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huli cow, 〖精华〗 already ........

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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 心血来潮,贴一下今天给单位部门里同事发的感谢信。。。
    Dear all,

    Even though my approach for celebrating a birthday is"denial,denial,denial" and "oblivion,oblivion,oblivion" so that staying young forever becomes a possibility,I still want to thank you so much for the pretty card and the cute bollons you guys prepared for me,after all,turning 25 is not that horrible with all the lovely ladies......and 2 gentlemen around.

    Having this bad sore-throat these days, I am unable to say as much as I would like to,sorry about that.

    • spell check 过么?
      • 吹毛求疵吗. 知道是气球就行了吧.
        • 信里有错字或者错词很影响效果的,所以提出来。(网上的帖子我不会说。)
          • 那我上班是就尽量不给你发伊美了. 我可是常出错的.
            • 上班时发的discussion类的短信也不算,那更像是conversation,错误是正常的。
              • 理解万岁!
          • +1
      • 这个信, 太矫情了吧?矫情, 用英语怎么说?
        • 咳,你成功地打击了我,我以为自己挺幽默的呢
        • 忘了帮你批评我:presumptuous,boastful,bragging...不合适的地方大家继续
          • affected,artificial
        • 矫情 = 60% of fuss, 20% of pretentiousness, 10% of meticulousness and 10% of crankiness.
          • 抛砖引玉的效果总算出来了, 多谢! 只是那个"Crankiness"没怎么懂, 那不是烦躁的意思吗? 另外, 可能我的笑点有点怪, 怎么越看越笑的不行啊,那么复杂啊,这矫情。。。。。。
            • The formula is not directed at you. But be careful with it, someone was trying to change my formula only ended in blowing himself up.
              • what?Is there a spell in your formula?
              • No worries. I never thought it's directed at me. As a matter of fact, I never had the slightest thought that 矫情 has anything to do with that letter, however,
                I do respect and appreciate any comments and suggestions addressing to that letter, I mean people spent their valuable time to read that letter and at least for that only I am truly thankful.
        • 娇情=zhuangbility? sorry, i know it's not a good word, but that's what i can think of right now
          • hahaha, could be a choice,not that academical but already included in some dictionaries,right?
            • really like your spirit, you'r just fine with whatever comments to you, as long as they are not malicious and personal attack, I think not easy to get irritated is a rare quality of a mature man
              • I mean look at HH, when he lost his head and saying things like semen, bald something to FZZ, my first thought was, this guy's finished already.
                • 我还有大把好日子要过呢,所以不能lose head然后finish呀~~:)实际上是这样的,对于没有触到痛处或说没说到我自己也心虚的地方,我很难irritated,象是说矫情,我知道自己啥人写的啥东西 ,当然不会为这个动气;可是你试试说我长得丑,看我不跟你急!:)
                  另外,多谢表扬,我欣然接受了,一点小改动:是mature woman不是mature man.
                  • hahaha, im not stupid, i wont say that, you gonna kill me :)
      • 在这里凭记忆打出来信的一部分,没有spellcheck,当时应该有。
        • 你真25岁么?
          • 见上面关于失败的幽默的帖子
      • was in a hurry to reply your "spell check 过么?" and forgot to thank you for the reminder, true, that's one of the weakness(or "opportunity" as they used to be "positive":) I had when it comes to writing informal correspondence,
        it did weaken the whole picture.
        • 你心态这么好, 俺再指出一个错: 应该是 approach to, 不是 approach for.
          • 人家要是向你样写出十全十美的英语, 就不到外语学习来了吗。
            • 这儿藏龙卧虎,真能学到东西呢出乎意料太多了
          • 我看了你的这条更正先有点不服气, 查了字典才发现你是对的. 只能怪这门语言太愚腐了吧~~~
    • No wonder you are denying. You could insinuate in the email that a 3D TV would be very helpful than a card and balloons in making this whole denial thing more meaningful. Furthermore, I am not sure about your intended meaning of “oblivion”.
      • 应该鼓励原和创善意的批评建议. 这样会帮助更多向她这样的妹妹尽快提高到向你这样英文教授的水平.
        • All of the messages here look "善意" to me, in there different way or style, and yeah, "尽快提高到向你这样英文教授的水平" is indeed the whole purpose of the posting. Thanks
      • My mistake here is that I should have provided some context of the letter rather than thinking the letter is self-explanatory:
        1. Being 25 for ever is a daydreaming thing that I do share with "tan xiao zhang"
        2.Denial is to deny the fact I am one year older than before, oblivion is simply to forget that fact.
        3.I've got a sore throat and lost my voice for a few days
        4. they did come to me with some presents, however I don't feel comfortable to include them in the letter posted here.
        5. and Eric, I prefer a magic mirror to a 3D TV, it makes one look prettier and younger。。。。。。
        last but not least, and I do admit I want to calrify this only because of that bit of "vanity" of mine: English is not my 2nd foreign language~~
        • I wasn’t criticizing you, only trying to crack a joke at 2 in the morning and it was so lame that no one is laughing. :)
          Please accept my apology if you are offended by my joke. When I was in primary school, I was the one who was reported by girls for throwing crumpled papers at them. Those were my first love letters - they did not even bother to open them; middle school, I played loud disco music outside the window of a girl whom I liked, her brother went downstairs with something in his hands and chased me all over the alley, in the end, I went home with only one shoe; high school, I constantly fought other guys over my one-sided love; when I stepped into my adulthood, one girl finally took great pity on me and married me to help keep the society safe.

