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信上有一段“Ifyou are already in Canada and have valid temporary resident status, you now have choice of either obtaining your permanent resideent status in Canda or leaving Canada and re-entering at port of entry. If you choose the former, please contact CIC's Call centre at 1-888-242-2100 as soon as possible to arrange a appointment with the citizenship Immigration office nearest to your please of residence...". 请问各位行家你们是否先打电话,然后再去彩虹桥?我爸妈的探亲签证已经过期,正在申请延期还没批下来。这样去彩虹桥会不会出去了进不来?一路艰辛过来。不想在最后一步出差错。电话实在难打。周五没打通,要等到下周一。老爷子老大不高兴的。我也想在这个周末把此事搞定。 谢谢帮助。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 终于拿到西雅图的大信封了。下一步该做什么?请过来人指示,谢谢,详情见内。
    信上有一段“Ifyou are already in Canada and have valid temporary resident status, you now have choice of either obtaining your permanent resideent status in Canda or leaving Canada and re-entering at port of entry. If you choose the former, please contact CIC's Call centre at 1-888-242-2100 as soon as possible to arrange a appointment with the citizenship Immigration office nearest to your please of residence...". 请问各位行家你们是否先打电话,然后再去彩虹桥?我爸妈的探亲签证已经过期,正在申请延期还没批下来。这样去彩虹桥会不会出去了进不来?一路艰辛过来。不想在最后一步出差错。电话实在难打。周五没打通,要等到下周一。老爷子老大不高兴的。我也想在这个周末把此事搞定。 谢谢帮助。
    • 现在就开车去彩虹桥登陆还来得及。有移民签证你还担心进不来,是操心过多。那桥上,美国是不会给你们进去的,加拿大如果不让进,你认为美加两国会如此不人道吗?那明天你们就是电视里的新闻人物了。
      • 只是五年的艰辛路让我对CIC产生无限的畏惧感。生怕再有什么幺蛾子。请问前辈受到大信封后有没有给CIC打点话呢?
    • 【你们不是已经有移民签证了吗?】出去肯定能进来,如果不放心,走路到进来的地方问问。如果不想去,直接去Local的CIC Office问。在那里也能登陆,需要Appointment。Scarborough,Kitchener也有。
      • 谢谢BB,还有大象.准备今晚去彩虹桥.等我的好消息,或者上电视新闻:-)
    • 真心莫名其妙。//...老爷子老大不高兴的...
      • 一个电话打不通就“老大不高兴”,以后住一起真的不知道要怎么样容易老大不高兴...
        • 家家有本难念的经。一声叹息无话可说。
          • 规矩一定要做好,under my roof, follow my rule
            • 【跟老爺子講Rule!?】給老爺子自己的空間,孝順,『順』很重要。每個人要有自己的空間才能愉快的共處。
              • 呵呵,Good luck.
    • No problem my parents had the same situation...and they landed too! BTW: email CIC to ask for refund of your extension fee of your parents' TRV, after the landing.
      • Hi Karin, which CIC office did you email to for the refund? I am in the same situation. Thanks in advance for your help!!!
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