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最近新闻里大播一个B.C.的blogger,在去世后,写下了The Last Post,非常感人.因为curious,找到他的blogger,读完后深受感动,还意外的发现他是一个彻头彻尾的无神论着.他对死亡的看法,处理,让人敬佩不已.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这里摘录一段他回答网友的回贴:
"CT, you ask, "Do you believe you'll see your loved ones agian? If not, what is your thought process facing all this? How do you look at it?"

I shall not see them again, because I think there'll be no me (or them) to see or do anything after we die, any more than we were here 100 or 1000 or 100,000 years ago. I don't expect to see any of our house plants, or my long-dead cat, the cow I ate some of the other day, any of the snails or tetras from our fish tank, or last year's Christmas tree either, for the same reason.

So how do I look at it? I look at my death as the end of my life, and the end of me. Some of my genes persist in my children, and I'll leave words and pictures and other works, but as a coherent, conscious being, I'll be over. Just as with my mother's parents, and my Oma (my dad's mother), and some of my friends, I'll be gone, the chemistry of my brain and body stopped, my thought processes and emotions finished. I'll have nothing to worry about, because there will be nothing left of me capable of worrying.

MC, I don't think I need to make any pact: if, against all evidence, something of me persists after death and I can communicate with the living, I'll make it obvious. It seems especially ridiculous to me that if there is an afterlife, those in it can only signal back using vague, mysterious messages that could easily be misinterpreted as natural phenomena. The real reason I think it's that way is because they are natural phenomena, which we misinterpret as supernatural, and that there's no signalling going on.

So if I can do it, I'll make it unambiguous. But don't bet any money on it."

出自www.penmachine.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 最近新闻里大播一个B.C.的blogger,在去世后,写下了The Last Post,非常感人.因为curious,找到他的blogger,读完后深受感动,还意外的发现他是一个彻头彻尾的无神论着.他对死亡的看法,处理,让人敬佩不已.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这里摘录一段他回答网友的回贴:
    "CT, you ask, "Do you believe you'll see your loved ones agian? If not, what is your thought process facing all this? How do you look at it?"

    I shall not see them again, because I think there'll be no me (or them) to see or do anything after we die, any more than we were here 100 or 1000 or 100,000 years ago. I don't expect to see any of our house plants, or my long-dead cat, the cow I ate some of the other day, any of the snails or tetras from our fish tank, or last year's Christmas tree either, for the same reason.

    So how do I look at it? I look at my death as the end of my life, and the end of me. Some of my genes persist in my children, and I'll leave words and pictures and other works, but as a coherent, conscious being, I'll be over. Just as with my mother's parents, and my Oma (my dad's mother), and some of my friends, I'll be gone, the chemistry of my brain and body stopped, my thought processes and emotions finished. I'll have nothing to worry about, because there will be nothing left of me capable of worrying.

    MC, I don't think I need to make any pact: if, against all evidence, something of me persists after death and I can communicate with the living, I'll make it obvious. It seems especially ridiculous to me that if there is an afterlife, those in it can only signal back using vague, mysterious messages that could easily be misinterpreted as natural phenomena. The real reason I think it's that way is because they are natural phenomena, which we misinterpret as supernatural, and that there's no signalling going on.

    So if I can do it, I'll make it unambiguous. But don't bet any money on it."

