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In Memory of the Victims of the terrible attacks in Oslo, Norway.

将两年前画的一组小画献给七月二十二日在OSLO NORWAY 的一场 Horrific, sad, terrifying Mass Murdering 中遭遇不幸的人们.

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My deepest and heartfelt sympathy to the Norwegian People and to the Families and Friends of the horrible attacks in Oslo and Utoya Island

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / In Memory of the Victims of the terrible attacks in Oslo, Norway.
    • 如此美丽的画,如此仁慈的心。让基督教极端分子、穆斯林极端分子和所有极端分子都从这个世界离去。希望种族主义和排斥多元文化的丑恶行迳在加拿大刚刚开始就灭亡。
      • 这次事件很恐怖. 14-19岁的青少年,在一个小岛上毫无退路,慌不择路,很多就往水里跳,凶手还继续往水面上扫射.从直升飞机拍摄小岛上的屠杀场面,就象是多年前人民圣殿教900多人集体被迫自杀的场面.令人不寒而立.同意你的说法,零容忍各种宗教和种族的极端主义作法.
        • 不是基督教,奉劝楼上几位不要太兴奋....那人是革命家, 如果他侥幸成功了,成为老一辈革命家,你们要崇拜的五体投地的...
          • 奇怪,什么人会对此事"兴奋",你不觉的很恐怖和震惊吗? 心态有问题.
            • 心态是有问题...明明是个革命家, 你几位偏要把基督教,穆斯林, 人民圣殿教叨叨一遍. 这是个宗教事件吗?
              • This is Anders Behring Breivik --------Anders Behring Breivik is 32 year old, born on February 13, 1979, owns a Breivik Geofarm company and describes himself as Conservative, Christian and Nationalist.
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛This is Anders Behring Breivik – a Norwegian national believed to be a perpetrator responsible for Bombing in Oslo and Shooting in Utøya. The profile of Anders Behring Breivik is a bit short because there isn’t that much information on him just yet, but let’s see what we have:

                Anders Behring Breivik is 32 year old, born on February 13, 1979, owns a Breivik Geofarm company and describes himself as Conservative, Christian and Nationalist. A Twitter account that Anders Behring Breivik started contains only one update made on July 17, 2011 which reads:

                One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests.

                According to the latest reports, Anders Behring Breivik killed at least 10 people, but there could be more as the investigation continues. Most of the dead are 13 to 25 year old youth who participated at the Norwegian Labour Party’s Youth Camp (AUF) in Utøya. He is also linked to the bombing in Oslo however no official confirmation by the Norwegian police has been made at this time. Even though the investigation is ongoing, one Norwegian police officer confirmed to the journalists, the suspect, presumably Anders Behring Breivik does not appear to be linked to any international terrorist organizations at all. This information was provided on condition of anonymity because Norway’s police has not made an official release on the case yet.

                The company Anders Behring Breivik owns – Breivik Geofarm – deals with, as the name would suggest, geo-farming. An owner of a geo-farming company would not find it very difficult to gain access to explosives. Ammonium nitrate – the same substance which was used to make the Oklahoma bomb is often used in geo-farming.

                I think he may have set up the bomb in Oslo as a distraction. With the police and the rest of Norway on high alerted and focused on a potential terrorist attack in their capital city, he would have few roadblocks standing on his way to Utøya. This small island was filled with young people by the hundreds, offering an amazing opportunity to man-hunt. They had no guns and had nowhere to run. They were literally trapped with an armed shooter right behind their back, never more than few hundred meters away. He would have plenty of time and many heads to hunt down. With this single and seemingly well planned act, Anders Behring Breivik made himself one of the most prolific and deadliest mass murderers of all time. It’s gonna be a tough gig for any single shooter to outdo what Anders Behring Breivik did in one day. Let’s just hope this is not the legacy this senseless killing of innocent children leaves behind.

