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Police Certificates
You must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. It is your responsibility to contact the police or relevant authorities and apply for the required police certificate.
Instructions and information on obtaining a police certificate from any country can be found on our Web site at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp.
The police certificate from each country must be received by our office within 60 days from the date of this letter.  Failure to provide us with the police certificate may result in your application being assessed on the information available on your file and may be refused.
If you have already sent in the updated police certificate, you do not require to resend it.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 父母在加拿大的 police certificate
    刚收到体检通知和police certificate的要求,根据email提供的网址看来,父母在加拿大居住超过6个月以上的无犯罪记录不需要提供,除非移民局有要求,有类似情况的同学准备去做吗?谢谢!
    “How to obtain a police certificate - Canada
    Do I need to provide a police certificate when applying for permanent residence?
    Only in certain cases. The Canadian visa office will tell you if you need a Canadian criminal record check while your application is being processed.”
    • 我是做了的,我还没来得及寄去呢!这个速度,实在让人吃不消!
      • 我刚办完中国的,如果可以不做加拿大的,倒是省事了。
        • 我现在不知道是否需要提供我父母在加拿大期间的中国无犯罪证明。还有我父母9月刚续签体检过,也不知道是不是还要继续体检,要写邮件咨询了。
          • I got the email today.我父母11月刚续签体检过,也不知道是不是还要继续体检,I email to ask the same thing.
            • 我们互相通告一下有啥回复
            • 不需要. 带着你download的表格去给你父母的体检医生, 要他提交你的体检结果给ottawa.
              • 刚才还问了之前探亲体检的前台小姐,她说如果移民局给你单子你就得检查的,不知道靠不靠谱。
                • 不靠谱. 体检结果1年有效.
            • doudou我今天去原来体检的地方给了他们新的体检表格,他们可以重新帮我再发一份,收了20元一个人的快递费,他们说这种现象还蛮多的。Ottawa没有回我邮件,我先自己去做了。
              • Thanks Shirley. I will try it tomorrow.
              • I called my doctor office, they are not willing to do that, since they want to earn another $300 from me. I think I have no chance and have to do it again. OMG, it is highway robbery. Thanks anyway, and good luck on your parents' PR process.
                • 太坏了吧! 举手之劳也不肯啊!鄙视一把.其实移民局是有记录的,主要是渥太华那边不知道何时才会回你邮件. Good luck to you as well!
                • 你查查cic的网站, 我看到的体检结果1年有效, 带你的新表再去试试... 他们会收你点费用.
          • Congratulations! Shirley! Let us know what you get. BTW, How long did your parent get police certificate done?
            • 指膜当天就可以做的,做完后大概10天左右吧,RCMP就寄信过来了。
              • 请问指膜哪里有做?form c-216c 在哪里有?我今天去了local police station per RCMP instructions, but they say they never do fingerprints, and they let me go the police head office at Bay/college
                请问指膜哪里有做?form c-216c 在哪里有?我今天去了local police station per RCMP instructions, but they say they never do fingerprints, and they let me go the police head office at Bay/college for police background check, I don't think that's the same thing, and just got so confused.....
                • 是问我吗?我在温哥华,不太了解多伦多在哪里做。肯定不是在RCMP做,应该是它的联营机构,网上google一下。
                  • 谢谢,the local police station did give a list of RCMP agencies, I saw they all individual companies , 原来 真是有联营公司
                    • 给我父母做的是一个中国人,俺就随便和人家聊了几句,据说里面都是退役的军人为主。
                • 我看了一下我手中的留存,C-216C就是你做完指膜后传给RCMP的表格,但是不需要你自己传的,做的地方直接帮你发过去的。他们会给你一个copy
                  • 放心了,就是说,联营公司有form 谢谢你
          • i am in the same boat. i also send email to ottawa and dont know when they will reply. do u hear anything from them?
        • 你能打开那个医生的list附件吗?我打不开啊
      • shirley, 你怎么做的加拿大的police certificate ? 是通过电子指模转送rcmp的吗?
        • 是的,RCMP 安省总部会给你发无犯罪记录的。做完指膜两个星期会直接发到家里,也可以要求他们发去CIC。
          • 体检信里要你父母在加拿大的police certificate了吗?
            • 没有,体检信要求没有提交无犯罪证明的要提交。我之前就已经做了加拿大的无犯罪了,还没来得及寄呢。
              • 我记得补材料信中是要求除加拿大以外其他国家的无犯罪证明啊,没要求加拿大的吧。。
                • 是的,并没有说一定要加拿大的无犯罪记录,我只是想能方便在加拿大做了就算了,省得万一到时候需要,老人回国了,还要回国找地方做,怪麻烦的.56元一个人,价钱还能接受。
                • 今天的体检email里说的如果在一个国家居住连续超过6个月以上,需要这个国家的police certificate,没有指明是加拿大,每个人的情况不同.
          • thankS!
          • 和我了解的差不多, 谢谢
      • Hi shirleyvancouver(Shirle), could you tell me Ottawa address for sending the police certificate? I did not find the exactly address in the ME form
    • 喔太华看起来牛很多,没交无犯罪证明就开始体检了,很可能然后就发签证了,通常体检是签证前的最后一步.
      • 现在全乱套了
        • 不好意思,问一下收到体检通知的同志们,是要求提供无犯罪证明吗?
          • 信中提到了需要交无犯罪证明,如果之前没有提交的话。
            • 那父母在中国,怎么提交加拿大的无犯罪证明呢?
              • 那就不要提供了吧,怪麻烦怪折腾老人的!虽然我是有听说国内也能做指膜然后传到加拿大来,没有具体操作过,不知道流程。反正也不是必须的。人要是目前在加拿大,方便就去做,也不贵,省得CIC要求了你再做,老人指膜到时候做不出来急死人。
                • 谢谢你及时的回复,看到时ME的信上有否要求,最好是不做加拿大的,太折腾人。
                  • ME的信上是统一标准,如下。没有说加拿大要,也没有说不要。
                    Police Certificates
                    You must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. It is your responsibility to contact the police or relevant authorities and apply for the required police certificate.
                    Instructions and information on obtaining a police certificate from any country can be found on our Web site at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp.
                    The police certificate from each country must be received by our office within 60 days from the date of this letter.  Failure to provide us with the police certificate may result in your application being assessed on the information available on your file and may be refused.
                    If you have already sent in the updated police certificate, you do not require to resend it.
                    • 我还是忍不住,上来看看你。:))看来我也需要了。就怕不提供而影响进度。
                    • 读了下http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp,别的国家好像都明确提了要,只有加拿大是说特别要求了才需要提供。
                      • 谢谢,看了以后同意你的理解。