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Just something for discussion:

"Hey" - just thought it is too casual in the whole context. Put your customer's name, or even a simple "Hi" is better than "Hey"

"no matter what vendor you will select at the end..." - I would prefer " no matter which/what vendor you select in the end..."

"The same question went back to Cisco 10 years ago" - I would prefer " the same question goes back to ..."

"... and so many lesson learnt when rolling out..." - I would prefer " and many lessons were learnt when..."

"End users are very much less forgiven if ..." - It should be " End users are much less forgiving if..."

"How soon can the system recovery from .." - I think you meant " recovers"

"... the dependancies have to addressed up front.. " - it should be " have to be addressed up front..."

"... on some of those points in our quick call.. " - I would prefer " ... in a quick call..."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 抛砖引砖:昨天给用户的一封快信。用意当然是卖...
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hey,

    I know you guys may have thought this through already.. Nevertheless,just thought I should share it when it comes down to UC design,from an architectural perspective, no matter what vendor you will select at the end...

    1) Solution maturity and service partner maturity:

    The same question went back to Cisco 10 years ago - we had lots of scars on our back and so many lesson learnt when rolling out a "new" voip system. It does not matter which vendor.. End users are very much less forgiven if anything goes wrong on phone system, period. So the solution maturity, service partner capability and availability are always on top of our mind;

    2) Redundancy, availability and scalability

    Local fail-over, remote survivability , load sharing, etc.. How soon can the system recovery from a hardware component failure, a server failure, WAN outage etc.. How the system will scale is also a good question to ask.

    3) Supportability

    How this system will be supported, by how many players... once the voice system is into production, the supportability can make or break an otherwise seemingly flawless system. How the trouble shooting process will be streamlined, how the skills can be prepared from first line help desk to IT support, which vendor to call for escalation, how to determine which party is responsible for what etc etc.. All are very important factors..

    4) Migration planning

    How to move away from the PBX, how to support legacy stuff such as analog devices i.e. FAX and paging system etc...What dial plan to consider during and after the migration.. etc..

    5) Dependencies on network, on bandwidth, on site facility, on Telco's

    To make the transition successful, the dependancies have to addressed up front.. How the solution will be integrated to your data network infrastructure, what type of WAN bandwidth will be required, how the connection to PSTN will be supported, what about cabling, UPS etc..

    We will touch base this afternoon on some of those points in our quick call.. But thought this list could be helpful in your own evaluation process....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • interestingly, it did not mention the design and SOW defining supports, I thought it would be the most critical step? maybe this was a general sales passage and content had to be generalized any way.
      • 还没到那步
        • 嗯,先洗洗你们的脑。
      • That can be done latter. Now the first brick -- "End users are very much less forgiven...", ha?:-)
        • 不觉得在一个otherwise dull的信里来这幺一句很提神?
          • Wrong spot to add spice though-- I'll leave this to thornthorn.:-)
        • forgiving. i bet the letter was from a native?
          • 爱斯基摩来的
            • Brick#2: is 爱斯基摩 really a place? :-)
              • how many in your pocket now? less the two?
                • Pre-sale pitch only. :-) -- waiting for the pricing to be finalized.
    • 看来是你的老客户了, 可以用不太正式的书面语.
      • 妹昨天不该钉你,道歉了。
        • "perf E ct -c__wang(扑通国移); 2.10 14:41 (#7277395@0) " 怎么又换昵称了?
          • 喜新厌旧哈。
      • Intimacy.:-)
        • 啊?
          Physical intimacy is characterized by romantic or passionate love and attachment, or sexual activity. The term is also sometimes used euphemistically for a sexual relationship
          • Outdated interpretation -- it's called Customer Relatinship Management.:-)
            • Derailing is not good.
              • XMJDH.:-)
      • 咱不会正式的
        • 如果是从没打过交道的潜在客户, 我相信会是另一种风格的pitch.
          • 那就不发信了
    • 这不是吓唬人嘛,从来没听说过 anything goes wrong on a phone system。用一堆 bility 把人家老实人打到云里雾里,你们再趁火打劫。原来老猫是这样卖东西的,真不厚道。
      • 我其实说到用户的心坎里去了
    • Just something for discussion:
      "Hey" - just thought it is too casual in the whole context. Put your customer's name, or even a simple "Hi" is better than "Hey"

      "no matter what vendor you will select at the end..." - I would prefer " no matter which/what vendor you select in the end..."

