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我提交的 comments. 如果移民不可以sponsor 他们的父母,那么移民应该拒绝交税?因为一部分税收是用来支付本地加拿大人的父母养老的,这太不公平了。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛父母移民对经济也有正面影响
1. parents already saves a lot of money in their life, parents are consumers, it will increase working opportunities.
2. People may take vacation with their parents in Canada i/o spend their vacation with their parents in their home country. It will improve local travel economics.
3. people grow up with the support of their parents, people get education at their home country, it transgress morality if leave their parents alone in their home country.
难道只有公民才能sponsor 父母吗?
In the past, it is not easy for parents to get multi-entry visa. Sponsor has to go to their home country to visit their parents. Many countries do not admit double citizenship. Canadian citizen must have a visa to visit their home country. so in order to visit their parents freely without applying visa, they have to keep their PR status and home country citizenship. working in Canada already guarantees their loyalty to Canada.

1. If majority children of the parents are in Canada, those parents' application should have priority to be processed.
2. It transgress morality if leave parents alone in their home country when they are old.
3. sponsors get education from their home country, but work and contribute to Canada after they grow up. Canada's "investment" to their parents is much less than the investment to their education by their home country.
4. If Canada government opposes parents sponsorship, it is moral degradation for young generation, young generation will get rid of their old parents when they are "useless".
5. If immigrant can not sponsor their parents, can they reject to pay tax , those tax will be spent for local Canadian’s parents. Is it fair?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 建议大家有时间抓紧填写移民部最近搞的新调查(和上次不一样),有关重新定义父母移民的一些条款(点后面地址)。针对此也提出几个问题。
    1: 我再次建议“去掉祖父母移民”这个类别,只保留“父母移民”,如果你也同意,请不要忘了填写comments;



    4:先来先处理,我想现在CIC是否已经开始这样办了? 水牛城等地,是否在等待北京,新德里和香港?
    • 我保证跟我上次的一个效果,没几个人关心。
      • 完成了,希望有作用吧。
      • 朋友们:你们就不担心政府对所有正在处理的父母移民case立即实施新措施吗?(追溯)CIC用心险恶啊!快醒醒!也许多年的等待换来被砍的悲剧。
        似乎所有08年递交担保的,不光是转到 ottawa的,还是转到local office的,都被 CIC 拖着,不是没有 ME, 就是没有最后一步,我们可以大胆设想一下,各地父母case处理点, 似乎都在等待某种讯息的发出 (这个讯息是不是就是6月底的新法?)。 这时候 CIC 又悄悄推出这项调查,这么巧合的事情还看不出联系?
        • 说实话,只能尽人事听天命,真要一刀切不是这点数量的移民可以阻挠的
      • already submitted.hope everyone can fill the survey whatever parents already got visa or not.
    • 如果说终身担保,是不是父母以后就永远都不可能从加拿大拿养老金了?
      • 仔细看了一下survey,说是不影响领养老金
        • 65岁之前不可领社会救济,或社会救济成为担保人债务。这本来就是第二版调查,我前面说过的。
      • 养老金政府愿意给当然更好,即便不给,只要有OHIP cover,我也认了,而且表示理解,人的欲望还是理智些好。
        • 难道真有人指望父母拿到养老金? 况且政府已经拿出一个相当吓人的数字:一个老人平均医药费等一年要花1万多加币,我都想象不出这些老人什么方面需要这么多医药费,如果这样的话,老人体检把关很有问题啊。
          • 盼着养老金的人肯定有的,我周围很多邻居家的老人都住了很多年了,就等着呢。
          • 政府说的老人应该不单指依靠子女移民过来的老人吧,那些本地的老人估计医疗方面的花费应该很高的。
          • 加拿大住院费还是挺高的。1万块也就只能住3~4天的院。

            医院名称 收费(加元/天)

            Toronto General Hospital $3070.00
            Toronto Hospital for Sick Children $2600.00
            Vancouver General Hospital $1776.00
            Ottawa Children’’s Hospital $2288.00
            Ottawa Civic Hospital $1464.00
            Montreal Children’’s Hospital  $2832.00
            Montreal Royal Victoria Hospital $1962.00
            Halifax Victoria Hospital $2162.00
            Calgary Foothills Hospital $1492.00
            Credit Valley Hospital $2000.00
          • 个人觉得父母移民和技术移民不同。技术移民是一步申请。父母移民是两步申请。现在已经担保批准的人,第一步已经走完了。他们不可能对已经结束第一步再等第二步的人追溯实行改变的第一步的标准。那些第一步还没有批下来的倒是不能排除追溯的可能。
            • 移民局耍起流氓来,无底线。
              • 尽人事,听天命。
        • 只要现行的ohip coverage 不变,我对养老金没有半毛钱兴趣。但也不反对感兴趣的人,不过很明显,这个Kenny肯定是改的了
          • 现在政府就是关心的是医疗费,说据统计每人16W。
    • 旧案追溯是典型的无赖行为 我做了SURVEY。没发现哪条可以选反对 旧案追溯 啊?
      • 对于30万技术移民一刀切,没有哪条现有的法律或条文写了追溯旧案,但是CIC仍然对08年某月开始的全部一刀斩,他们追溯旧案根本不通知民众,而是先斩后奏,所以你要在comment里面着重写“不能追溯”。
    • 我提交的 comments. 如果移民不可以sponsor 他们的父母,那么移民应该拒绝交税?因为一部分税收是用来支付本地加拿大人的父母养老的,这太不公平了。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛父母移民对经济也有正面影响
      1. parents already saves a lot of money in their life, parents are consumers, it will increase working opportunities.
      2. People may take vacation with their parents in Canada i/o spend their vacation with their parents in their home country. It will improve local travel economics.
      3. people grow up with the support of their parents, people get education at their home country, it transgress morality if leave their parents alone in their home country.
      难道只有公民才能sponsor 父母吗?
      In the past, it is not easy for parents to get multi-entry visa. Sponsor has to go to their home country to visit their parents. Many countries do not admit double citizenship. Canadian citizen must have a visa to visit their home country. so in order to visit their parents freely without applying visa, they have to keep their PR status and home country citizenship. working in Canada already guarantees their loyalty to Canada.

