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you sound like a realtor... or are you just naieve?

here's the balance: if the agent is too pushy, client will get pissed off and he will lose the deal. if the agent is too "nice", he will spend too much time on one client and won't make enough money for himself.
there is no free lunch in this world. as a client you demand the best service however nobody should be stupid enough to assume that his agent will be fully on his side. think about it.
in a real estate transaction, the one who works exclusively for you is the lawyer - he is paid only by you. the next is the home inspector (if he is not introduced by your agent). have your lawyer recommed a home inspector for you. your lawyer doesn't care which house you buy, or how many more houses you will need to see to make a decision.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 各位帮忙!今天就要去下offer了,有什么要注意的吗?怎么和房主agent打交道?如何多砍又不把对方气跑?:-)
    • 最好让AGENT帮你查查周围类似屋型的成交价, 你砍起来就有理有据, 不再心虚
      • 对,我的agent已经把它列出来了
        • 如果你有中介,一般你是见不到对方的中介和房东的,你的中介会处理一切。
    • 也可根据周围已售出的房子的成交价和它的地税之比,然后再按比例可以大致算出自己的房价.
      • 好主意,我已经叫他这么干了。嘿,激动ing
    • 你自己没有agent吗?
      • 有,但是我们不用跟房主和对方agent见面的吗?另外,不知道我的agent又是站在谁的立场上说话
        • #776498
    • 三天之前我们领导和我谈到买房的事,他说要特别注意律师的那些条款。70年以前的房子,有不少是铝电线的,接触不好容易起火。要换线。那时有一种填充材料,叫做什么甲醛尿素,后来证明散发有害健康的毒气。
      • 那个铝电线用英文怎么说啊?律师的售房合同里还会把这么细致的东西列出来吗?另外,我想那个合同应该特厚,是不是要带回来自己找律师参详啊?谢谢
        • Aluminum Wire. 总之律师知道这些,要不为什么找他们呢?甲醛尿素的英文我明天找到那张纸条再贴。
          • 律师只管你的交易合法, 你说的是房屋勘测的事吧
            • 具体的我也不知道。不过这个问题要注意,象石棉,一直广泛应用,后来发现能导致肺癌。
        • 那种填充材料的英文是:Urea Formaldehyde. 现在禁用了。
      • 哟,有领导啦... :-)
        • 还是“他”。前卫。
          • 早就知道金字塔不地道,黑嘿
        • 我还以为LD是专指LP,领导就是他的公司头呢,而且他用的是“我们领导“ :p
        • 哈哈,现在我都不知道怎么在这里说“领导”“腐败”了,给个建议吧。:))
    • Agent既不站在对方那边,也不会站在你这边,换言之,他的目的就是促成这单买卖,从这个角度出发,自己考虑一下。至于房子用什么电线,应该由验房的人回答,事实上他应该主动提醒你注意这个日后可能要花钱的问题。
      • 你得 Agent 如果不站在你这边,就不是一个好的 Agent 。
        • Be careful - your agent is paid by the vendor. So there is conflict of interest there: the higher the selling price, the more your agent get paid. Also make sure that your offer is subject to home inspection.
      • 双手赞成!
        • 这说明你的Agent有问题。尽管他表现的在为你服务,但你仍能感觉到他更希望你早早下单成交。好的经纪关心的应该是能不能让自己的客户满意,而不是回扣中那两三百块钱的差距。
          • you sound like a realtor... or are you just naieve?
            here's the balance: if the agent is too pushy, client will get pissed off and he will lose the deal. if the agent is too "nice", he will spend too much time on one client and won't make enough money for himself.
            there is no free lunch in this world. as a client you demand the best service however nobody should be stupid enough to assume that his agent will be fully on his side. think about it.
            in a real estate transaction, the one who works exclusively for you is the lawyer - he is paid only by you. the next is the home inspector (if he is not introduced by your agent). have your lawyer recommed a home inspector for you. your lawyer doesn't care which house you buy, or how many more houses you will need to see to make a decision.
          • 我明白!我也理解他们的处境。不过我还真没听说我周围的朋友说他们的经纪好得不得了的,最多也就是说还行。
            • 我知道的一个中介真是非常好,非常敬业和专业。
              • 呵呵,有点迟了。不过下次谁买房时,推荐一下吧
    • 通常幅度在报价的3%-4%
      • 难说,我砍的最多的房子,一个是从668000到565000,一个是489000到420500,最少的才1000。争OFFER的不算。
    • 想大家汇报: 我昨天也下了一个offer, Asking Price 289,000, Offer Price 275,000, 今天他们签回来了,要288,900. 只降了900CDN.哎! 有任何建议吗?
      • Add the same dollar amount and send back, it may go and back a couple of times until you both agree.
        • no way.
          • you mean?
          • why?
        • thanks, i did it.
      • 不知道你是不是已经签了,我昨天去最后谈判了。一点心得
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛第一,知己知彼。知己就是知道你最多能付出多少,超过就不要。是你的就是你的,不是你的怎么也不是你的,没必要一定如何如何。不要把你的储蓄付得一干二净。知彼就是要知道这样的房子在当前市场及这个区的大概价位是多少。找你的代理把这个区的最近成交价列出来对比一下。
        当然,如果多人竞争的情况下,就基本上取决于你的价钱。还有一点,就是如果大家报价最后差的不多,你的代理有可能把自己的commission减一点让你们双方都满意。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 非常感谢各位大虾的意见,很有用。我的offer已经成交了
      • 祝贺你! 也谢谢你的好建议.
      • 砍下多少,我们等你的参考数据哪?
        • Asking 299900, first offer 285000, final deal 290000.
          • mind to tell us the area?
            • close to steels and don mills
              • mind to tell us what kind of house it is? years?size?options?
                • Boy! Mind if I say never mind. :-) Here it is
                  30~40 years old semi-deatched 2-story. 5 major pieces including stove, refrigiator, washer and other two things I don't remember. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, finished basement, family room, no carport or garage, fire place, air conditioner, heat, gas, well maintained, what else?
                  • #162 XXXXXXXXX Dr. Is that right ?
                    • how do you know? ;p
                      • we are neighbor. in the same area.
                        • really? Once I moved in, I'd like to meet you, ok? :p
          • Thank.
    • 验房时有没验白蚁?
      • 没有
      • there is no termites in canada - they exist in the warmer areas down south (usa).
        • 我的经纪说,湖边的房需要查白蚁。