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Email from CIC - to those who are still waiting....

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 00:00:58 +0000
From: Subject: Citizenship & Immigration Canada: Information about F00006XXXX

Application No.: F00006XXXX
Quote these numbers when corresponding with our office.

This is an automated message. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this message.

Dear XXX,

This confirms that your application for permanent residence in Canada has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2008/XX/XX.

When should I contact CIC?
You must notify CIC of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:
• Changes in your personal circumstances, such as birth or adoption of a child, a marriage or a divorce
• Change of contact information (e-mail, mailing address, telephone number)
• Appointment or change of immigration representative or designated individual
• Decision to withdraw your application
To notify CIC of changes to your application, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/missions.asp, select the office stated below, and follow the directions for “Case Specific Enquiry.”

When will CIC contact me?
CIC will contact you if we require additional information, documents, or an interview. For general guidance on what to expect, you can visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications and consult the “What happens next” section of the instruction guide associated with the application form you used.

How do I check the status of my application?
You may use either the Unique Client Identifier (UCI) or Application Number above to check the status of your application on the CIC website. Please visit www.cic.gc.ca/english and in the “I Need To ...” section on the right-hand side of the page, select “Check application status.”

How long will it take to process my application?
Processing times vary. You can consult the processing times for reference at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times
Please be aware that answering e-mails takes time away from processing applications. For this reason, unless your application has exceeded normal processing times, please limit your correspondence to notifying us of changes in your application.

How can I prepare for immigration to Canada?
Please consult the following resources about settlement in Canada:
• For information on language assessment and training, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-language-training.asp
• For information on employment, visit www.credentials.gc.ca and www.workingincanada.gc.ca
• For information on housing, education, health, important documents, and other topics, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers

We trust that this information concerning your application for permanent residence in Canada is helpful.

CPC Mississauga
P.O. Box 6100, Station A
Mississauga, ON
L5A 4H4



This is an automated message. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this message.
By providing your e-mail address on your application form, you authorized CIC to transmit your file and personal information to this specific e-mail address. Please ensure that this e-mail address is checked regularly. Any e-mails sent to you by CIC will end in “@cic.gc.ca” or “@international.gc.ca.” Please add these to your “safe senders” list in your email program and check the junk mail folder in case important emails get filtered. If CIC is advised that the e-mail address you provided is not functional or no longer exists, we will communicate with you by mail.

Like other forms of communication, e-mail communications may be vulnerable to interception by unauthorized parties. If you do not wish us to communicate with you by e-mail, please notify us at your earliest convenience. In the absence of such notification, your consent is assumed. Should you choose to allow us to communicate by e-mail, we will not take any additional security measures (such as encryption).

