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It is not about money as some people believe...but money definitely makes things easier...wait a second...how much is enough?...What happens if never enough...look around how many people have more money than you do, and how many people have less than you do?...and who are those people?...Are they happy?...Was Bill Gates happy when he was going through microsoft lawsuit?...Is a drop-out happy when he lives in an isolated island without electricity, but has all noiseless solitude?...

What is it all about?

It is about you and the GOD.

note: the God here has nothing to do with religion.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请教饺子:记得你说你老公的生活理想是“do nothing”,我理解大概是不工作的意思。
    有两个问题(纯属好奇)1:在不工作的日子里,都做些什么呢?2:你们是怎样实现这个理想的呢?just want to know what kind of life style one can have in North America and how can it be achieved. Thanks.
    • 1、中了六四九。2、遗产。
      • 你是饺子?还是饺子的。。?:)
        • 虽然我不是,但是你说还能有什么招?:D
          • 吃救济:-)
            • 你的胖是不是~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 啊?
              • 你今天不香水啦?:)
                • good. :))
                  • 你咋么老爱同俺亲耐的同穿一条大裤子啊?
                • 你都大喇乱说我是有人有房的婆了. 我咋么去向我的台湾DD解释啊? 你这个衰人. 俺不理你了. 郁闷啊~~~~~~~~~~(升调)
                  • 难怪那天你在公堂里击鼓,大喊叫冤~ 看来定案要不了几个时日了
                    • 是啊, 党代表. 那个胖子一会儿说我是婆, 一会说我是DD, 你评个理, 评个理吧 他是不是活活地断送了俺幸福的明天? 555555555555555
                      • 有幸福的今天比什么都重要。。。
                        • 党啊, 俺得不到的, 别人也~~~~~~~~~~~~~(降调再降调)
                      • 我什么时候说过你是DD?我只说你是有房有人:-)
                  • 驶勿驶我帮同你去解释?让台湾DD吃饭先?:)
                    • 先喂你个饱. 亲耐的.
                      • 那你DD现在不绝食了?:)
    • 我记得她的意思好象是不想完成很大的愿望,比如成名,发财等,就每天享受生活(没有不工作的意思啊)
      • 没有钱怎么享受生活呀,象Tent City那些人吗?如果没有钱真的能享受生活,那中国贫困地区的劳苦大众,竟然都是在享受生活了? :))
        • 不乱花,有一份工作,还是能享受的
      • 今天好早。
        • 早!都12:00了,洗刷完毕,准备出去,kill hamburger :)
          • 你可以从今天开始你的新计划。:-P
          • 哼哼哼得很对,才九点呢~
            • 你在文库化?
              • 差不多呀,MM
              • 他在西亚图整天睡不着觉:-)
                • Sleepless in Seattle
    • 生活理想是“do nothing”,人生之美满没过如此!同理想,同理想!
    • 可惜都不是饺子的回答。
    • Do nothing"攻略"
      • 你好好一个贴,俺这玩意跟上不知妥否?

        人到北美后,感到时间真的是很多,也没发现它有什么价值 :-((






      • 我什么时候,想得和你一样明白就好了,可惜就跨不过这道坎
        • 告诉你个秘密...
          It is not about money as some people believe...but money definitely makes things easier...wait a second...how much is enough?...What happens if never enough...look around how many people have more money than you do, and how many people have less than you do?...and who are those people?...Are they happy?...Was Bill Gates happy when he was going through microsoft lawsuit?...Is a drop-out happy when he lives in an isolated island without electricity, but has all noiseless solitude?...

          What is it all about?

          It is about you and the GOD.

          note: the God here has nothing to do with religion.
      • 高人呀! 想学.
      • 向往ing, 不过要do everything I want to do without going through the phase of doing things that I have to do 不容易呢。
      • 其实人人都想过这样的生活, 这就是一种自由的生活状态. 但这也要是有代价才能换取的. 比如说, 你不可能有孩子. 有了孩子, 你的生活就要受到很多羁绊.
        • For sure, having children will change people's lifestyle A LOT. It is a big decision...but not impossible, instead, it is manageable...I think :)
          • That's because you haven't had kids yet. :-) Too much time, energy you have to spend on them, plus responsibility, money etc....especially when they are young.
      • 看不出,饺子还颇有老庄遗风。 :P