整理材料,下个月初重新申请,可以吗?
    • things can do
      1. Add some document showing your mom has strong tie in China.

      2. Think of why your mom will visit Canada during off-tourist season. i.e. being with you two during Christamas season, and coming New Year, or you may want to write another letter for your mom represent to visa officer.

      3. If your mom mentioned baby last time, don't mention it again, but be prepared if asked. i.e. you already arrange for a nanny in the neighbourhood, your mom really likes to comfort you, get you prepared for labor, baby nursing etc, but not a long stay.

      4. I am aware of several cases successful after trying again.

      Good luck.
      • 探亲这事看起来有意思.俺们想的是,父母和我们的关系多么密切,我们多需要他们来,出于血浓于水的亲情,大使馆一定要给签证!可签证官看的是,父母和我们有关系,但绝不亲密,他们只是来看看,给加国增加点消费,就走就走,@@~~
    • 是什么理由被拒的?
    • 改去香港签,一定能成。
    • 谢谢您提供的信息,可是去香港签是不是一定要本人去香港啊。我妈妈一个老太太从未去过,自己怎么应付的来呀。
      • 关键是移民倾向.多补些你妈一定回中国的材料.可以再试一次. 也就多花几十元. 但拒签的事填表是千万别隐瞒, 给盯上了这辈子别指望能踏上加拿大.
        • 说的是呀,现在后悔也晚了,可是什么时候才能第二次申请呢,下个月还能递材料申请吗?
      • 刚刚和我妈在网上聊天,她也很难过以为彻底不能来了,安慰了她半天。哎,可怜天下父母心呀。可是什么材料才能证明我妈一定会回国呢?我还有老爸在家中,这应当是最好的证明了呀!
      • 现在最要紧的是我能不能很快就递表申请。给我点信心吧。谢谢
        • Normally, it need several months before you could apply again, but if you have some good reasons. You mom should say: visit my daughter's family and the new-born baby instead of helping them to take care of the baby.
      • 香港和北京一样可以让朋友代办,可以马上办, 今天拒了明天补齐材料可以马上再递.(有实例).关键补材料.
    • 我当初生小孩的时候和你的情况差不多,我们后来找了但是的议员(他现在已经升为加外交部长了),他帮我们给使馆写了一份信,后来就办成了。
      • MP's help sometimes works,sometimes doesn't, but worth to try.
      • 怎样找议员呀,因为没办过简直摸不到头绪,就知道着急。
    • 也可能是我的邀请信写的有问题,说是有移民倾向,现在重新发一份,下个月初重新申请可以吗?
      • 怎样写才说明没有移民倾向呢?你有好的样本吗
        • Don't mention new house. Don't mention you are preganent. Don't mention you got good salary. Just invite them visit, you will take them visit some great places.
      • 我重新写了一份不知道可不可以。各位朋友可否帮忙看一下。
        Invitation of Visiting Canada

        To my mother’s name:

        We would like to invite you to visit us recently. After you arrive, we will be very happy together to enjoy the beautiful autumn and winter in Canada. Our new house can also give you another surprise.

        As both of us have got a job with good salary, we are able to sponsor you for all of your spending in Canada after you arrive. Please submit your VISA application with this letter as soon as possible to the Canadian Embassy Immigration Section in Beijing.

        We are looking forward to see you soon.

        Best regards.

        Yours affectionately,
        • 对不起,我没有办过,不过可以帮你^一下,希望有经验的大侠指教
        • 人家不是说你别提GOOD JOB AND GOOD SALARY了吗, 我申请父母来探亲时只说我很想他们, 并为他们提供住宿, 立马就批了, 在香港办的
          • 探亲也可以寄到香港签吗?那个省份都行吗?
        • Dear Mom and Dad
          It has been xx years since I left home (or last visited you). Both (your spouse's name) and I miss you. As you know, (your spouse's name) and I are working full time now. We are all doing well, in fact we just moved into our first house in (month). Although I am happy about all these good changes in our life, I feel sorry that we weren't able to make time to visit you. (your spouse's name) and I decided to invite you to visit us for three months. We will take care of your air ticket and all your expenses here. I hope you can arrive here in Fall so that we can show you the beautiful scenery here. More important, we want you to meet the friends we have made here who have helped us so much when we are thousands of miles away from home...

          Enclosed in this letter are all documents necessary for your visa application. Looking forward to greeting you in Toronto!

          Affectionately yours

        • Some side notes:
          Your should also have a Chinese translation of the invitation letter for your parents to know what you have said;

          Make sure to include all the documents: T4, pay slips, employment letter, copy of your passport and landing paper ( or your citizenship card), copy of your birth certificate (which have your parents' names on it - proof of your relationship). Add whatever you think are necessary. Fill out the application form for your parents.

          Make a lilst of all the documents. Sort documents in the same order as they are on the list.

          Good luck!
        • Too simple. My parents get rejected twice, and just one month later, they got their visa in the third time. Here are some tips:
          1. The cover letter should mention new materials. Say, you can put some new house owner certificate, The new proof of retirment income or medic insurance, which can be viewed as new matiral. this can explain why you reapply so quickly.

          2. The cover letter seems very important. Do not just list the matiral as a pile of files. You should organize the matiral in your cover letter. Say that
          your mom have retriment income in China, have medic insurance, have relative in China. They do not know English, if they come to Canada, they will
          stay here for long. The important thing is that the cover letter give them a impression that your mom really will come back.

          3.Never use photocopied files. All files should be the original one or notorized one.
      • 多谢,多谢
    • up, 我岳母也被拒了,说是移民倾向,三个月内不许再签, 老婆下月生,怎么办啊,真想当面质问那些鸟人!
      • You also need to blame those Chinese whose parent got visit Visa first and then apply immigrant in Canada. Those people did the cheating. So others got the problem
    • 你是在北京申请的吧?试试上海,容易些。
    • 原来还有这么多同命相连得DXJM,俺也正准备增加材料,跟鬼子们再拼一回,准备如下-
      咱岳母也被拒了,问了些朋友,准备11月初申请,增加些国内房产、存款证明、户口本,退休工资证明,还有说明信(Cover letter)。俺也是申请岳母一个人来,也想的是岳母老伴在国内,是最没有移民倾向的了,哪想轻视了鬼子们,这次还想填加几张岳母全家幅,总之,有病投医了。
      • 同病相怜, 我被拒了两次了。 我公去加半年了(工作签证)。 我想下个月再申请, 请教如何提交我在国内的存款证明?
        • 这个简单,你存款的银行都应该能办,好像是20元手续费, 因为经常有人办,银行的人知道.
          • 多谢指点,还有一个问题, 开了存款证明后, 存款是否要被冻结三个月。好象你岳母也是所谓的移民倾向被拒, 我在使馆也碰到很多这样的老人, 据说超过70 岁的话, 就必须体检。 也祝你也运。