      "The same question went back to Cisco 10 years ago" - I would prefer " the same question goes back to ..."

      "... and so many lesson learnt when rolling out..." - I would prefer " and many lessons were learnt when..."

      "End users are very much less forgiven if ..." - It should be " End users are much less forgiving if..."

      "How soon can the system recovery from .." - I think you meant " recovers"

      "... the dependancies have to addressed up front.. " - it should be " have to be addressed up front..."

      "... on some of those points in our quick call.. " - I would prefer " ... in a quick call..."
      • 好,比佛爷读的认真多了,谢谢
      • 有些习惯用法,无所谓对错
        • 俺怎么觉得这些都是错呢?那个hey是大错,象街头小痞子似的。
          • 真的?现在几乎所有人给我发信都这么开头,我还以为他们客气呢,汗。。。
            • 同汗
              • 汗到不至于。不过我真觉得这个hey字不好。你虽然力求informal,但是这封信本质上仍然是一封严肃的business letter,那个hey字损害了这种严肃性。我觉得hey字buddy之间还可以用,同事之间都有点怪,何况跟客户。
      • 好!俺补充一个:is into production 应该是 in production,an otherwise seemingly flawless system:seemingly 有点添足,So the solution maturity 多了一个 the。
    • 受不了,说几句

      我LG的学历是:Ph.D. 英语自称好过我。



      • 没看懂。你是保hey还是倒hey?
        • 不倒也不保。
        • 王小溪是赞成加精的
          • 好久没见美帝苏修了.
        • Regardless, I always use 1) strangers - (Dear) Mr. (or Ms.) whowhowho. 2) close friends, biz partners - call first name. 3) I rarely, almost never, call the name but have a hey, hello, etc. in any of written content.
          • I believe mikesmith used "hey" was to purposely eliminate the name for confidentiality.
            • 这么说你是到hey的。
              • No, hey does not mean anything here, to me.
      • First of all, I have to say I'm really impressed by your qualifications - your MBA, the great leap in your language improvement, and even your husband's degree to boot.
        I only voiced my opinion because this is posted in the "Language" section. I assume that if the author posts his/her work here, it's meant for others to read, enjoy, and to help others to improve, or sometimes, get a different take from others. I apologize if this upsets you. It's your choice to stay at the level you're at now. But that shouldn't stop others from working hard and getting better. A beautifully written article is an art. And if we could, we should all learn to write it, or at the very least, learn to enjoy it.
        • i appreciate your voice sincerely too. nothing really upsets me but triggers improvement/correction. 我说内容,思想,思维是重要的,不要拘泥形式。在我看来 HEY OR HELLO 那是舍本逐末。仁者见仁智者见智吧。我无意做靶子,也无意做 DART。共勉。
          • This is my understanding of "working harder and getting better"
            • 咱偶像红卫兵说的好:夸我的我就虚心接受,骂我的咱就don't give it a damn.......
        • 对头, 各抒己见吗. 我的一孔之见, 不当之处见谅.
          " help others to improve..." - Help others improve...
          "A beautifully written article is an art" - A beautifully written article is a piece of art.