The contents of this message may contain confidential and/or privileged subject matter. Any use of this information by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If this message has been received in error, please contact the sender and delete all copies.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 已经向CIC补完材料的各位,除了tingsha还有谁得到回音了吗?
    • 上星期寄走了,Canada Post显示收到了,但是没有收到任何CIC消息
      • 还有别人发了信收到或还没收到回应吗?
        • tingsha得到的回音说了什么?
          • File number
      • 请问你寄的是身份证的公证还是户口的公证,或者是二者都寄了?谢谢!
        • 几天没来刚看到,我是身份证和户口本的公证原件都交了。
    • Xpresspost, 显示12月13日成功递送,尚未收到CIC确认
    • 12/12. No confirmation from CIC.
    • 有人跟tingsha一样可以在网上状态查到Dependent 的名字了吗?
    • Canada Post 12/13 No response yet
      • 12月14日寄到的,没有回复邮件!
      • 12月14日寄到的,没有回复邮件!
      • Dec 6 收到,没有邮件。
    • Xpresspost Dec. 19 sent. no confirmation
      • 看来是按照以前申请的顺序审理了!
        • not sure
    • 12月19日寄到的,没有回复邮件!
    • 已经寄出补充材料的同学,最近有收到CIC-M回复邮件的吗?
    • 一个朋友12月5号将补材料寄出,今天收到confirmation e-mail from cic.
      • 他是07年交的申请吗?
        • 07年12月的申请
          • 那看来还是按原来的顺序处理
            • 你是什么时候寄出的?
              • 12月13号寄出,14号寄到
            • 不一定吧,我07年11月的还没信啊
              • 后来我朋友说CIC原来是07年11月19号收到申请的。
                • 我是11月20日,如果我这几天收到了,就说明你的推理正确 :)
                  • 补的材料不如系统,是没法跟以前的担保申请联系起来的,现在12/5寄出的收到确认,完全可能还是按照收到补材料的次序录入系统,但按照什么顺序处理还不能确定。
                    • 1月11日,Xpressport只显示Item successfully delivered, 这就算寄到了完事了?如果是按补材料的次序, 那真后悔应该再加快一点, 接着是不是就等着传说中cic的email确认?
                    • 我记得坛子还蛮多人11月末就寄出材料了,可是也没有听说他们收到email确认
                      • 不会有很多吧。我印象里面最早的收到补料信的是11月21号。后面才陆陆续续有一些人收到补料信了。所以11月能把材料寄出去的应该是极少数。咱们论坛里好像只有一个吧。虽然我忘记是谁了。
                        • 应该就是tingsha,他/她是“07年10月申请的,收到补材料信11月28日,用挂号邮寄到CIC,显示12月2日收到。”
                          • 还有一个在tingsha之前的帖子里,我记得是11月30日CIC收到的。
                            • 是我,收到cic确认email了,估计你也快了。
                              • When did you get that email? Thanks
                                • CIC Jan 9 发的邮件,给了F000061开头的档案号。
                              • When did you receive it? Did they give you file number as well?
                              • 你是几号收到CIC email 确认信呢? 是最近几天吗?
                                • 你是几号收到CIC email 确认信呢?
                                  • Jan 11
                                • yeye728 Could you please let me know when did you send these documents out?
                                  • I sent documents after u Shirley, around mid-December
                                    • Thanks for your info.
                              • 你确认信里档案号是F00005开头的还是 F00006开头的呢
                                • 不知道是真不明白还是装傻,N多人问了是什么时候补的材料,就是不回答,还在使劲聊档案号,哎。。。
                                  • rolia的格式太乱了, 没看到
                                    • 枫下这样的布局确实很乱
                              • 你是神马时候递的担保
                                • 2008. 2
                                  • 请问下email 里、 dear xxx是父母的名字还是你的名字。 UCI的号码是你的吗?
                                    • 名字。 UCI的号码都是我的, 不是父母的
      • 我今天也收到CIC email 了, 还有收到的吗?
        • 请问你的申请时间和补料时间是什么时候啊
          • 他以前帖子说过申请是08年2月
          • 是2008年2月申请的
            • CIC 的email都说了些啥?
              • 给了一个新application number 跟以前的号码不一样
            • 请问你补材料是什么时候寄出的?
            • 我也想知道什么时候寄出补料的,还有网上状态变了没?
              • 看以前的帖子说“九位数,前四位都是0,后面是五万多的五位数”, 我的也是F开头的,前四位都是0,后面是61多的五位数
                • 你试试用这个file number查你父母的申请status, 注意 要填的information是主申请人的. 另外,你是迪投北京还是buffalo. 谢谢!
                • 请问你是哪天补的材料啊?
                  • 是啊。什么时候寄的呢?
              • 网上状态没变
                • 我的网上状态没变,可是被担保人的名字没有了。
        • 好象 shirleyvancouver(Shirley)寄的也比较早。不知是否收到email 和 file number。
          • 报告,没有收到呢!haha
            • 请问各位你收到confirmation就说明资料齐了吗?另外有谁知道现在北京处理最新的案子,那些案子是什么时候交的Application?我想是否可以推算一下我们这些补交材料的大致processing time.
        • I received CIC email too this morning. I applied in Oct 2007.
          • 你是哪天寄出补材料的啊?
            • At end of Nov 2011.
        • 今天收到email了,给了一个F000062xxx的号码,其他的都是标准内容,几乎没有任何信息量。2007年年底交的担保,2011年12月初交的补充材料。
          • 请问下email 的收信人是你还是你父母?
            • Dear 我的名字
              • Uci号码也是你担保人是吗?