      1. If majority children of the parents are in Canada, those parents' application should have priority to be processed.
      2. It transgress morality if leave parents alone in their home country when they are old.
      3. sponsors get education from their home country, but work and contribute to Canada after they grow up. Canada's "investment" to their parents is much less than the investment to their education by their home country.
      4. If Canada government opposes parents sponsorship, it is moral degradation for young generation, young generation will get rid of their old parents when they are "useless".
      5. If immigrant can not sponsor their parents, can they reject to pay tax , those tax will be spent for local Canadian’s parents. Is it fair?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Just done this survey. Thank you for raising this alert. We need to fight for our rights!!!
    • 已经填好了。现在只能走一步看一步了。
      我同意延长担保时间, 提高收入要求, 和只有公民有资格申请, 还有孤寡老人优先。我不同意每人收取40000块, 那样的话真的只有富人才能跟家人团聚了,对普通工薪阶层不公平,等于我们辛苦工作交的税全用来养少数人的父母了,更何况谁知道他们的钱是否是合法得来的呢。

      坚决不同意追述,我的COMMENTS 说那样对我们这样已经等待了5年的人不公平。还有,我说了对于那些被新法挡在门外的人,应该放宽探亲签证,但可以把MEDICAL INSURANCE作为所有签证申请材料之一,参考CUBA。
      • 你应该知道medical insurance有多贵,这样建议不是害人家申请探亲的吗!
        • 尤其是父母75以上的探亲。
          • MEDICAL INSURANCE 本来就应该买啊, 否则老人在这边待上好几个月甚至一年以上怎么能放心? 你知道没有OHIP去医院看病有多贵吗?
            • 那也没必要强制买啊!
    • Done the survey. Thanks for the information.
    • Done.
      • finished the questions.
    • completed the survey today
    • 搞定survey today!Everybody better go and present your ideas.
      1: 同意“去掉祖父母移民”这个类别,只保留“父母移民”。并且要保证super visa的签过率。




      • 我顶~
        • Ding again!
          • 好帖,顶起~
            • up
    • Done survey!
    • 生意不大好吧,我早预料到了,如果你说如何如何有机会提早领福利,保证一个小时成热点.就这么大的政治力量,砍的时候你看着吧,血淋淋的.
      • 在家的电脑和公司的电脑都做完了。
        • up
      • 不知道为什么参与的人不多,大家都在积极帮父母办移民,注意力全在怎么准备资料上。要是政府真要交15万保证金,有几家父母有那么多钱交还能来呢。还不赶紧把自己的意见反馈上去,虽然不一定起到决定作用,但好歹得把自己的呼声传上去。要不然以后都别想办了。
      • 也不知道会不会把担保已经批了,体检过了但是还没有DM的人都砍掉。够郁闷的。
        • 25日就结束了!请抓紧!动员一个算一个,不发此贴参与人可能更少。这个栏目的力量本身就那么大,看的人数有限,和自己利益无关的人也不会参加。
      • 尽自己一点小力吧!
    • 填了。 希望有作用。
    • 填了。通篇就是钱。自己的医疗养老体系有漏洞,移民流程没有效率,不先从自身找原因,看起来想依靠父母移民赚钱,更多养活一些懒人?
      • money,money,money. Our dear Kenny said no money no talk. Kenny wants us dump our parents like the garbage, because they are the garbage to himself.
    • 每天,每天,政府就是在钻研如何cut福利(any types)。为什么这个政府只是在截流?为什么没有开源的新闻和措施?难道开源不重要么?如果这个政府是我选出来的,那这个后来的政绩也太差了。在哪里可以反悔?
      • 有想开源啊?这不找 sponsor 挣钱补漏洞了吗?恐怕就是真有人有钱力把父母sponsor来了,钱也交了,父母有急病的时候仍然被这低效的体系给耽误了。谁能保证交的钱能得到相应的服务?Kenny?
      • 填了,强烈反对交钱,其他的都能接受。
      • 同上~顶起