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so weird story

i work P/T job in the company , recently one of my colleague told me that a guy wanna me to call him. i never try to ask others'name. So when i received this mesg, i wonder who the guy was. Then i called him later, he invited me to have a coffee. i agree but i still wonder why. when i worked there, i only said "hello"or"hi"to him, he was the same words to me and we never have a talk. i accepted his invitation and we have the first talk,then he gave me his tel# and hope me to keep in touch. he is white man and 44 years old and have 3 kids. I do not know what his intention,

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / so weird story
    i work P/T job in the company , recently one of my colleague told me that a guy wanna me to call him. i never try to ask others'name. So when i received this mesg, i wonder who the guy was. Then i called him later, he invited me to have a coffee. i agree but i still wonder why. when i worked there, i only said "hello"or"hi"to him, he was the same words to me and we never have a talk. i accepted his invitation and we have the first talk,then he gave me his tel# and hope me to keep in touch. he is white man and 44 years old and have 3 kids. I do not know what his intention,
    • 你如果是女的, 那他想学中文... :-)
    • 先说你的性别
    • Why you put it under"情耐幽幽", you already smell rat?
      • i am female, but he never said he wanna learn chinese
    • 为什么不直接问他的意图?
      • because he did not say anything, if i ask him, maybe he will say "i just wanna to be u friend
        • So, isn`t it what you expected?
          • no, i just feel so weird. in last talk, i can feel sth.
            • 原来心理明镜儿似的。。。
              • will u invite a lady to have coffee? if answer is yes, so what's u intention
                • Why not? if I feel we two can hit it off.
                • 搞不明白你是真糊涂还是装糊涂?您也老大不小了吧?用上海话:他是在花你,同广东话:他是在勾你,用网上通用的话:他是在泡你,最后一个问题:您是否要别人肯定一下您被泡,才能有一点自信?
                  • he is almost 16 years older than me.
                    • 看来你的想法很多呀!其实这个问题有必要问别人吗?你要对他没兴趣,找个理由不去就行了,他也就明白了。否则,就去呗!
                    • 28岁,可以考虑一下婚姻大事了.
                      • your math is so good!
                    • here is the point.
                    • 其实已经心动了,只是面子上有点问题(我比较直接),让大家劝一下无所谓,是这个意思吧
                    • 年龄不是一个问题,男人对女人有好感的话是不太会顾忌年龄的,再说他还没怎么你吗,不就是喝个咖啡,吃个饭什么的,如果你反正没地方可去,不如和他练练英语,如果你有去处腐败,那就对他说sorry啦:)
                    • 44-16=28,你今年28岁了?应该知道怎么做吧?
                  • Wow! you are so cool! I will invite you to coffee
                    • 你你你你你你动机不纯。;)
                    • 同去同去。我请你喝爱尔兰creamy!
                      • Yummy...:-P
                        • 也请你,娃娃:-)
                          • LOL, ya...
                            A drunk babe?? :-P
                  • 胖墩先生是北京人吧?
                    • 不是:)
                      • 不能啊,看着名字就像。你就夸我一把“眼力好”还不行嘛。
                        • 你眼力好:)
                      • 上海人. 对不对? FATBOY
                        • 甜妹,你很接近,but why?
                          • 凭感觉. 我的感觉灵不灵啊 ?
                            • 灵!你真牛:)
                  • LOL....
                    Thought u were a nice man...
                    • 俺不是挺耐斯的吗?人家都没和我急,你个小毛丫头怎么就不满意了?:-) 另外,LOL是啥意思?
                      • Laugh Out Loudly = :-)))
                • 首先,俺不会邀请什么人去和咖啡。俺不喜欢喝,只喜欢闻。
    • take it easy.
    • i will move to hamilton the end of this month for study. and he has his family.
      • U mean he is a married old man?? then a coffee should be only a coffee .
    • 这个
      有什么奇怪的。本地男人我估计一天要请6。7个女的喝咖啡,搭车呢。而且现在是夏天,他们荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛。 If you don't like, you just say"sorry I'm very busy recently. maybe next time." don't work say :"I'm married" don't work say:" I have 3 kids" don't work just run away. But, majority of them are gentleman, won't push you.
      • that is true, he is very gentleman and nice. actually i have good impression on him but i still have considerations
      • better not say " i have 3 kids", you should tell him " I already have 3 lovers , can`t afford any more!" ,should work!
        • that's smart saying,you smarty girl!:)
        • If
          you told them that you have a very nice husband and 3 lovely kids, that is nice way to turn someboday down nicely and decently. If you said what you said, it sounds that chinese women are cheap and you are also hurting those guys hearts. Flirting around are their culture maybe. anyway I knew you are kidding.
          • i told him i have couple of boyfriends but he looks he did not care about it
            • 喜欢就交往, 不喜欢就离开, 别乱说,说慌是很累的一件事
            • 肯定是刚来CANADA。要是每个人请你喝咖啡,你都要想哪么多,你肯定会累死的。这的男人当然不会在意你有没有男朋友,竞争上岗吗。当然你说你结婚了,很多人信教的也不会愿意迫伤害人家庭。这的男人脸皮都挺厚的,人家大大方方请,你就大大方方回决不得了。
            • u mean "had"??.:-))
            • he just want have sex with you, why should he care how many bf you have?
              • i am not a sexy girl
                • sexy or not is judged by him, not you. and believe it or not, 80% of this kind of relationship are end up on bed. Nothing wrong with it, so just go ahead if you dont mind.
              • i agree.
    • why i agreed to have a coffee that i think i will quit the job and maybe he wanna say "goodbye"or"congratulation",
      • There's nothing wrong you had a cup of coffee with your married old colleague. My colleague even treated me lunch a couple of times. But one thing you have to bear in mind is:
        Your attitude determines everything. If it appears that you're an easy girl (a girl that is quite available), then maybe he'll ask for more. If not, you can just keep a good but plain friendship with him. He's a middle-aged man and has his family, another woman doesn't mean too much to these guys.

        Well, I don't think i have the right to tell you what to do, just share my POV with you and good luck!
    • 我也有过这种经历,老外比较热情,而且他们目的很明显,只要听听他们怎么跟你说话,大概就知道了,如果你的回应给他的感觉是你无所谓的话,那他们就会更积极了。:)
      • so..... what happened to you?
        • 刚开始他约我找一天去喝coffee,我几乎没有思考,就一口答应, 后来几天,他就对我特别亲昵,不是摸我的头,就是赞美我的头发,有时还会搭着我的肩膀说话,我觉得不对了,我就开始避开拉,然后他又跑来问我,我就说,我没有兴趣。
          • 哪有免费的咖啡喝,被人占便宜了不是。男人都是得寸进尺的。
          • this doesn't mean he is bad. what he did is perfect nature and correct in western manor. coffee, flirtting, date and sex. just different culture...
          • when we talked, he just looked at me. i am a little talkative.
    • story continue............
      After that day, I met him in the company, i feel embarrassed but he still said"hello and call me", i did not say anything. yesterday he wrote email to me, just said he would be on vacation next wk and would be waiting to hear from me. I think the story should end after i move.
      • you want to end it?
        • 不是啦,如果我没猜错的话,是她不想和那个老男人继续,而是想找个合适的开始新的故事
    • just put it straight, "what do you want from me" ?