    • 昨天还在问,今天就收到了cic的email. 给了application number F00006xxxx. cic收补件日期是12月8号. 文件没交全. 照片尺寸选错, anding fee 也没交. 我认为是只要cic成功录入父母的移民表信息,系统就会自动produce一个application number. 祝各位好运!
      • 看来基本上是按照补材料收到的日期在录入系统,如果按照原先申请递交日期处理的话,就要等全部补充材料录入后才能开始。90天+30天录入的滞后,3月份前是不会有动静了。
      • 还没收到呢!请问你最早是什么时候提交的?
        • shirley, 给我发的email没有用我补材料时候填的, 还是发到最开始申请时用的email, 你如果最开始申请表上没写email,可能也收不到
          • 不会吧?CIC也忒混乱了,我也不太记得当时填了没有,问题是我这次0008表和代理人表上还填了不同的邮件地址,估计要等等了。不过我感觉CIC还是有把07年的先录入的,在没有收到最新07年的补料时才会按照新的投入顺序录入。
            • 不录入系统怎么知道是07、08、09年的呢
              • good point!
                • Chaitea, what's your first application date?
                  • I don't think application date matters to CIC at this point, as long as you fill out the form correctly and valicate it to warrant a barcode generated, which is used to falicitate CIC for data input processing purpose,
                    then you will be getting an application number by email from CIC. CIC will still be processing the sponsorship application on the first come, first serve basis. Some applications may get cancelled if no response is rec'd from applicant within the required timeframe due to various reasons.
          • yeye728, Phoned CIC and got the file number from them. They did not see any of my email information on file. Probably they confused with two different email address. Thanks,
            • Good News! Shirley!
              • Did you send out? Good Luck to you as well!
                • I sent out before Christmas and have not received anything yet.
            • ShirelyVancovuer, you just called CIC and tell them your UCI, then they gave you your Fnumber? i have submitted my document by middle of December, but no email received. Wondering if i can call them as well as you did. thanks.
              • You can try! You should have your all info on hand. Lots of question will ask.
                If you sent out during the mid of Dec, probably you can wait for a while. I sent out on Dec 6. I saw few person received email even sent out later than me. Actually, i called on last Friday as well but the stuff did not tell me anything. Today is lucky at all.
            • Great Shirley, maybe you did not have email information when you orginally submit the application in 2008
              • yes, no email from the original application for sure. But i did provide email address this time.
                • SHIRLEY, 你可以去CIC网站查看自己的状态是不是也多一行出来,我刚查的,我也多了一行,似乎是担保和移民材料都收到了
                  • yes. extra line. And use File# to check can see address information under my mom's name as well. different than previously record.
                    • 你的妈妈是主申请人是吗? 副申请人的信息还没出来是把
                      • 副申请从来就没有任何信息。
                        • 如果处理到就会有副申请人的信息,例如坛子里tingsha
                          • tingsha有副申请的信息出来吗?我不知道唉,不过anyway我的case是08年的,不着急,排队慢慢等。
      • 文件没交全. 照片尺寸选错, anding fee 也没交. 这些事CIC提供给你的,还是你自己发现的。你的意思是说CIC收材料,但是还没有开始审核?
      • Landing fees不是建议交吗? 现在CIC 一定要交了?
        • My response to all.
          I misunderstood the payment instruction and thought it’s requested for the processing fee, later on when I figured out CIC’s asking for landing fee payment, I already mailed forms out. It's not a must, CIC strongly suggested that you pay. As for photos, there were discussions on the Rolia about which guide should be used to refer to photo specification, again, CIC wasn’t clear until one day later after I mailed package out. I was waiting for CIC to contact me further about these issues which were discovered by myself. Another thing I want to mention is about national ID, I left it blank on the form since I found it very troublesome for me to get certified copy at the time. My sponsorship application was submitted in 2008. Again, I think CIC uses this barcoded new form to input sponsorship application, it's not intended to alter the processing sequence of sponsorship approval.
          • thanks for the infor.
      • 请问email 上是你的名字还是你父母的名字?
    • Email from CIC - to those who are still waiting....
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 00:00:58 +0000
      From: Subject: Citizenship & Immigration Canada: Information about F00006XXXX

