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hi, buddy You'll get salary raise in 3 or 6 months if you can approve your value.

The salary of a web developer is not too high this year, it's around 35k to 45k.
I don't think a CS MS degree from US or MCDBA, MCSD certificates will be of any help for a web developer, that's why I turned down the MS CS offer from a US University after I got a job offer by the end of last year.
I have 4 year's real web developement experience with a CS bachelor degree, holding none of the Microsoft certificates.
When I got the job, the salary is relatively lower than my expectation, but my boss keep raising my salary from the second month. I got 10k salary raise after 6 months.
So be patient and accept the offer for now.

good luck

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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / Guys, let 's united and fight for our values and rights
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hi guys,

    I believe it is time for our IT guys to united and stand up to say “no” to those motherfucker employers who take advantage of current situation to screw up the whole IT workforce.

    I landed CA from the States last month. I have nearly 4 years of experience on both SQL Server DBA and web developer positions with a MS in CS degree from US, as well as MCDBA and MCSD certificates. Comparing to those from China, I know that is nothing. But it does not mean my value and price is even lower than a trash-collector or a bus driver’s.

    I got an interview last week. It is an intermediate application developer position which requiring VB, ASP, XML, SQL, COM, and both Jscript and VB script experience. Before the interview was closed, a project manager asked me how much pay I would be comfortable for this job. I told them I just expected a market price. And they also asked me for my rates in US. I saw some SOBs were smiling after I told them the salary of my previous position. But I did not realize the meanings of the smiles. “Everything is perfect” that was the last sentence the Computing Facilities Director had spoken before he left the meeting room.

    But this Monday, I received a letter from the HR dept of that company. Yes, it is an offer letter, but for me, it worth nothing, even less than a piece of toilet paper. The pay is 32k CAD with no any other options except insurances. Exchange into the USD, it is exactly one third what I made for my last position. I was so insulted that I did not response to either the letter or a message a HR woman left in my answer machine. This morning, the woman called me again and pushed me to sign on the letter and send it back before Monday. I politely told her I will and said nothing. This after noon I got several calls but answered no one. I hate to be fucked like that. Just let them wait and spend more resource to find a cheap guy whose ass is ready. I am not.

    Guys, let us united and fight for our values and rights. Survive or die, we don’t have other choice.

    sorry, I don't know how to type Chinese.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • I feel sorry for you
        This is why the IT professionals become cheaper and cheaper. you can easily make more than 40k with two months of bartender certificate training
        • 市场经济就是这样,东西多了卖不出去就便宜,你想哄抬物价,但有人趁机出货. 借别人一句话,市场永远是对的.
    • This is Canada which salary is much lower than U.S. That is why IT guys only go to States from Canada. No turn around except those guys do not have valid VISA in States.
    • 供大于求就会掉价,市场规律使然。不用抱怨,你不做,自然有人去做,没看见一个工厂的累伯工都有几百人彻夜排队吗?□□□无产者联合起来?除非你是世袭的垃圾工或着公车驾驶员。
      • don't bark for a bone, dude
        those people without backbone will take whatever somebody gives them. it seems like that you will not only bark for a bone but even for a chicken rib. by the way, do you know how many apply for trash collector or bus driver job? more than IT guys. I don't discriminate the trash collectors and bus drivers. in fact i respect them and their hard work. but for 32k a year, I would be glad to take either a trash collector or a bus driver job, not a web developer.
        • 老兄,打听一下吧,garbage collector和TTC driver的工作可不好找啊。
          • thanks, I know that. the competition for
            that is even more intensive than IT job. But they still get good salary. why, because they have bone, they can unite and show their power, influence, and consequence. think about it.
    • Dear Mr. whatever whoes ass is not ready yet, 从你的言行可以看出你的个人素质有待提高
      • don't forget use perform
        sound like you just washed your ass. don't forget use perform. it may make you nicer. but your mouth smell like ass. so, do everybody a favor, shut it up, please.
        • do u mean perfume?
          • yes, thanks
        • 孩子啊,说漏嘴了吧?在美国呆那么多年连这都会搞错?还不快把那帖子改改?
        • 想起个问题请教一下
    • Did u ever think that maybe you are not qualified enough to get high salary? coz many guys here on rolia have financially lucrative jobs
      • misunderstood the situation
        you maybe misunderstood the situation. either in America or in Canada, the employer will never give offer to those who are not qualified for a particular position, even with a lower rate. this is why those entry guys have difficulty to find a co-op.
    • 1. 你的条件不错,所以一个月就能有offer,知足吧。2. 这是加拿大,不要什么都折换成美元。我也在美国干过,我也是在美国得的硕士。在这儿也挣加币。我同意,32K是少点。但想挣美元,您还是回美国吧。
      • I am not comparing the money, but the value.
    • Go back to US
      Seriously what are you waiting for in Canada? If you need a new passport, that's the price you pay now.