    出自www.penmachine.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • it is really very heart-breaking to think of own death when kids are still young ~~~~~~
      • Yes,indeed...but when facing the inevitable, I admire his coolness and unselfishness. He prepared everyone including himself for this instead of having a false hope......he is the man!
        • 如果,没有God, 如果,没有Eternity ,如果,人只是高级一些的动物, 窃以为,人生,有些 void , 有些 sad 。。。。酱紫。。。 holding back tears ....
          • 这个可能就是无神论和有神论的区别.无神论是通过genes和思想来实现eternity,而不是spirit.
    • by the way, "在去世后,写下了The Last Post" - 很 misleading ,弄的象灵异事件
      • ok,let me clear this, he has written this before his death,but published it by relatives after his death in his blog. So it appeared after his death in his blog.
    • I think many people think in this way though
    • 在成为基督徒之前,我不能肯定地说肉身死后不会有生命的存在;成为基督徒后,我也不能说,百分之一百的,在肉身死后一定还有新的生命(与神同行)。但是,鉴于自己的经历和神迹等,我有信心说,后者比前者正确的希望要大很多。
      • I agree with this - "New Atheists are really not sceptical about the existence of a god or gods. We have no question about it at all, and this, not because of unwarranted certainty, but because we have no idea what a god is,
        and we don't think that religious believers know either."
      • I also agree with this : "Yes, I would prefer a good explanation, a truthful one with good evidence behind it. But I would prefer to say "I don't know"—to accept that we are ignorant about many things, and that chaos is out there
        —than to accept a poor answer without evidence, just to have some answer at all."
      • 我觉得我和作者想的一样,我只接受确准正确的答案.对于不确定的东西,我只能说我还不知道,不能说我有信心这个是正确的,就武断的认为这个是对的了.
        • 或许是语言的局限性吧,当你说“对于不确定的东西,我只能说我还不知道,不能说我有信心这个是正确的,就武断的认为这个是对的了. ”的时候,就自觉不自觉地“武断”自己的这个结论是正确的了。当然,我可没有争论的意思,只是提出一个观点而已。:)
          • 哦,你误解了.我的意思是不能武断这个结论的对错,就是说我不能说它是对的,也不能说它是错的.因为我真的不知道.就象过去我们争上帝存不存在的问题,其实对于我来说我是不知道他到底存在与否,所以我也不能说他不存在.
            • 对不起,是我表达得不准确。我想说的其实是,比方有人断言:“没有绝对的真理!”。但这句话本身是不是绝对真理呢?
              • 你这个应该是悖论吧?
                • 这就是语言的局限性吧。所以我在想,人类连自己使用的语言都无法完善(或至少目前来说如此),更不用说无数其它未知的领域了。
                  • 这是逻辑上的漏洞,并不是语言的问题.你说的很对,这有无数未知的领域,我们知道的可能连冰山一角都没有,不过无神论者选择等待答案,而不是因为对不可知世界的恐惧而随随便便的去接受一个答案.
                    • 你这么说其实也是对的,但中心思想不变。
                      1. 人类连自己使用的逻辑都无法完善(或至少目前来说如此),更不用说无数其它未知的领域了。

                      2. 逻辑最终得用某种“语言”表达。

              • 可能我们之间根本的区别在于对不确定的东西的态度,你对这些东西有信心,选择信他.而我对不确定的东西,在目前没有被证明的情况下,不管我有没有信心,都选择目前不信他.
                • 十年前的我,就跟你差不多,和基督徒说着同样的话。:)一个人的信仰和人生观与个人生活的经历是紧密相联的。所以我相信,你只是时候没到而已。等时机成熟了,你的思想一定会转变的(当然不一定是指你会接受神)。
                  • "一个人的信仰和人生观与个人生活的经历是紧密相联的。"非常同意这个说法,我就亲眼目睹了一个从小嘲笑基督徒,最后却以牧师为职的朋友的转变过程。不过我却走了和他相反的路,从一个对神有兴趣的人,
                    • 呵呵,祝福你。
      • Once you know how to lucid dream, you can go into afterlife and visit someone who has already died, get info from them and prove the validity of the info. Then you will be sure if there is afterlife or not.
        So, learn how to lucid dream or get OBE and try it yourself, then you will be sure if there is truely afterlife or not. Overcome fear is one of the first steps. PM me if you want to learn about lucid dream or OBE (I don't charge you, it is free, just sharing info and experiences)
        • Thanks, but I will pass.