      Application No.: F00006XXXX
      Quote these numbers when corresponding with our office.

      This is an automated message. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this message.

      Dear XXX,

      This confirms that your application for permanent residence in Canada has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2008/XX/XX.

      When should I contact CIC?
      You must notify CIC of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:
      • Changes in your personal circumstances, such as birth or adoption of a child, a marriage or a divorce
      • Change of contact information (e-mail, mailing address, telephone number)
      • Appointment or change of immigration representative or designated individual
      • Decision to withdraw your application
      To notify CIC of changes to your application, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/missions.asp, select the office stated below, and follow the directions for “Case Specific Enquiry.”

      When will CIC contact me?
      CIC will contact you if we require additional information, documents, or an interview. For general guidance on what to expect, you can visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications and consult the “What happens next” section of the instruction guide associated with the application form you used.

      How do I check the status of my application?
      You may use either the Unique Client Identifier (UCI) or Application Number above to check the status of your application on the CIC website. Please visit www.cic.gc.ca/english and in the “I Need To ...” section on the right-hand side of the page, select “Check application status.”

      How long will it take to process my application?
      Processing times vary. You can consult the processing times for reference at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times
      Please be aware that answering e-mails takes time away from processing applications. For this reason, unless your application has exceeded normal processing times, please limit your correspondence to notifying us of changes in your application.

      How can I prepare for immigration to Canada?
      Please consult the following resources about settlement in Canada:
      • For information on language assessment and training, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-language-training.asp
      • For information on employment, visit www.credentials.gc.ca and www.workingincanada.gc.ca
      • For information on housing, education, health, important documents, and other topics, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers

      We trust that this information concerning your application for permanent residence in Canada is helpful.

      CPC Mississauga
      P.O. Box 6100, Station A
      Mississauga, ON
      L5A 4H4



      This is an automated message. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this message.
      By providing your e-mail address on your application form, you authorized CIC to transmit your file and personal information to this specific e-mail address. Please ensure that this e-mail address is checked regularly. Any e-mails sent to you by CIC will end in “@cic.gc.ca” or “@international.gc.ca.” Please add these to your “safe senders” list in your email program and check the junk mail folder in case important emails get filtered. If CIC is advised that the e-mail address you provided is not functional or no longer exists, we will communicate with you by mail.

      Like other forms of communication, e-mail communications may be vulnerable to interception by unauthorized parties. If you do not wish us to communicate with you by e-mail, please notify us at your earliest convenience. In the absence of such notification, your consent is assumed. Should you choose to allow us to communicate by e-mail, we will not take any additional security measures (such as encryption).

      The contents of this message may contain confidential and/or privileged subject matter. Any use of this information by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If this message has been received in error, please contact the sender and delete all copies.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • This is great information. Thank you. It looks like a system generated email, which is sent by mid-night every day.
        • looks like midnight GMT, which is 7pm eastern.
      • thanks for sharing!
        • 想请问一下、 dear xxx写的是你的名字还是你父母的名字。 uci号码也是你的还是新的?