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(a) encourage you to enlarge your knowledge/experience base. (b) encourage you to improve your expressional style/skill. (c) cut/paste below to remind you about (a) & (b):

* 烦解释下什么叫与主亲近? -jjbb(wait for future); 8.15 13:14 (#6854521@0) reply more

* 与主亲近? dear jjbb: God is in your heart/mind ... just as your loved one is in your heart/mind ... -christian1(christian); 8.20 13:01 (#6865679@0) reply more

* 这个实在不敢苟同,把loved ones和子虚乌有的东东做比较。你们对主都是单相思,而单相思的人只有全凭想象意淫才能和那个爱人“亲近”,说白了就是啥也没有,啥也不是 -jjbb(wait for future); 8.22 12:30 (#6867985@0) reply more

* dear jjbb: (1) "just as" is different from "比较." (encourage you to enlarge your knowledge/experience base; also encourage you to improve your expressional style/skill.) (2) "loved" mentioned here is righteous love, not your kind of "单相思/意淫." (wish you learn to understand what "righteous love" means.) -christian1(christian); 8.26 18:32 (143 bytes. #6877740@0) more
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 呱呱随笔:感恩的泪水止不住的流 (以下根据教会感恩见证整理) 序言:呱呱的传说....1. 两个关系。...2. 两个实例。...3. 两个体会....
    • ---------------看:在地如同在天真好!!!----------------------
    • Beautiful, thanks for sharing. God Bless!
    • 你说的这些难道真的需要信了那子虚乌有的神才能做到和得到吗?中华的道家,佛家关于修身齐家的道理比鬼子们的基督深奥多了,这真是外来的和尚好念经啊
      • (a) encourage you to enlarge your knowledge/experience base. (b) encourage you to improve your expressional style/skill. (c) cut/paste below to remind you about (a) & (b):
        * 烦解释下什么叫与主亲近? -jjbb(wait for future); 8.15 13:14 (#6854521@0) reply more

        * 与主亲近? dear jjbb: God is in your heart/mind ... just as your loved one is in your heart/mind ... -christian1(christian); 8.20 13:01 (#6865679@0) reply more

        * 这个实在不敢苟同,把loved ones和子虚乌有的东东做比较。你们对主都是单相思,而单相思的人只有全凭想象意淫才能和那个爱人“亲近”,说白了就是啥也没有,啥也不是 -jjbb(wait for future); 8.22 12:30 (#6867985@0) reply more

        * dear jjbb: (1) "just as" is different from "比较." (encourage you to enlarge your knowledge/experience base; also encourage you to improve your expressional style/skill.) (2) "loved" mentioned here is righteous love, not your kind of "单相思/意淫." (wish you learn to understand what "righteous love" means.) -christian1(christian); 8.26 18:32 (143 bytes. #6877740@0) more
        • 唉,信主信的连母语也不会用了. (a)原封奉还,你们到了海外信洋教的确实需要好好补一下自己传统文化的缺失

