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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / mitbbs掀起了模范方舟子的活动,这是我读的,请大家批评。  http://vocaroo.com/i/s0zt7Q0WRoUB

    "I'm truly honoured to receive (the) John Maddox Prize. Science in China
    faces great challenges from superstition, psuedoscience, anti-science and
    scientific misconduct. There are more and more Chinese people (who) realise
    this is a big problem and are standing up for science. I consider this award
    as an acknowledgement of our efforts from (the) international science
    community and I deeply appreciate it. Thank you."
    • 先替你把链接重新贴一下:
      • 发音基本上不准,语调也相当怪异。建议放慢语速,把音发到位,并恰当断句。
        • 这是mitbbs上公认的读得比较好的一个版本。
          • 印象中还有一位女id,忘了什么名字了(eng什么的),比慢步还要纯正流利,当算国移中之凤毛麟角。
            • 那个女ID我也记得,印象很深。可她有个最大的缺点
              • 低调永远不是缺点。
          • 就读英语本身来说, 还不是讲英语, 最多给打70分.
          • Is this still the same one you originally posted? It doesn’t sound the same at all.
        • Totally agree. Upload your audio clip please. I am pretty sure you can be our role model.
      • 这哪里是英语呀,像是闽南话广播。
        • 是啊,完全是闽南话的调调,真是让我领教了!!!
      • 模仿秀,最爱的版本。You go girl!
      • Chinglish
    • 我感觉到的问题,主要在于语调。语音的问题倒是不大。
      1. 我感觉你读的语调的起伏过大。美国人讲话,语调相对汉语是比较平的。
      2. 可以通过适当的断句使自己说的话更清晰。
    • 听了一遍,绝大部分没听懂。如果不知道是英语,我会以为是汉语。主要问题是语调和断句。
      • 我头一遍听的时候差点以为是旁遮普语
        • #7898018@0
      • 这个怎么样? 密歇根州立大学博士生物化学, 美国生物信息公司的咨询科学家, 索尔克生物研究院,博士后研究员
        • 好。
          • 人家是留美博士, 好像在美国生活了十多年的说. 这一口英语说得盖帽儿了.
        • 那个年代出来的人,底子太差,但是别人那么多年在职场上是怎么混出来的 ?
          • 方舟子才四十多岁吗. 心想事成哥职场上碰到过国人英语好的吗?
            • 刺哥应该和酱油哥抬杠才对!
              • 酱油哥对刺哥不屑一顾.
                • 方舟子可能50岁了,估计77-80进大学的,又是湖南人,普通话都说不好,英语如何能说得好?
                  • 好像不是吧?
                    • 刺哥真对方舟子有意见么?俺真觉得他说的不错,就是有很重的口音,但是不影响理解。刺哥不服气也上一段?
                      • 没意见啊. 只是觉得他如果在美国呆了那么久口语说成这个样子有点儿说不过去.
                        • 就跟老毛在北京呆了那么久还是一口湖南口音一样,不在乎而已。他的断句,轻重,语感都没有问题。
                          • 方舟子的英语基本没有语感, 语流也很差, 没有一点流畅的感觉.
                            • 刺哥太苛刻了。
                              • 基本上是实事求是.
        • 应该是韵律的问题Rhythm.
      • 想了一下,觉得轻重音也很重要。英语单词有轻有重,如果每个单词都重读,听起来就像汉语。
    • 能否请教一下英语爱好者一个中文问题,“模范方舟子的活动”是什么意思,是什么样一个活动?
      • MS应该是“模仿”方舟子。具体我也不清楚。
        • 明白了,就是一场轰轰烈烈的“向方舟子同志学习”的活动。
    • Here's my version of the speech - 20 years of hard work, still not good enough. I can only say "live and learn ".
      • more than good enough.
      • 听不出明显问题。真的很好。
        • Thanks! And really appreciate all the hard work you do here for the community.
      • 真要是提意见,就是有点雕琢,不够自然。前面那段里 earn 和 后面的 a 要连读,不然别扭。这一段 misconduct 里那个 duct 觉得有点不对劲,没听出来是 duct。
        • 补充一句:比俺读的好。
        • Thanks for pointing out the mistakes. I’ll try to improve in the future. My personal experience with spoken English has been a long and painful one. I have a keen sense of hearing,
          so it’s not difficult at all for me to tell the problems with my pronunciation. But it’s a complete different question whether I can direct my sound making body parts to produce the exact sound I’d like to hear. And if I can, it becomes a whole new game to make that exact sound again and again in all the settings of everyday life when your mind is focused on something else instead of pronunciation. Well, as I said before, “live and learn”. I haven’t given up yet…
          • live and stop learning。you're more than good enough。
            • Thanks for your compliments. I am a big fan of yours. Really enjoyed reading your attitude series.
      • 专门找了隔壁邻居模仿了一遍,应该可以和平凡姐比拼一下

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        • Hahaha, it's not fair - enlisting help from machines. Maybe I'll get there in 20 years, or maybe not...
          • 恕我耳拙,这个是机器吗?我觉得是一个二十不到的女学生的声音。
      • Twenty years are well worth it! Very good, congratulations! A couple of brush-up points to bring you to near perfection, for your consideration:
        1. In some cases, liaison is much necessary. E.g. acknowledgment-of-our-efforts, standing-up-for, this-is-a, mis-conduct, and-I. You need to speed up to complete liaisons fluently.

