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Sounds good. but how to sign togther?

I live in Toronto not Halifax. Maybe we can use the sign pad I had heard before. But I never use it and know nothing about it.And maybe it need a special input equitment.
Or someone write down the letter then the other print it out and sign everyone's signature sequently. For example, you sign on the first line, I sign on the second, then the third...After that we send our parts to you and you pass them to the minister. But on that case it would a big pile of pages.
I don't know. We need a simple and practicable way out.
Anyway your idea is a mild method. It is a good idea. Let us try.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / To all those who r suffering from long time waiting
    maybe we should do something no matter if it will work. i think we can write to the immigration department to complain the inefficiency of beijing embassy. i don't know if anybody has done this before and what the result was.i do think we should do something to change the situation. if anyone agree with me, pls post reply. we can talk about the detail. just a initial idea. wish ur supoort.
    • check your email box
    • 支持! 去游行吧!
    • 说一说有什么具体想法。
      • 我觉得这个月我也不会有什么变化了, 我的嘴又起个泡. 唉~~~~~
        • 我现在跟残疾人一样。茶饭不思
          • 好久没看到你了!还好么?现在也是没什么信消息?
            • 12好久了。没办法
          • 你总是那么幽默,不论什么时候啊! 一看你的贴子我笑得嘴都和不上了, 立刻让我想到电视小品卖拐的那个大胖子了呵呵呵呵:P
            • 要去睡觉了。今天早上四点上的班。太累了
              • 多多注意休息吧, 在哪生活都不是太容易啊!
            • 厚嘿~~~ 嘴和不上也没什么要紧的。~~~
        • 伯妮,别上火,着急也没用。
    • I support
      I strongly support such protest. I actually wrote a complain letter to beijing embassy and got reply in 10 minutes said they were finalizing my case and let me be patient they would do their best etcetc, i thought that was just a automatic reply.
      • 不过他们给我回的是过了好几天, 8.14回8.3的说Please be advised that your application is in queue to be reviewed by a visa officer for final decision. Please remain very patient. Thank you.应该不是自动回的。
        • 他们还告诉你是最后审理了, 可是我呢他们什么都不说,就说是还在正常审理时间内请耐心等待. 让我去查使馆网页.
    • Yes, great idea!
      其实我们早就想到了,就是没有行动起来。看见伯妮说邮件发多了还给人骂,总觉得很愧疚, 自己的怨气不见得比她小, 凭什么只让她一个人冲锋陷阵。只有大家一起行动才有力量。不知怎么搞的, 除了等待的痛苦之外, 还有一种命运被人掌握了, 说俗了就是好像被人当猴耍的感觉。
      Any good ideas, be sure to be shared with us. Let's go ahead together. And I hope both in China and Canada.
    • i think
      we can write jointly signed letter to the new minister of immigration department. example the stupid and unfair things that the beijing embassy did on us, such irregular processing time, missing files .... no guarantee what the result would be. just try it. also i think a jointly signed letter is better than writing seperatly in that avoiding unnecessary borthering.
      • good idea!
      • JAMES, 你英文好你愿意起草吗?
      • Sounds good. but how to sign togther?
        I live in Toronto not Halifax. Maybe we can use the sign pad I had heard before. But I never use it and know nothing about it.And maybe it need a special input equitment.
        Or someone write down the letter then the other print it out and sign everyone's signature sequently. For example, you sign on the first line, I sign on the second, then the third...After that we send our parts to you and you pass them to the minister. But on that case it would a big pile of pages.
        I don't know. We need a simple and practicable way out.
        Anyway your idea is a mild method. It is a good idea. Let us try.
    • 100 percent support.
    • I don't think it'll help. As the processing centre here is so slow , they are way behind. So frustrating!!!
      • 是不一定有用,但是真的应该表达一下我们的感受。
    • does anybody know the email address of new minister of immigration department
      • 我怕你发到北京使馆这边就被洋务派压下了, 最好是发到加拿大的移民部门里, 引起他们的注意再由他们转发到加拿大使馆. 北京这边主要官员的EMAIL 估计没人晓得.
    • we need action
      • 如果大家肯付出的努力仅仅是一两封信或EMAIL. 就别埋怨别人不当回事. 连我都怀疑你是真的急吗?
        • 那你给个主意,应该怎么做?
        • so, what else do u think we can do
        • 可是我觉得更激烈的行动恐怕连实行都很难,就说我吧, 虽然痛不欲生, 可是真花上千把块钱去北京示威什么的,好像还没有足够的勇气。况且事情可以慢慢做, 现在看起来人不多势也不够大,恐怕难有打的行动。您说呢?
        • 去北京没有用了. 但组织一下去OTTAWA还是可以做到的.
          去北京没有用了. 但组织一下去OTTAWA还是可以做到的. 光私下里写信给当事人(移民部)估计是没有用的. 大家可以去OTTAWA到国会, 或联邦政府前去静坐, 递信. 有一些外部的压力, 才能促进移民部改进. 还可以联系媒体. 人权组织, 请当地的已取得CITIZEN的同胞, 华人组织支持. 估计对议员也有作用.