    • 我觉得,你和上帝之间没有别人。照他的话去做,才有赐福。任何两人关系的和谐,都要两人都要以上帝的教诲为标准。上帝的话得时时记在心理,而不是星期日去吸取一次力量。
      • 两人和谐就得按上帝说的做? 胡扯什么! 和谐的多了, 没见都按上帝的话做, 上帝说得不再理的地方也多了。
    • "依靠他,我们就会有力量,有克服困难的信心与勇气" How?
    • 信主好处多着呢....说的实在。
    • 写的不错。信教有这么实在的好处,还不错啊。另,我去过你的店,感觉你做生意很实在。祝你的店越开越好。
      • PM 店址 please.
        • 这里
      • 谢谢,祝福你!
    • 呱呱卖瓜,呱呱呱呱
      • lol!
      • 哈哈哈!不是卖瓜,是传扬他!
    • Well said!
      • 选择原谅别人是很不容易的事,你做了,就会发现,你得到的祝福远远超过所求所想。
        • 黄仙告诉我说好好做就是了, 别总琢磨得到什么祝福。
    • 你说得都不错,但不信主的人照样都可以! 这些和信主有什么关系? 你过去做不到, 是因为你修养不够, 但你否定不了别人有能做到的。 俺祈祷黄大仙,这些也都照收照做了, 而且黄大仙不需要侍奉, 只让我好好修身养性,多行善。 但我不敢劝别人说只有黄大仙有这些能力。
      • "你过去做不到, 是因为你修养不够, 但你否定不了别人有能做到的。" Well said! Can not agree more!
      • 说得很好,这关信主什么事。我觉得他把文中"信主"二字改为"加入教会"更合适。
        • 信主与加入教会有一点点差别。教会有一群群罪人,如果不仰望上帝,也是会受伤害,也是会跌倒的。
    • To jjbb: Your replies to gaga88 (11.1 16:42 #7031923) and to me (11.2 13:47 #7034040) have many flaws along with assumptions, subjectivity and illogicality:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(1) 你说的这些难道真的需要信了那子虚乌有的神才能做到和得到吗?
      How do you know 那神是”子虚乌有”的? Please present your reasons and proof! If you can prove that you are right, I am willing to give up my faith! If you cannot prove it, don’t say this anymore from now on and in the future in Rolia! gaga88 just presented his testimony and share with the readers! Why you made such a disrespectful comment in reply to his posting?
      (2) 中华的道家,佛家关于修身齐家的道理比鬼子们的基督深奥多了,这真是外来的和尚好念经啊
      In gaga88’s testimony, he talked nothing about 中华的道家/佛家关于修身齐家 or 外来的和尚好念经. This is your own statement; please elaborate and substantiate it.
      (3) 中华的道家,佛家关于修身齐家的道理
      The founder of Buddhism Siddartha Guatama, was born around 560 BC in north of India … ; Buddism was originated from India. Regarding “中华的道家,佛家,” you mean “中华的道家和中华的佛家”or “中华的道家和佛家?” There is a difference. How much do you know about 中华(include?)佛家关于修身齐家的道理? Please share with the readers! Please also elaborate about 中华的道家关于修身齐家的道理. I would like to learn from you!
      (4) 比鬼子们的基督深奥多了!
      This is your own statement, so please share with the readers your reason(s) of 比鬼子们的基督深奥多了! Why are you calling 鬼子们? What about if 鬼子们 call you “Eastern-Asia-Sick-People?” Do you mean 深奥 (according to your statement) is better? Are you sure?
      (5) 这真是外来的和尚好念经啊
      Who are the “和尚?” Are you 外来 or “和尚”外来? Please elaborate about what you mean by “好念经!”
      (6) 唉,信主信的连母语也不会用了
      Unfortunately, you are assuming again: the fact is that my computer doesn’t have Chinese language software, therefore I have to write in English and use cut/paste function to get Chinese characters.
      (7) 你们到了海外信洋教的确实需要好好补一下自己传统文化的缺失
      How do you know “你们” don’t or haven’t kept “自己传统文化?” Can you define what “自己传统文化的缺失” is? If you don’t know enough about “你们,” “洋教,” “传统文化” and “缺失,” you are not in a position to make this statement. If you do, please share with the readers including me.
      (8) 我的表达很得体,意思明确,针对事而非人; 我看对象采用不同style没觉不妥
      If you can provide me with reasonable explanations for all my above and below questions respectfully, I will accept your above statement.
      (9) 不象你上来就一副教训人的样子,我就不明白对于网上陌生的ID,你有什么资格,就凭信了个洋主子?
      You expressed your comment on gaga88’s posting disrespectfully. Why cannot I express my comment on your comment? Who is my 洋主子 (according to your definition)? I don’t have any 主子 above me or any 洋主子 above me.
      (10) 有事说事,别整虚头八脑的
      Why you said, and what is “有事说事,别整虚头八脑的?” Please elaborate with substances!
      (11) 我说中华文化里修身齐家的道理强于基督教,你不服?
      I didn’t comment anything about 中华文化里修身齐家的道理 vs 基督教. Why you twist to make such a statement?
      I didn’t say anything about “服 or 不服,” so why you said, “你不服?” It is you who said, “你不服?” You sound you are inviting quarrels: It’s fine with me, but please argue with “substances.”
      (12) 你们这一大群中国人,国内给党妈洗脑,出来又迫不急待接受再次洗脑,但对于自己老祖宗传下来的东西则视如粪土
      This is a very disrespectful, distasteful and insulting comment! How do you know it’s “一大群”, not a small group? How do you know “你们这一大群中国人” were brainwashed by 党妈? How do you know “出来又迫不急待接受再次洗脑?” What do you mean by 洗脑? How do you know “对于自己老祖宗传下来的东西则视如粪土?” Please elaborate and substantiate your entire statement in (12).

      My final comments:

      (1) Those who are humble, respectful, open-minded, objective, logical … eager to learn and grow, will benefit themselves and spouses/children (if they have).
      (2) Those who are assuming/ignorant/stubborn/arrogant/narrow-minded/subjective/fanatic/emotional ... will do the opposite.
      (3) I personally believe that we all should try to be like those who are in Group (1), as I have seen the benefits they generate in their own lives and the lives of their family members and people around them.

      2011-11-04 at Toronto for Rolia 心灵感悟
      ===更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我无法证明上帝不存在如同无法证明玉帝王母不存在一样,但理性和常识让我相信他们和'主'一样不存在.任何从未被证实过的东西无需去证伪,我如何去推倒一座从未竖立过的墙?谁主张谁举证很适合用在这里.
        • 我的信仰:宇宙无限。
    • 添加:人是有罪的,靠自己是很累的,信主很好我是有体会的。
      • 恭喜!