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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 今天带孩子去社区玩,才发现人家都开始advance vote了,我还不知道哪天是投票日呢,更别提打算投票了。心里那个惭愧的!这里的政治爱好者多,能给咱用最简洁明了的语言说说各党派的政治主张吗?咱很想好好让手中的这一票发挥点作用。谢谢支持和帮助
    • 这里搅混水的比较多,如果你很严肃地对待你的一票,花点时间看看你地选区的候选人。了解一下各个党派的政策,你自己就会做出决定的。
      • 欢迎新马甲
        • 看上去好眼熟
      • 谢谢,给我link好吗?说真的,还不知道上哪投票,谁是候选人,上哪知道各个党派的政策。怎么也得把这一课补了,让孩子有个榜样。谢了
        • http://www.cbc.ca/news/yourcommunity/2011/04/pov-election---whats-the-most-important-issue-to-you.html, 你看看这个吧,可能会给你一点idea.
    • 选举其实很简单,那些要你研究这个研究那个的,都是书呆子。看看本人前不久写的一个帖子。
      • 红卫兵的文章很有道理。可说真的,前一段时间不知为何有了点政治“傻”脑,一直琢磨在每年成千上万的各国移民中,肯定有间谍在其中。加政府是怎么对待这个我都能想到的问题呢?

        • 红卫兵的文章没有道理, 只有他自己的感觉和推断而已. 关于"父母移民" 和"间谍", 要把前言和后语, 以及当时的说话的情形连起来分析. 不能断章取义.
      • 支持红卫兵,国人当自强!
      • 深有同感,别为了省下来的一两千税钱。 想哪尤太人 比华人有钱吧。 省选举,投保守党;联邦选自由党!
        • 我也支持由NDP 领导 联邦政府搞面向公平的大政策, 由保守党管省市政府具体的,与我们更直接相关的花钱方式。
      • 不贪蝇头小利, 为自己和孩子争取更公平的社会环境。
      • 现在不是保守党和自由党的问题,而是保守党和NDP的问题。自由党已经出局。俺对保守党和自由党无所谓,但绝对不能让NDP上台. NDP在哪个省上台,就把哪个省的经济搞垮。NDP是工会的代言人,对此俺深恶痛绝。
        • 也许是有惊无险,Ipsos Reid 这么大的民调公司,能把话说的这么满:Despite NDP Surge, Tories Poised to Win Monday’s Election,可见把握不小,但愿如此/拭目以待。我希望哈珀多数政府,看看 hidden agenda到底是什么,少数政府也不错,NDP政府就惨了。。。
        • 没听说NDP把BC或者缅省的经济搞垮?再说这回的NDP充其量也不过是一个少数党政府。
        • +1! 保守党推行的理念是"小政府",鼓励加拿大人勤劳工作,自食其力,而不是政府操办一切福利;NDP恰恰相反,要把"社会主义大锅饭"进行到底,结果注定就是工薪阶层要交纳更多的税.权衡一下,作为辛勤工作不会也不想靠政府吃白饭的工薪阶层,NDP一定是要排除在外的.
        • 是啊,前几天,国家邮报报道,NDP在魁省民调领先拖累TSX大盘指数疲软,就是其政纲对加拿大石油能源业有较大冲击,感觉美国投资人上周在这个信息下悄悄撤出加股能源板块。今日邮报指数保守党获胜对股市有利
    • 别的不好说,我自己是把自由党排除在外的,原因:至今本选区的自由党候选人未曾上门,而保守党和NDP的候选人早已上门自我介绍。想让人投一票,最起码要让人认识你一下。
      • 另外,保守党政府为华人人头税道歉和补偿令人刮目相看,表明其务实的反种族歧视的态度,不象自由党嘴上一套实责另一套。自由党一直拒绝为加拿大政府曾经对华人征收的歧视性人头税道歉。1993年自由党领袖Jean Chrétien当选总理后很快就公开地拒绝道歉和纠正。#6635810@0
        • 说一套, 做一套。 自由党一贯如耻。
      • 搞了半天,也就是要面试一下,看谁顺眼。至于什么党什么主义,关P民啥事。
    • 建议看看这个:Catch 22 aims at preventing Harper majority -- 有团体努力希望阻止HARPER组成多数政府。 大家不妨考虑的一个投票的策略就是,根据最新的民调结果,摒弃个人好恶,投票造成少数政府。一个少数政府与一个多数政府相比,更倾向于兼顾各方利益,做事更收敛些!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Catch 22 aims at preventing Harper majority

      One campaign group is looking to raise a little Heller this election.

      Borrowing its name from the classic Joseph Heller novel (but having little to do with it otherwise), Catch 22 is looking to prevent a Stephen Harper-led Conservative majority government by promoting strategic voting in 56 ridings across the country on May 2.

      “It started over a year and a half ago as a response to Harper closing down the Parliament for 22 days,” said Nick Fillmore, the group’s vice-president. “The idea was that he is so anti-democratic, and he’s shown this a number of times, that a group of ordinary citizens came together to form this volunteer group to attempt to do things in this election campaign to stop him from getting re-elected.”

      As of April 15, more than 1,300 people had signed up on the group’s website. The group lists on its website its targeted ridings with close races and whom voters should vote for if they want to prevent the Conservatives from winning the seat.

      There are only three Prairie ridings listed and none in the Conservative heartland of Calgary.

      “We’re a volunteer organization, we have a small budget,” Fillmore said. “We just didn’t see the benefit of working in ridings we’d have no hope of having an impact in.”

      University of Calgary political science professor David Stewart said that these types of campaign groups usually aren’t very effective.

      “It takes a lot of effort across a large number of ridings to do that,” he said.

      In 2008, Anti-Harper Vote Swap Canada tried to stop Conservatives in close races by allowing voters to pair with others in ridings across the country. One in the pair would agree to vote for one party other than Conservative in their riding if the other person would vote for another party in another riding.

      Stewart said that the effort wasn’t very effective and it showed how difficult it is to coordinate these types of campaigns.

      He said he believes that groups like Catch 22 have sprung up because the Conservatives are governing, and that if the Liberals were in power, it’d be unlikely that these sorts of campaigns would form.

      “I think [people] feel the Conservatives are too right wing on social policy,” he added. “They disagree with the tax priorities that the Conservative government has. For some there would be a fairly strident disagreement with their foreign policy.”

      Fillmore said the group is non-partisan and has no particular political sway, but that he got involved because he’s afraid of what a Stephen Harper-led majority would do. He pointed to the Conservatives’ lack of action on the environment, their policy of corporate tax breaks and funding cuts to women’s organizations, human rights groups and foreign aid as reasons he wanted to be involved with Catch 22.

      “There are many, many kinds of things that I believe in and support that this government has stopped doing or is doing bad things in those areas,” he added.

      The group hopes it can turn the tide in five to seven of its selected ridings and prevent a Conservative majority government.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 说的是有道理,可如果大家都这样,那不是弄巧成绌了吗?
        • 不可能的,比如您,呵呵。这个策略适用于支持率对比悬殊的时候,否则还是遵从自己的本来意愿。
    • 实在不行,有华人候选人的话,就选华人,NDP的网站上有查所在区候选人的名字的,其他的也应该有
    • 明天就投票了,决定投自由党,并不是喜欢他,只是不想让保守党成为多数党,因为保守党对移民的态度和一些其他政策不敢恭维。可真的是找不到完美的政党了。那个NDP就更别提了,挺像我去面试,夸夸其谈,先拿到职位,上了岗再补课。根本就没有经济基础来支持他们的纲领。