          You see, my jokes had never gone well with girls. What I am trying to say is I am truly sorry if it sounds offensive in anyway.
          • If making people(girls and ladies included) laugh is "offensive", I've never found a second gentleman as offensive as you are. I think now I got your joke about the" no wonder your are denying..." BTW, long live the safety of society ! :)
            • 能不能正确使用he/she/his/her 是衡量国人英文好坏的尺度之一. 有时候很不经意就搞错了, 这可能是因为中文里男他女她发音相同吧.
        • 从你的网名来看,oiseau, 你应当还懂法语吧?英语和法语哪个是你的第一外语?
          • 酱油将军从歌坛转战外坛了?~ 唉,你的问题让我发现我上面"My mistake here is..." message 里另一个错误,那最后一句的2nd foreign language 应该是"1st foreign language", 希望这样可以回答了你的问题. 顺祝听歌愉快!
      • "No wonder you are denying." try "No wonder you are in denial"
      • "You could insinuate in the email " - try " you could have hinted..."
    • bravo! the 外语 was really good
    • Xxxxxx is really a name easily to be memorized...
      • that's not my real name, my real name is:(the following is ony legible to you)~~~
        • i was just joking............. (F)
          • eye no,hahaha
    • Thank all of you who point out the flaws in the letter and/or provide suggestions and encouragement thereafter, they are so very welcome and helpful.
    • huli cow, 〖精华〗 already ........
      • 要是你也能写这么一段就更好了
        • picking on the unboiling kettle ?
    • only 2 gentlemen ?阴盛阳衰啊
      • 有关数据纯属虚构,请勿对号入座...~~
    • 25就denial了,那3,40岁的怎么活啊?
      • 姐姐(或者妹妹as applicable~),咱那正是3/40 岁的人在"黄连树下吹萧"呢。。。
    • good english. Isn’t it nice that you can even act cute in a workplace :)
      • "where where".I am lucky enough to enjoy a workplace where most of the coworkers are mature and friendly individuals.
    • 写的很好啊,才知道这不倦鸟才25岁,推年轻了,可也竟然有着和你这个年龄不很搭界的沉稳和一点点忧郁呢。
      • 不倦鸟 fail 了,很难过。
      • 英女侠这是在挤兑我和谭校长一样,在做永远25岁的梦呢~~~
      • 个人感觉, 不倦鸟别生气啊, 起码她的心里年龄要比25岁大很多.
        • 错。她的心理年龄远远小于25岁,参周伯通:)
          • 我觉得我更像周伯通.
    • 其实好的英语并非一定要用哗众取宠的词汇,简简单单的也能写出真情实意与幽默。 让我说实话的话,第一句话读起来非常拗口,approach is "denial"? usually we say denial of something...你本意并不想庆祝生日。
      用‘i don't intend to celebrate my birthday" 比my approach for celebrating a birthday is denial 要通俗易懂的多。还有这个oblivion用的也很怪。sorry, 多嘴说几句。
      • 受教了。谢谢!
        我的英语问题多多, 其中很大的一个就是投机取巧多,扎实阅读提高语感方面做的太少.你说的很中肯. 顺便谢谢楼下的先生,有什么意见看法尽管说,没啥不敢的,我端正心态忍住不砸就是~~
      • 有同感,没敢说。俺当年在国内学英语的时候,老师是加拿大人。俺写的文章每次都比俺朋友的分数低不少,俺的很华丽,用了很多大词,句子也长,俺朋友的句子短,都是简单的词,整体很土,干巴巴的,俺当时很不服气。后来慢慢想通了。
        • 写得是有点儿故意花哨了些, 没有大碍吗.
          • 是没有大碍,只是少得了不少分。
            • 武大外语系评分那么严? 好像比华中还严?