                Anders Behring Breivik Twitter Account:

                Anders Behring Breivik Facebook Page:

                Anders Behring Breivik Gallery of Photos
                Photos are from his Facebook account:

                Censored Photo of Anders Behring Breivik Released by Norwegian Police
                Anders Behring Breivik at What Would Seem as a Wedding in Some Tropical Country
                Photo of Anders Behring Breivik in Black Sweater with Popped Short Collar更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • Oslo: White Christian Terrorist admits to mass murder over 92 dead..
                Breivik's Facebook page suggests he held strong Christian beliefs, enjoyed playing World of Warcraft fantasy games and was a fan of the psychologist William James and philosopher John Stuart Mill whose treatise On Liberty warns against the "tyranny of the majority".

                "If I were speculating, I would guess he was annoyed because of the Christian fundamentalism far-right idea that Norway's accessible open culture was being undermined by immigration," Wilson said.
      • 这家伙真的是丧心病狂,所用的子弹竟然是“炸子”。
        • 不知道什么是"炸子". 听新闻好象是自动手枪.凶手身着FAKE POLICE UNIFORM, 射杀持续了90分钟.孩子们无处可逃.
          • dum-dum bullets.
            • Thank you. I know now. It is so bloody cruel and cold.
          • 1989年在北京用过
            • 是吗?你用的?
              • 我不在北京, 有人用过, 有人被用过.
                • 谢谢,早就看过那篇东西。我在北京,亲历六四。与我目睹的出入很大。看见过流血,个别死伤,但没见到也没听说过死那么多人,从不知道军队用炸子。
                  • 在北京就代表你了解真相?你亲历6.4,怎么个亲历经过?那些所谓的共和国卫士,在全过很多学校搞巡回演讲,号称一枪未开,很多战士打不还手,骂不还口,以雪肉之躯来感化暴徒。他们算不算亲历?他们说的是真相吗?
                    • 那天半夜从天安门走回玉泉路, 凌晨到家。
                      • 为你感到惭愧,那一天戒严部队是半夜从玉泉路开赴天安门,凌晨清场
                        • 你肯定是指挥吧?
                          • 无缘做指挥,却了解一些真相
                    • 有些战士掉队了,被蜂拥而上的暴民活活打死,他们想还手也寡不敌众。一枪未开
                  • 1989年6月4日凌晨,你去过西单邮电医院的自行车棚子吗?!如果你管那里面摆放的遗体的数字叫“个别”,那只能回小学一年级重读算数,或是中文。
                    • 没PP,没真相。 幼儿园大班都会数几百个数。
                  • 你没看见的东西多了!你没见过的,绝不等于没有。本人手里有照片,炸子儿炸开后的--6月4日上午,从我同班同学腿上的肉里挖出来的。
                    • 没PP,没真相。到目前为止看到的都是别人说如何如何,没有谁说见到的如何如何。
                      • 我们说了你也不信。不知道蒋彦永说得你信不信?
                        • 那不是真正意义上的开花弹,如果是那么打到内脏上人就没必要手术了。
                    • 炸子炸开后应该是一些散片吧
                      • He will show you the pic then we all can see.
      • 希望种族主义和排斥多元文化的丑恶行迳在加拿大刚刚开始就灭亡~~~说得多好!要身体力行!
        • 误解我了。
          • 噢?那不好意思啦!
            • 不相信也罢。纯粹误解。已PM有关方面,但愿娘子军们不记恨我。
              • 呵呵

                • 我今晚能睡个安稳觉了。谢谢。
                  • 们说的都是什么东东,跟打哑谜似的。
    • 心地善良,花儿美丽!共同祈祷!
      • Summer camp for youth. Can you imagine?
    • 好像越来越多的迹象显示这个凶手的动机是反移民,反多元文化的。
      • 明天他可能会CONFESS他的动机. 根据他的博客等,是显示了他的这个倾向.
        • 还有这段新闻
          Many immigrants or children of immigrants were at the camp, an annual event for Norway's up-and-coming liberal Labor Party activists. Kazemi said the shooting began soon after he finished playing a soccer game featuring a veritable United Nations of fellow party activists from Afghanistan, Georgia, the Kurdish regions of Turkey and Iraq, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Lebanon and other countries.

          • No wonder! That is the reason which he chose the summer camp of youth as his target.