        2. Inappropriate stress on a few preposition/auxiliary words or syllables that should not have a stress. E.g. "a"-ppreciate, "our" efforts. Also, the words that should be stressed is " honoured", thus less stress should be on "rec-ei-ve".

        3. Some pronunciation of consonants can be more relaxed. E.g. "s", it should be difference from that in a Chinese character such as "si". "Ch" should sound different from as in "Q-ian" in Chinese.
        • Would it be better to say
          “it should be different from” rather than “it should be difference from”?
          • Yes, you are right. I was just about to correct it, but was unable to do so as you replied to my post :-). Thanks!
            • 这种是小的笔误。我们lead,本地白人phd,经常会把than写成then,不足为奇。
              • Sorry for being so picky. Just felt it doesn’t’ sound right. Normally goingconcern doesn’t make such errors.
                • To err is human. All types of correction are very welcome! The more strict the training is, the better it makes us. Average writers write, good writers EDIT what they write, including typos. :-)
          • 刺哥太苛刻了。 -wincity(红卫兵); 11.13 22:44 (#7898573@0)
        • Thanks for pointing them out. I will see if I can do anything about them.
    • 我读了3遍的样子,录的是第四遍。他们都睡了,我就小声说的。欢迎批评指正。谢谢。

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      • Nice! Maybe you are restricted by your environment, but your intonation sounds a bit flat. I believe you can do better when you are louder.
      • 听不了,是不是删了?
    • 不要泄气,其实只要注意断句,注意轻重缓急,问题就解决了一大半。
    • 也模仿模仿,随机录音, 效果不好,凑和吧。
      • You may need a better recorder.
        • 用laptop录的。
        • 你一般用啥录,卡拉OK机?
          • I don't do recordings as my voice sounds horrible.
            • 怎么会呢,再说可以处理嘛。弄一个usb microphone 加个录音软件,就能搞定。。。
              • 再装一个变声软件处理一下,刺哥的声音可以变成青春期少女。
                • Thanks to both of you. My spoken English is just not comparable to anyone else's here. I will try one day for sure.
                  When I feel more comfortable.
                  • 上面踊跃评论的也录一个大家交流一下!
                  • 害羞可以去这个地方上载一个匿名的。。。hehe
      • Very Good!
        • 提提意见吧, 自己一般不知道毛病在哪儿。
          • 很不错,就是尾部上扬的多了一点,不太自然。
          • 这是个speach,是说不是读,中间应该有点停顿才自然!真的很完美了,一气呵成!应该请苏修说两句!
            • 我来拾个牙慧#7899239@0
          • Bravo! Pronunciation is pretty good, but intonation does not sound right. Limit the use of rising tones and re-study where you should pause or where you should not.
            • 谢谢以上各位, 我会认真体会,尽快改正。 谁能搞个样版贴就好啦, 让我和肉友学习学习。
              • 楼上美帝贴出的一个链接,就很地道,几乎听不出口音。很想知道是什么人说的,美帝说还有说的更好的,但至今我没有碰到过,二代的不算。
    • 这个方舟子的英语就不要太挑剔了,人家又不去美国打假。。。
      • Who care ? 我们仅仅借这个话题学习研究英语口语!
        • I would say "who cares"
          • +1
    • 哪里有方舟子版的,贴出来给我们景仰一下。
      • #7897253@0, 4:04
    • 女儿利用吃饭时间草草读的!

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      • 女儿多大来的? 来多久了?
        • 感觉2-3年,别生气a 可能来的时候11岁以上了。
          • 生什么气呢, 人家闺女可能就是你说的这种情况吧.孩子还是学得快.
        • 听说刺哥很害羞不敢上音频?
        • 才来两年,16岁了,第一年学ESL,现在英语成绩在ACADEMIC班都是90分,班上名列前茅!我比较烦她学了一口加拿大口音。
          • What's wrong with Canadian accent?
            • 加拿大口音在美国人看来是乡下口音!
              • 那倒不一定,如果说得象 Peter Mansbridge 一样的加拿大英语,那真的好听极了!
      • 发音语调都还欠火候。来的时间应当不够长。
    • 我仅读得和方舟子差不多!
      • 还是发音和吃音。I'm,i 就没有发全。face 没有完全发出来。china 这个 i 不够饱满。peudo-science 那个i没有发出来。realize 读的太快,这个应该是重点词。consider 那个 der 完全吃掉了。effort 好像重音没有把握好,应该在 e 上面。很多国人 i 发不满,别人容易听不懂。
        • Agree!
        • 兵哥, afford, inchoat, colonel, equivocal & prescience 怎么发音? 你要是不会可以找酱油哥帮忙.
          • 酱油哥说了,刺哥可以去google。
            • 酱油哥总能找个不咋地的借口, 所以在这一点上我有点儿小看他. 我看没说他是掩盖他不会或根本不会啊. 希望他今晚没有再吃火锅.
              • 没吃火锅也没吃螃蟹。只喝了点啤酒。
                • 今天以色列和哈马斯空袭升级, 肉联讨论趋于平静.