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It depends on your definition of "Delay", Actually I can delay nothing.

For example: if Global Cases are processing in the same speed, no matter what Visa Office, the processing time maybe 18 months.
But the reality is some Visa Office maybe 4-5months but other Visa Office will take 40-50 months.
The finally target is every Visa Office has the same processing speed 18 months.
After some work(Rally, News Conference, etc.), some Visa Office may 8-10 months and the other maybe take 36-40 months.
I don;t think for some Visa Office 4-5 month become 8-10 months is a delay, it is still above average, I called it a movement to the correct direction.

I don;t want compare salary with any other one.
Men's values are defined by how much they contribute to the society.
If you want to compare how much percentage donation and volunteer each month, I am happy to compare with you.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 父母移民,终于毕业了! 汇报一下!
    2007.10.2 receive the letter of comfirmation for sponsorship
    2011. 8.29 approval for sponsorship
    2011. 9.20 submit PR application to Buffalo.
    2011. 10.20 received letter of comfirmation from Buffalo and request for medical exam
    2011. 12.9 received the letter requesting for passport
    2012. 1.9 received landing paper,but due to some mistake, we send it back to amend
    2012. 1.26 received revised landing paper.
    2012. 1.28 landed at Rainbow Bridge
    • Congratulations. Seems still very fast in Buffalo.
    • Congratulations! But this is so unfair that a lot of people submitted in Sept 2007 are still struggling with the supplemental forms and materials.
      • very unfair, I think still a lot of people Mississauga Date is 2006.10.2 the VO destination is Beijing havn't receive ME.
        • 丑陋的中国人。I have learned lessons long time ago: Never ever share the true stories or feelings.
          Not meant to insinuate, but by just scrutinizing the way you put your words together, I highly doubt your literacy level.
          • don't give up so easily! otherwise, you will just be defeated by these 丑陋的中国人
            • I am not giving up. I am just being defensive. The thumb of rule is: the more you know about others and the less you are known by others, the better position you are at.
              • Don't be offended so easily! who cares about what they say! The fact that OP's case got appoved so quickly at Buffalo is all what it matters, these 丑陋的中国人 can't do anything about it but bad mouth it.. who cares!
          • This is getting ugly. You don't even know how many Chinese seniors are getting benefits from his effort of imposing fairness during the immigration process.
            • Sorry!I do not appreciate his effort. The fairness was not brought to th whole chinese group. I will support him if he tries to bring the fairness to all local offices. Currently i only saw HK cases slowed down.
              • This is because you didn't see what happened in BJ and only focus on your own interests. This is not a game between BJ and HK or BJ and Buffalo. Actually, Chinese are only in count of less than 10% of all parents immigrants.
                • You did not get my point!! IT is ridiculous to play the game within the Chinese including BJ, HK. and Buffalo. If he can bring the fairness to all local offices, I definitely will support him. Otherwise I really suspect his intention. Period.
                  • His intention is to impose fairness around the world. I don't understand why you got the impression that he is playing games between BJ, HK, and Buffalo. These are three visa offices that we often discuss at here.
                    • 很多人只注意字面的北京\香港\水牛城.

      • 哪有什么公平不公平,新移民法明文规定,移民官可根据自己的判断,对申请有优先选择权。还是耐心等待吧,说什么都白搭。
        • 是移民部长,针对不同类型的案件:如技术移民91简化签证和38类职业.
      • I can't agree with you more! People who came to this Country couple of years later than us and were struggling to make enough money to meet the LICO will now have to wait unexpected long time to be allowed to sponsor their parents...
        Does this sound fair to you?
        • 你的公平: 不就是要:晚排队先处理么? 就直接说就好了, 不要扣大帽子.
          • 你就信口雌黄吧! 好好的楼被你这类特殊人群搞得乌烟瘴气! 你舒服了吧, 舒服了就消停消停. 还有,不要就动不动得给大家上公平的课,你还没那个水准!
            • 来不来跟拿benefit 有什么关系?凭什么父母担保的老人就不能拿benefit. 所有来加拿大的移民大家平等。难民都有补助!
          • Since you talk about fairness, many other applicants were delayed by your action. If their parent cannot come, I think they will act soon to stop all parent immigration benefit. They can easily get support from the real majority Canadian.
            Canada never promise parent immigrant can have OAS or free health benefit. It is fair for sponsor to pay for their parents.

            According to your speech and action in this forum, I believe my income has at least double yours. Never the less, I am considering request to add tax to the sponsors. That is real fair. The richer should pay for their parents.

            Live with honor. I don't expect you will follow. But I think you might have to.
            • It depends on your definition of "Delay", Actually I can delay nothing.
              For example: if Global Cases are processing in the same speed, no matter what Visa Office, the processing time maybe 18 months.
              But the reality is some Visa Office maybe 4-5months but other Visa Office will take 40-50 months.
              The finally target is every Visa Office has the same processing speed 18 months.
              After some work(Rally, News Conference, etc.), some Visa Office may 8-10 months and the other maybe take 36-40 months.
              I don;t think for some Visa Office 4-5 month become 8-10 months is a delay, it is still above average, I called it a movement to the correct direction.

              I don;t want compare salary with any other one.
              Men's values are defined by how much they contribute to the society.
              If you want to compare how much percentage donation and volunteer each month, I am happy to compare with you.
    • Thank you for sharing. at least we are aware that CIC is working.
    • Thank you sharing this with us! We are lucky that our applications are still under review and will get processed by CIC and local VO, just have to learn to be more patient!
      • 现在这种形势,送北京也未必就一定特别慢!
    • CONGRATS!! 我们递SPONSOR申请和批准的时间居然都在同一个月!
      也是递BUFFALO. 你还记得是什么时候交的¥490 LANDING FEE吗?这样可以推算我们什么时候可以拿到。谢谢!
      • -thatsmooth(顺风顺水), 你是最近才收到cic的批准sponshor的信吗? 如不方面回答,请pm, 谢谢!
        • 看帖不认真。。 我和-xflily(lily)都是去年8月SPONSOR APPROVAL. 现在等PR结果。
          • 谢谢回复!
      • 大概在10月底,收到体检通知和交登陆费的通知。同时交的
        • 我们的隔了一个月, 怪不得比你们慢。
    • 让我们这种2007年申请,10年递交北京仍杳无音讯的,情何以堪啊!
      • 再次证明华人游行游少了。
      • 站错队了,没办法,只能有点耐心了。人生很多时候就象超时结账排队,有的队很快,有的很慢
        • 但不公平的地方在于有的人被强迫只能排慢的队,即使别的队都快没人了,也只能干瞪眼接着等。。