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It does not matter that much as where I stand... It does matter where we stand..

Someone once said, you will always be singled out as "yellow".. no matter how "white" your heart becomes...

But the questions really should be: Why can't we just take pride in who we are, and let others respect it...I guess no Rolians will argue this..

But the approach has been dramatically different, and that's where the different opinions came into place on those social economic issues.

I always believed issue based heated debate is beneficial to all of us... Calm, and logic will prevail at the end..

My approach was NOT to be confrontational to what the vast majority of the population believed, at least not from the beginning.... Take a lead by listening first..

This is not contradictory to take a firm stand, on specific issues.. But we can only win, as a race, the respect from others, to show the changes we recommend makes sense, not only to the benefit of one race, but to the population as a whole....
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / what we can do, to be part of the change....
    • It's all relative, you thought you are in middle, the left thought you are right, the right thought you are left. the truth you don't even know yourself.
      • It does not matter that much as where I stand... It does matter where we stand..
        Someone once said, you will always be singled out as "yellow".. no matter how "white" your heart becomes...

        But the questions really should be: Why can't we just take pride in who we are, and let others respect it...I guess no Rolians will argue this..

        But the approach has been dramatically different, and that's where the different opinions came into place on those social economic issues.

        I always believed issue based heated debate is beneficial to all of us... Calm, and logic will prevail at the end..

        My approach was NOT to be confrontational to what the vast majority of the population believed, at least not from the beginning.... Take a lead by listening first..

        This is not contradictory to take a firm stand, on specific issues.. But we can only win, as a race, the respect from others, to show the changes we recommend makes sense, not only to the benefit of one race, but to the population as a whole....
        • Be careful to say "win as a race" : ) I believe we don't have to be special as certain race, we wonna gain respect, which is only for ourselves, not for our race.
          Most of us have more Chinese friend, it's just because we have similar background and we have a lot of things to talk about, not because we are the same race. If a Caucasian grown up in China, he/she would be the same.

          To me, race is just a character, like you tall, he is short, you fat, she is slim...
          • Thank you for bringing this up.. This is exactly what I tried to talk about...
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛In terms of political views, there are wide divisions among Chinese immigrants.

            Some support the Conservatives from the right; some support NDP from the left; more are like me, swing from election to election.

            From another post, I said this division is a fact, and it is good. As each individual, we are entitled to our opinions and we are exercising our right - no one can take it away, at least not from this forum.

            But that was not what I meant, by the word the "whole race"...

            There are certain characteristics, legacies, and cultural background that we, as Chinese Canadians, all share.

            We cannot, and should not get away with it. As a matter of fact, the bond among us are rather tight. Among "us" Chinese Canadians, we should celebrate our differences, but more importantly, we should be proud of our traits and legacies, about who we are, what we have done, and what we can do....

            There are something in our blood, with thousands of years of history and hundreds of generations of genes, that make us unique - not because of a "united" political view, but simply because who we are....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • To be honest, the more you know our history, the 5000-years thingy is more like liabilities than assets
          • 写的好。但为什么要写英文呀。给你翻译一下,表示赞同:“对我来说,种族不过是一个特征,就像个人的高矮胖瘦一样。” 强调个人的权利和责任,淡化种族的属性和附从。很好。
            • 不好意思,我英文差,尤其是写,偶尔写写当练习练习,老猫目的可能也差不多:)
              • 鼓励. 尽管有几个人总说我的英语差. 但我还是原因试试的.
              • 没事。我只是看到你的观点,感到新奇,又有点惋惜,这么新奇的观点没有更多的人看到。很多人(包括我自己),在坛子上看到英文,基本上是跳过去的。老猫的长篇大论,我就没有耐心看。呵呵。
          • +111111111111111111:))
            • 民主是一种给予每个人平等争取自己利益的权利,争取权利并不是对抗主流.只是得到自己的应该得到那块奶酪. 以为放弃自己的权利能得到尊重?太可笑了!
              • you are politically correct. :))
                • thanks....it is always easy to be politically correct although it is nonsense..;)
          • you are politically correct.
    • 谢谢老猫,从你这帖子我才看到你上次的回帖。
      • 其实华人在北美已经有好几代人了:)).
        • 只是最近一代才出现了大量的白领
      • 每一个人都应该注重自己的一亩三分地,这就是民主
      • 当我们寄希望于下一代的时候,他们也可能寄希望于下一代。
        • You are reading my mind
          • 从我们这一代要有意识的参政和教育子女,但现实如此,真正的领袖人物不可能出自我们这一代人。不光是语言问题,像那谁谁说的,文史哲法军律,社会环境,等等等等,需要时间,也需要努力。 我说下一代,但看这论坛上的表现,感觉恐怕都悬。
            • 老猫, 华人在北美已经好几代人了, 我们不代表华人整体, 我们只代表一批最近从大陆来的移民.我们总把希望寄托在下一代, 说明我们忽视和不承认以前华人移民的后代.也不承认已经在政治上取得成就的华人.其实是一种大陆新移民的自我中心.
              • 当然在北美出现华人,历史久远,要不也不会有那么大规模的唐人街。但我觉得无论在质量上还是数量上,北美华人都是在中国大陆80年代后的大批出国留学后才开始有气候,才有可能想到,并能实现一些政治理想。
        • 更应该说是培养下一代
          • 我觉得自己没有能力亲自培养下一代所需要的素质,我所能做的非常有限,最多也就是出钱而已。
            • 让他们自己做喜欢做的事情.
              • 是的。我一直尊重我小孩自己的选择,虽然她才二年级,我始终把她放在和我平等的位置。无论她的观点是否和我一致,她的言论和我的言论一样重要。我从来不敢压制她的言论。
        • 如果只是人云亦云, 就知道道德上装高尚,这种政治素质,还是不要教育得好,害了下一代
          • 没错。我一只反对人云亦云,反对不真诚。在没有思考判断能力的情况下,把自己认为正确的东西灌输给下一代,是件非常糟糕的事情。
    • by the way, I don't give damn to American because I am Canadian chinese -- a typical Canadian response
    • we keep on waiting, waiting on the world to change.....
      • I love this song, it is one of my favorites.