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新设备处女秀:【Eyes On Me】


【Eyes On Me】是日本电玩【Final Fantasy VIII】主题曲,王菲1998年首唱。Wiki上说这首歌英文歌词写得有些蹩脚,我倒觉得别有一番味道。

【Eyes On Me】
music: Nobuo Uematsu
lyrics: Kako Someya

Whenever sang my songs
On the stage, on my own
Whenever said my words
Wishing they would be heard
I saw you smiling at me
Was it real or just my fantasy
You'd always be there in the corner
Of this tiny little bar

My last night here for you
Same old songs, just once more
My last night here with you?
Maybe yes, maybe no
I kind of liked it your way
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Oh, did you ever know?
That I had mine on you

Darling, so there you are
With that look on your face
As if you're never hurt
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
I will know that you are no dreamer

So let me come to you
Close as I wanted to be
Close enough for me
To feel your heart beating fast
And stay there as I whisper
How I loved your peaceful eyes on me
did you ever know
That I had mine on you

Darling, so share with me
Your love if you have enough
Your tears if your're holding back
Or pain if that's what it is
How can I let you know
I'm more than the dress and the voice
Just reach me out then
You will know that you're not dreaming

Darling, so there you are
With that look on your face
As if you're never hurt
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
I will know that you are no dreamer


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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 新设备处女秀:【Eyes On Me】
    • Wow!Coco returned。。。
      • 这有coco什么事呀?
        • 一会儿许美静,一会儿邓丽君,一会儿co co,这会儿王晴雯 ~~~ :)
          • 还是鸟哥Read my mind,楼主这么不懂风情,7456!。。。
            • sorry sorry :))
            • 大师这是在撒娇么?~~~~~~~~~lol~~
              • 大师终于拜倒在偶像面前撒娇了,开天辟地第一回~~~ LOL
    • 先顶后听!
      • 还是同样的建议,你应该进专业的录音棚。另外,我想把这首歌当做我的手机铃声,要收费吗?
        • 谢谢,荣幸之至,当然不收费,条件是,教我怎么把一开始录进去的噪音去掉,还有,我姐说这次的声音显单薄,能给变厚点么?:)
          • 如果你用的是cool edit编辑的话,进入单轨模式,选效果->噪音消除。注意用不着消100%,一般50-70就可以,否则会失真。变厚的话,可以用DirectX插件里的BBESonicMaximizer激励一下低音区。要不这样吧,把伴奏和干声发给我,我来试试。
            • 晕,还是交给你处理吧,请pm 你的email 地址,谢谢:)
    • 赞!赞!赞!能把这首我喜爱的歌演绎得如此之美,谢谢分享,谢谢话筒小家伙 ~~~ :P
    • 拨动了我的心弦 ~~~~~
    • 蜜蜜的歌一定要顶。越唱越好叻。
      • 火姐原来还在啊,不是很热嘛,我还以为早就退党了呢。
    • 崇拜。
    • like fresh water chuckling over rocks. Final Fantasy......
    • 无线电台的靡靡之音。。。
    • Canada's got talent! 如果是业余的,实在是太棒了!带着你甜美的歌声进入梦乡。。。
      • 谢谢,其实多半是借助话筒和音效的美化。。。是业余的,一直想找个老师提高一下
        • 音色可能会少许美化,但你对音乐的理解,唱出的韵味,还有你那甜美的声音非一日之功可得啊。 非常好!
          • 谢谢刺刺儿兄:)
        • 好听!顶!要是在国内,我可以让我妹夫帮帮你,他是音乐人,旗下有很多歌手。
          • 谢谢姐姐,我要是10几年前认识你妹妹妹夫就好了,现在一把年纪了,只能自己在家慢慢绣花了。
    • super!!!!!!~~~~~~~~i am speechless!!!!!!!!~~~~~你老公,孩子真福气,天天这么美的声音环绕身边~~~嘻嘻~~~~~~~~~~
      • 牛牛这回赶趟儿了?呵呵,谢谢。他们俩早都麻木不仁了:P
    • 顶,工作了一天好累,听了你的歌声真解乏,好舒服。
    • .... ... 无语img !
    • 好! 顺便纠正一个, 你的小家伙新话筒的功能不是美化声音, 而是更真实地记录了你的声音. :)
    • 真好听……录下来天天睡觉的时候欣赏!
    • 这卡通娃娃眉眼间有Jess MM 的神情嘛
      • 本就是照着Jess MM画的。
      • Rinoa Heartilly
    • 作为非专业来说是相当的不错
    • 顶着锅盖说一声,英语发音再多练练,就更完美了。
      • 我把他锅盖掀开,大家 feel free 使劲砸!
        • 谁能帮我删了呀,这下子逃都来不及了。
          • 我跟管理员求求情,此帖置顶3天。
        • 在这儿排队
      • 说的是呢,谢谢你听得这么仔细:)
        • 不要理她。你的发音相当好。
          • 谢谢红卫兵,还是有不少提高的空间
    • 新设备真的把你的嗓音体现出来,声音很清澈,优美动听。什么牌子呀?
      • 谢谢,话筒是Rode NT1-A,外加一个PicPort Pro USB Mic Preamp
        • So nice. Just check the internet, your new equipments are $$$$: Rode NT1-A: $299; MicPort Pro USB Mic Preamp: $149. !!!
          • 呵呵,下了很久的决心
    • 嗓子太美!唱功也一流!
    • 谢谢楼上各位的聆听和鼓励!
    • 很棒!电容话筒不是美化声音,而是更加真实还原你的声音。好声音!
      • 谢谢叶雨,有机会还得请你指导制作方面的问题
    • truly gifted, truly wonderful, ....
      Your voice, your singing really makes you, a already very charming lady, much more charming.... young and elegant like a ....mmmmm...
      pro... and a ... anyway.. a mixture of high school girl and an experienced prf singer.
      • ingale可是“舞”林高手啊。舞是她的第一强项,唱是第二的,我个人认为。
        • 高手谈不上,对舞蹈确是有些痴迷的
      • emmmmm.......
      • 呵呵,猪坚强夸起人来毫不吝啬啊,谢谢美言,只是,,,我已经是high school girl 的阿姨了:)
        • it is fine, niece
        • Ding ding dong ... dong ... dong ........
    • 天籁啊!特别是高音和假音部分,夺人呼吸
    • 俺一般来这只看不出声, 偶尔拍一砖, 今要~~丁页~~一下, 要不等我们忙完这阵过来和乐队玩一下试试