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就需要看重要的几行就够了, 现摘出来:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Braking technique

There are several techniques for efficient braking on a standard, two-brake bicycle. The one most commonly taught is the 25-75 technique. This method entails supplying 75% of the stopping power to the front brake, and about 25% of the power to the rear. Since the bicycle's deceleration causes a transfer of weight to the front wheel, there is much more traction on the front wheel. Therefore, the rear brake can exert less braking force than on the front before the rear wheel starts skidding. For a more-detailed analysis, see bicycle and motorcycle dynamics.

If too much power is applied to the front brake, then the momentum of the rider propels him/her over the handlebars, thereby flipping the bicycle. The skidding of the rear wheel can serve as a signal to reduce force on the front brake; a skillful cyclist in effect becomes a human anti-lock braking machine, thus they must use both front and back brakes [52]

Some front brakes have a spring that limits the applied force; this is easier to use but limits the braking force and cannot compensate for changes in brake effectiveness due, for example, to a wet rim or overheated brake disc. On tandem bicycles and other long-wheel-base bicycles (including recumbents and other specialized bicycles), the lower relative centre of mass makes it virtually impossible for heavy front braking to flip the bicycle; the front wheel would skid first. On these bicycles, the safest quick stop is achieved with a somewhat higher proportion of force at the rear brake.

A skillful bicyclist often will use the front brake alone for moderate braking when riding on a good, paved surface. As the front wheel does not skid, the front brake poses less risk of loss of control, and does not cause rapid tyre wear.

In some situations, it is advisable to slow down, and to use the rear brake more and the front brake less:

When unfamiliar with the braking characteristics of a bicycle. It is important to test the brakes and learn how much hand force is needed when first riding a bicycle.
When leaning in a turn (or preferably, brake before turning).
Slippery surfaces, such as wet pavement, mud, snow, ice, or loose stones/gravel. It is difficult to recover from a front-wheel skid on a slippery surface, especially when leaned over.
Bumpy surfaces: If the front wheel comes off the ground during braking, it will stop completely. Landing on a stopped front wheel with the brakes still applied is likely to cause the front wheel to skid and may flip the rider over the handlebar.
Very loose surfaces (such as gravel and loose dirt): In some loose-surface situations, it may be beneficial to completely lock up the rear wheel in order to slow down or maintain control. On very steep slopes with loose surfaces where any braking will cause the wheel to skid, it can be better to maintain control of the bicycle by the rear-brake more than one would normally. However neither wheel should stop rotating completely, as this will result in very little control.
Steep descents : the slope angle makes the front flip more easily reached, and moreover a front-wheel skid would be very difficult to recover (crash highly probable), whereas a rear skid does still drag the bike without losing too much control.
Wet weather conditions, when the road surfaces are generally more slippery.
Long descents: alternating the front and back brake can help prevent hand fatigue and overheating of the wheel rims which can cause a disastrous tyre blow-out, or boiling of the hydraulic fluid in case of hydraulic disc brakes.
Flat front tyre: braking a tyre that has little air can cause the tyre to come off the rim, which is likely to cause a crash.[53]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / 骑车基础知识问答:刹车时用前闸,还是后闸,还是前后车闸一起捏?
    • 不太懂,是不是后闸?这样应该不会翻出去吧?
    • 仅仅刹前刹,速度快的话人会翻出去吧?这里左右手刹车跟国内相反的,一开始很不习惯。
      • 自己对换一下好了
    • 肯定不是前车闸,记得我以前是先捏后闸,然后前后一起捏,不知道对不对
      • 看来扫盲还是很有必要的。先让大家再讨论一会儿,正确答案晚些时候公布。
    • 捣乱:为啥要刹车?不是越快越好吗? 。。。。坐着等扫盲
      • 你骑车走哪条路?我得朵着你。
        • 别躲啊,我就走楼前那条路,你小心上班迟到。:D
    • 我一般用后刹,偶尔前后刹一起。我骑车慢,下坡要带刹车怕快了容易摔。
      • 下坡速度快了如果单用前闸的话,就杯具了。
    • 正确答案应该是:前刹 - Skilled cyclists use the front brake alone probably 95% of the time.
      • 明白了。急刹车用前闸,减速用什么都成。
        • 减速用后闸,单用前闸车会颠,不稳。后闸减速不够劲了再加前闸。紧急制动还用多想?当然两个手都捏下去了啦。
          • 90%以上的情况都应该用前闸,包括减速。如果捏前闸车子颠的话,那就该把车送去检修了。
          • 捏前轧颠,大概是前叉和车架之间隙太大,需要紧一下。一手抓车梁抬起前轮,另一手抓前叉,前叉相对车架只能有一个转动的自由度,若有上下窜动和晃动就有问题。
      • 我骑车慢,一直用后闸的。真不知道90%的情况下一要用前闸。那下坡时候不想车溜的太快用什么闸呢?
        • 前闸,少捏点就行了
          • 真的啊?我怎么捏前闸溜车子会咯噔咯噔的不稳啊,还是心理作用?
            • 我记得冬天在黑冰路面上刹前闸,容易摔倒 ~ ~
              • 都黑冰了,还骑?实在不行换雪胎试试?
              • 黑冰路面前闸后闸捏猛了都可能会摔,最好还是别骑了。
              • 北方长大的人多少都有冰雪地骑车的经验。

