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不弃守个人利益只是一方面,being assertive and pushy更主要指不弃守自己的观点,并以有效的表达阐明观点,从而influence影响说服他人(“销售术”,或常说的get someone's buy-in)。

当然不是assertive的人容易被炒鱿鱼,而应该是僵硬不妥协、没有teamwork精神的人容易被炒鱿鱼。所以软技术培训(见同一链接)还包括negotiation skills, conflict resolution等。

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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 职场毫无疑问需要assertiveness,这是基本常识。这不光是心态问题,更是落实在communication技巧之一。这种职场软技术培训很普遍,看链接。
    不弃守个人利益只是一方面,being assertive and pushy更主要指不弃守自己的观点,并以有效的表达阐明观点,从而influence影响说服他人(“销售术”,或常说的get someone's buy-in)。

    当然不是assertive的人容易被炒鱿鱼,而应该是僵硬不妥协、没有teamwork精神的人容易被炒鱿鱼。所以软技术培训(见同一链接)还包括negotiation skills, conflict resolution等。

    • List on the page gives a general direction. Very useful. Thank you.
    • 连接里给的那些skills在职场上是很重要,这又跟情商息息相关。。。。。。这些课程是西人办的?
      • Yes, from Learning Tree. Another big training company is Global Knowledge.
    • very concise yet to the point, thanks!
      • never thought of using "concise" - good adj. thanks too.
        • "where where":) As a not-so-hardworking individual, being concise is one of the excuses I find for myself for not reading long mails/msgs in real life~~~
          • brief is the most common word i use. alternatively, extract.
          • same here. anything longer than 1~2k bytes will be skipped by me, unless it;s about some details of a method i'm looking for.
            • you still need to "skim".
    • 不错不错。看看这个tips, 'how to be assertive in 8 steps',有video,有图。
      • 好,大家多讨论讨论。(你炒股?)
        • 是的。不过现在主要是做index ETF 为主。
          • me2
            • 歪?
              • 炒股的人不急躁,所以他们唱起歌来就不急促。
                • I meant why only index ETF?
                  • 不然要被炒鱿鱼。
                    • I c -- the disadvantage of getting to know too much.:-)
      • Especially like this one - "Anger and belittlement are not only rude, they're completely ineffective. Do not resort to these tactics; they simply don't work.".
        • And this one - "Remember the big picture. True assertiveness, as opposed to pushiness, allows you to come away from any situation respectably. Pushy people may win battles, but only assertive people win wars. "
          • 就是。尤其对咱们国移,最缺的正是assertiveness。可悲的是有些人不但没搞明白assertive的意思,连职业的基本道理都不懂,还在这里碟碟不休,误人不倦。
            • 而很多时候缺少assertiveness是因为语言障碍导致表达力不够,因此显得缺乏个性。
        • 哈哈,这就好比我们祖宗古训里提到的“匹夫之怒、匹夫之勇”,无谓而无益,甚至不能保证图一时之快,既如此,奈何为之而自损?
    • 各种野路子的讨论进行的差不多了, 该这种学术性的正统理论出场的时候了。 不过呢这种东西是天生的多一些, 后天的启发起到一点辅助作用。
    • this is a book i have. It covers a lot of stuff. FYI.
      • Who's gonna read a book just for that? And 500+ pages? No way.
        • this is part of long term improvement. people come here for immediate short term needs only? what I want, what do you want, boom, you got it 撒有那拉 forever?
          • For this kind of stuff, you just need a right mindset. Any more theory/detail is useless.
            • Yes and No, knowing more won't kill but knowing less has higher possibility.
              • In this age of information overloading, some times more is less.
                • simplification 是 extraction 的结果,而不是 ignorance 的结果。~~~HEAR YA~~~说完咧~~~走鸟~~~
                  • simplification 是 extraction 的结果,而不是 ignorance 的结果。 really like this one!
        • 小c是PM,做事严谨。
          • the book actually talks about people. on preface, the author exclusively explains people is the core of PM as well as many related areas.
            • 我觉得另一本书可能更普适些, ' 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'。
              • Overly hyped title - could be turned into an one-pager.
                • 或者八个字: “己所不欲,勿施于人”。当年上完了这个培训课程,我脑子里就蹦出这八个字,公司付钱2000多美金让员工去上课,我觉得我们的传统哲学早就精确的表述了,只是没有把执行方法细化而已。
                  • 这正是关键。国人更喜欢讨论哲学结论(如心态),较少探讨和落实具体执行细节。肉联也不例外(当然了很多技艺术很难用文字写出来探讨)。
      • indeed a PM needs to use most of the soft skills on a daily basis.