          "we should all learn to write" - We should all learn how to write.
          • Points well taken. Thanks!
      • 太对头了。这种长度的商业书信,读者就是扫一眼开头(看看态度),再扫一眼各段标题,然后就
      • Excellent point
    • 当然是卖什么?
      • 卖空气的。
      • 老猫好像是卖 solutions 的吧?
        • 很好奇谁是老猫他们的竞争对手?bell?
          • 老猫他们把solutions先卖出去, 然后再招兵买马, 可以把 Bell, Rogers, Telus, Cisico 的人挖过来组成团队. IBM就是这样赚客户钱的.
            • 所以老猫这种大忽悠才价值连城。
      • 会不会是卖 “弄” ,不敢直说?不过此文平平实实,也没什么可卖弄的。真不知他的“卖”后面本想加个什么字。。
        • 觉着你有点过了。个人意见应该是评贴不评人。适可而止,得益大方。你觉得攻击我也有必要的话,我自己说,我就是一个JERK。
          • 酱油哥难道对老猫也看不惯?
            • 我和猫素不相能。没有什么看惯看不惯的。何况在下都是先读贴再看 ID
          • 你太敏感了。猜猜而已。你读楼主那半句话,卖后面加个什么字更有逻辑性一点?既然敢卖关子,就别怕人猜测。
            • 我的意见说完了。老猫说什么,做什么,贴什么是他的自由,跟我没关系。他说的对,错跟我更是没关系。走鸟。
              • 慢走。不送。
            • 觉得你是有点敏感了。老猫他们公司卖通讯系统的,因为有很多忽悠的成分,所以他想不好该怎么说,所以就。。。。老猫是不是显摆,我不知道,但是通篇文章挺地道的,挺流畅的。贴出来,大家也能解个闷。
              • 猫语直白, 猫文浅显, 虽有个别字用得不完全准确但结构句法多数时候很地道, 所以我说他英文比他中文好.
              • 猜测而已。 此文写得很平实,很流畅。比较典型的business writing. 值得很多国移学习。
                • 话又说会来,这个客户肯定不是第一个读老猫这篇Email的,前面至少有上百个客户被忽悠过了。
              • Agree, We should encourage people to participate. It really doesn't matter if they're just here to show off or not as long as it's done in good spirit. A silent website is a dead website.
            • 中文的精妙有时也是两面刃,这么说谁都太过了。看起来你也是才华横亿之人,真没必要这么滥用
              • Genius is one of the many forms of insanity... At least sometimes.
                • Well that is true until that form is likely to creat too much of an environmental issue,
              • 不过楼竹的标题 也确实可以起的更悦目一点.象是无暇小说里,练门太明显了点~~
                • 老猫想说 " show off ".
                  • 这么说老猫有点过分。
                    • 带引号的吗.
                      • Yes with a capital "Y" :)
          • JJ俺觉得老猫就是个皮厚多面手,这么弱的声音不算啥。。
            • 深蓝妹妹真是老猫弟的之音啊.
              • 别,刺哥,俺笨透了。。
                • 深蓝妹妹看人入木三分. 老猫是个脸皮很壮的好人. 这一点与我有相似之处 :-)
                  • 刚入口的啤酒撒了一地。。。这么夸自己。
                    • 这么冷的天, 喝着温温的红酒更好.
                      • 不太会品红酒。
                        • 酱油哥打政府工?
                          • 不敢显摆
                            • 纯法语工作环境的好像多数是政府有关部门, 学术研究机构或是大公司call centre. 魁省和纽省法语区除外.
                              • 我的工作环境是纯英文的,所以才来这里练法语,丢了可惜。
                  • 好不好咱笨看不出来,PH XJ倒是有目共睹。。
    • 无意中看到名ID与客户的通信,谁实话有点儿吃惊。我的工作也经常需要与客户沟通。虽说我的英语一般,可除非是对自己同事,从来没称呼过客户Guys,也没有被客户这么称呼过,不排除你们已经铁得像哥们一样不分彼此了。您这个HEY也不常见,多是Hi Mike。
      • 绝对同意。guys 倒是常见,这个hey肯定要打倒。你的包装论和我不某而合。俺偶像说,只要有内涵,别的无所谓。俺说,那为什么珠宝店不把钻石放在豆腐盒里?
        • 金子在哪里都会发光.
          哈哈哈. 我觉得老猫那伊美肯定是给打了多年交道而且关系非常熟的客户写的. 他不见得真的用了hey.
          • 另外从我跟公司里这帮技术大拿打交道的感觉,都是惜字如金的主儿,往来邮件大都言简意赅。这信出自技术大拿之手似乎有点儿啰唆。只是我个人的感觉而已。
            • 老猫可能正好那天有时间 to kill. 或者他的客户需要哪些信息以备下午电话会议讨论.
            • 老猫不是技术大拿,是大忽悠。大忽悠的特点就是一句话的事能吹一个小时,10几个大bility,把对手整的晕头转向,然后乖乖的掏钱包。老猫是我们广大国移的榜样。
              • 其实以前看过LZ的讲工作中趣事的E文,妙趣横生,写得很好啊,会不会这个是Show off的Sarcasm Version?
    • i like the attitude and approach in this letter.