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Bike to Work Day - Monday, May 28, 2012

星期一的Bike to Work 是多伦多Bike Month 第一天的活动。

May 28th. 2012. 7a.m- 10 a.m. Commuters from around the City meet to ride together from start points and converge at Yonge and Bloor for 7:30a.m. City start points are staffed with ride coordinators and a Police escort. Riders will receive a free Bike Month t-shirt as well as complimentary breakfast at City Hall (while supplies last). This event is organised by the City of Toronto and the Cycle Toronto.

The ride leaves from various start locations at 7:00a.m and meets at Yonge and Bloor for 7:30a.m. From there the ride heads to Nathan Phillips Square for 8:00a.m to enjoy a complimentary pancake breakfast and other festivities.



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  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / Bike to Work Day - Monday, May 28, 2012
    星期一的Bike to Work 是多伦多Bike Month 第一天的活动。

    May 28th. 2012. 7a.m- 10 a.m. Commuters from around the City meet to ride together from start points and converge at Yonge and Bloor for 7:30a.m. City start points are staffed with ride coordinators and a Police escort. Riders will receive a free Bike Month t-shirt as well as complimentary breakfast at City Hall (while supplies last). This event is organised by the City of Toronto and the Cycle Toronto.

    The ride leaves from various start locations at 7:00a.m and meets at Yonge and Bloor for 7:30a.m. From there the ride heads to Nathan Phillips Square for 8:00a.m to enjoy a complimentary pancake breakfast and other festivities.


    • 7:00am Yonge/Lawrence 这儿我可以,10km,早上7点以前Yonge上车少吧?不过回家就麻烦了,恐怕得走trail绕好远。
      • 我也会到Yonge/Lawrence。
        • 那会子人忒多吧?俺没见过大姐大(更要命的是俺眼神儿太差,别人认出我我不记得人的难堪事儿经常发生),有木有标记/暗语?俺还寻思骑那辆N年前CT$99的车是不是太掉价儿,另一辆也是CT的除了变速好用也并不比$99的好骑。
          • 上次那谁谁说了个暗号:肉联肉联 骑车过年。。。,周一骑车的人不少,会骑的很慢,实际上骑什么样子的车子都有,重在参与。
            • 那好,就骑旧车喽,虽也差不多是除了铃不响哪儿都响,不过有后衣架好放包,红黑相间的车和帽,你的是黑色公路车?要是看见疑似的咱对声暗号?:P
              • 好啊,明天见。我的是辆深蓝色的车。
                • 好啊,希望明天能找到你:)
                • 我晚了15分钟到Lawrence,一直追到St Clair才追上大部队,看车手不算多,却没找到大姐大,可能因为我在后面吧。大清早的Yonge上车真多,到Bloor之前都没有警察开道,不过有大部队一起骑车就安全了。
                  • 几十人在Yonge/Lawrence, 7:09出发, 骑的很慢,到City Hall,后,那里比较热闹,大家穿的一样的T-shirt, 在广场山貌似看到了阿甘...
                    还没想好回家的线路,Yonge上太多的汽车了,特别是Sheppard to York Mills那一段,都开的飞快...
                    • 我昨天跑了步身上痛,今天就没打算骑车回来。周四再去办公室,从Don River沿线的trails骑回来。以后大白天儿的再不敢在Yonge上骑车了。:P 你住哪一带,或许也可以走trails回家?
                      • 走trail太绕远了,天气越来越热,计划周五走短一点,周末多骑车活动。
    • too late too see this..... anyway i plan to bike whole summer long to work, no Kabon footprint whatsoever
    • 在班上就琢磨怎么骑车回家,看了哈天气预报,没原来说的那么热,决定向东走Lower Don Recreation Trail,虽然多绕了9公里,但没有那些烦人的红绿灯和车龙。
      从公司出来,先骑到distillery district 里转了一圈,用手机拍了几张片片。

      然后拐入Lower Don trail,那里很静,白色、紫色的野花和绿草在蓝天白云下构成了一幅美丽的景色,偶见几位骑车和慢跑的人,打声招呼,亦觉亲切。一共骑了29公里,到家已是满头大汗。

      • 前次BT Hiking错过,今天又错过,改日再同行:)