      Employers only pay the least to whoever qualified is willing to take the offer.

      Take it or leave it, barking does nothing good.
      • if you are a boss, you deserve the word I used to define "employer", otherwise you must be a product of that word.
        • 如果你是一个老板,那你就配用我定义“雇主”的那个差来形容,如果你不是,你就那个词的产品。哇,好难奥。
        • be your own boss, buddy. if you can't change the world, change yourself a little.
          I understand you are shocked by the situation in Canada, worse than your nightmare, isn't it?

          You don't think your solution (united and fight) could really change anything, do you?

          Change your attitude or your surrounding, I mean back to US, otherwise life could be really miserable in Canada.

          maybe you are what you want to be, in the mean time, you are at wrong place at the wrong time.
    • 你英语真好, 跟黑哥们学的?
      • :-DD.
      • Hey , u call that English? It`s Ebonics.
    • 你说得很对,只要团结起来,就能实现自己的价值!这个价值应该比垃圾工人值钱!
      • funny
      • 我倒觉得垃圾工人对社会贡献不小, 少了他们活不了
        • 对于我本人来说,少了程序员我也活不了。
          • 可是少了垃圾工谁也活不了,你还是小我服从大我吧
        • 少了超市的收银员好像你也活不了,你总不能不吃不喝吧
      • Thank you very much
      • 他们为什么能罢工和涨工资,还不是因为有工会和保护工会的法律? 诸位程序员赤膊上阵,没啥能赢的希望.
        • 是啊, 还是探讨一下为什么IT界没有工会更有意义
    • Be more professional friend, you should not ignore their calls at least. The best fight back is call them and tell them "sorry i have to accept another way better offer",,,,,,,,
      • Agree. 应该给他们个答复。
      • Agree! You can even bullshit them on the phone and tell them what is wrong with their insulting offer.
    • 没啥可抱怨的,市场决定我们的价值。如果你认为我们现在的价值被低估了,你是否想过以前我们的价值被高估了呢?也许这家人家给的价钱离谱了些,你可以多找几家比较一下,从而知道市场价格。
    • Yeah... one other person is going to get a job...
    • I strongly suggest you to take some first year economics courses on supply and demand. Maybe you will get less frustrated.
    • Can I ask you some questions? Where are you living? Did you get the 4 years of experience you mentioned in the States? Why did you took the examinations for those certificates, since you already have MS in CS.
      • 怎么没有反应?
    • hi, buddy You'll get salary raise in 3 or 6 months if you can approve your value.
      The salary of a web developer is not too high this year, it's around 35k to 45k.
      I don't think a CS MS degree from US or MCDBA, MCSD certificates will be of any help for a web developer, that's why I turned down the MS CS offer from a US University after I got a job offer by the end of last year.
      I have 4 year's real web developement experience with a CS bachelor degree, holding none of the Microsoft certificates.
      When I got the job, the salary is relatively lower than my expectation, but my boss keep raising my salary from the second month. I got 10k salary raise after 6 months.
      So be patient and accept the offer for now.

      good luck
      • Good point. (Salute.)
    • Hey you! I got exactly experience like you.
      I came from Silicon Valley; my first offer wage is same as yours; I have no choice just take it. After several months, another company contacts me, and then I get a new offer, which pretty match my previous salary in California.
      I don’t agree with your attitude, it is a typical American behavior, but here is in Canada, I know you are a potential guy in this area, but you have to approve your competent to somebody in Canada, as long as you approved, you may get more chance.
      Good luck buddy.
      • You are right.
        • 我觉得从他应聘的职位需求看,好像32k不太低。
      • How long have you been living in North America? Your English is so good!
    • The Market Decides How Much You Are Worth!
      Always think this way: supply vs. demand.
    • 我也是从美国过来的,跟你差不多也就拿三分之一略强吧.虽然一样很失望,但你必须知道即使在美国,如果LAIDOFF了,你现在也最多能拿原来的,5 , 6 成吧
    • Support !!!
    • You are still a lucky person because you got an offer.
      Enron and Worldcom's stocks used to be rocket high, but now it's nothing.

      If you don't like your offer, please post the contact info of that company here. I do believe that some other people will be interested in the position.