            • 车该升级了
    • 有道理,颠覆以前观念,汽车也是前刹受力。链接说骑车应尽量往后坐,重心靠后,昨天骑时就试着往后坐,厥起屁股,塌腰,挺胸,踏频加快时,身体不上下颠了
    • 前闸,前闸坏了才用后砸
      • 都捏,又不是花样骑车,赶紧刹住了,撞到前面的老头就惨了。
        • 也是奥,捏之前也不知道那个闸work
          • 都不知道哪个闸work?这车你也敢骑?
    • 专业骑手重心低,前刹车才会不翻出去吧——特技,请勿效仿 :D 我刹得最急的是躲让一只在小区里玩过马路的松鼠,看它小眼睛賊亮賊亮地盯着我就知道没打好主意,我急刹车堪堪避过它,它倒回身笑模笑样地望着我,实在是又好气又好笑 :D
      • 前闸捏的猛时要配合着把中心后移来压住后轮避免前翻(专业术语叫:endo)
        • 骑车的时候重心应该在哪儿,偏后还是在中间位置,还是根据地形调整,还是无所谓?
          • 跟骑什么车什么地形都有关
    • 和摩托车应该差不多,摩托车基本是是前7后3,或者更大,当年俺学摩托的时候,要求4缸400的摩托时速40公里停下来不许超过11米,车轮不许抱死。
      • 菜兄解释的全面。
    • wiki的解释更通俗易懂一些:
      • 这个通俗易懂?我看得一头浆糊....
        • 就需要看重要的几行就够了, 现摘出来:
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Braking technique

          There are several techniques for efficient braking on a standard, two-brake bicycle. The one most commonly taught is the 25-75 technique. This method entails supplying 75% of the stopping power to the front brake, and about 25% of the power to the rear. Since the bicycle's deceleration causes a transfer of weight to the front wheel, there is much more traction on the front wheel. Therefore, the rear brake can exert less braking force than on the front before the rear wheel starts skidding. For a more-detailed analysis, see bicycle and motorcycle dynamics.

          If too much power is applied to the front brake, then the momentum of the rider propels him/her over the handlebars, thereby flipping the bicycle. The skidding of the rear wheel can serve as a signal to reduce force on the front brake; a skillful cyclist in effect becomes a human anti-lock braking machine, thus they must use both front and back brakes [52]

          Some front brakes have a spring that limits the applied force; this is easier to use but limits the braking force and cannot compensate for changes in brake effectiveness due, for example, to a wet rim or overheated brake disc. On tandem bicycles and other long-wheel-base bicycles (including recumbents and other specialized bicycles), the lower relative centre of mass makes it virtually impossible for heavy front braking to flip the bicycle; the front wheel would skid first. On these bicycles, the safest quick stop is achieved with a somewhat higher proportion of force at the rear brake.

          A skillful bicyclist often will use the front brake alone for moderate braking when riding on a good, paved surface. As the front wheel does not skid, the front brake poses less risk of loss of control, and does not cause rapid tyre wear.

          In some situations, it is advisable to slow down, and to use the rear brake more and the front brake less:

          When unfamiliar with the braking characteristics of a bicycle. It is important to test the brakes and learn how much hand force is needed when first riding a bicycle.
          When leaning in a turn (or preferably, brake before turning).
          Slippery surfaces, such as wet pavement, mud, snow, ice, or loose stones/gravel. It is difficult to recover from a front-wheel skid on a slippery surface, especially when leaned over.
          Bumpy surfaces: If the front wheel comes off the ground during braking, it will stop completely. Landing on a stopped front wheel with the brakes still applied is likely to cause the front wheel to skid and may flip the rider over the handlebar.
          Very loose surfaces (such as gravel and loose dirt): In some loose-surface situations, it may be beneficial to completely lock up the rear wheel in order to slow down or maintain control. On very steep slopes with loose surfaces where any braking will cause the wheel to skid, it can be better to maintain control of the bicycle by the rear-brake more than one would normally. However neither wheel should stop rotating completely, as this will result in very little control.
          Steep descents : the slope angle makes the front flip more easily reached, and moreover a front-wheel skid would be very difficult to recover (crash highly probable), whereas a rear skid does still drag the bike without losing too much control.
          Wet weather conditions, when the road surfaces are generally more slippery.
          Long descents: alternating the front and back brake can help prevent hand fatigue and overheating of the wheel rims which can cause a disastrous tyre blow-out, or boiling of the hydraulic fluid in case of hydraulic disc brakes.
          Flat front tyre: braking a tyre that has little air can cause the tyre to come off the rim, which is likely to cause a crash.[53]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 急转弯/急停的时候用后闸