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那个广告的新版:"Stephen Harper is demanding more time in power.“

The Globe and Mail has corrected a quote Liberals used in the original Stephen Harper is a "health risk" ad. Accordingly, we updated our ad. Stay tuned for more...


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Sorry for my ignorance, but can anyone here help tell me the difference (from Iggy's interview with Peter tonight on CBC) from a coalition????
    “If Mr. Harper wins most seats, wants a government but does not secure the confidence of the House, then he goes to the governor general,” Ignatieff told Peter Mansbridge in an interview on CBC TV.**Then, “if the governor general wants to call on other parties — myself for example — to try and form a government, then we try and form a government,” he said. **Ignatieff added: “I understand the rules, I respect the rules, I’ll follow them to the letter ... what I’m not going to do is form a coalition.” *** HOW is this different then a Coalition?.. Its the same and here hes Admitting it???
    • Define "coalition" first, then you know the different. The link is from CBC. Also, you can ask Harper, he is the expert. He tried to form a coalition government , but failed.
    • 似乎他是说自由党不会*主动*联合NDP和魁人党去组成联合政府以达到推翻保守党政府的目的;但是如果出现他说的情况,总督找反对党,他一定会*被动*的组成联合政府。
      • 在运动一开始时我提了一个问题(#6585432@0) ,只有 lionel 回答 (#6585461@0)。我看的零星资料和lionel说法差不多。如果哈珀得到少数的最多,他需要另一个或多个异党支持才能组成少数政府,前几次其实自由新民大选后都无异议,哈珀才能组建政府。如果自新两党不服作梗,那么
        • 哈珀得不到半数以上的支持,即ignatieff说的 does not secure the confidence of the House, 那么哈珀只得再见总督,总督有两个选择,召唤第二大党组阁,同样要有另一个或多个异党支持,或者,宣布再次大选。
          叶里庭大概说的就是这个 rule,谁获得谁的支持,谁与谁联合,其实都是合法的,没什么严重的问题。大选一开始哈珀提出这个可能,只在一个场合说”违法“联合,但马上认错道歉。哈珀的诉求,是给他一个多数政府,以上这些rule都没有可能了,据他说政局也会安定了。选民认不认可另一回事,这里没有违法违规的问题。
          • 等于说: 只要不是多数政府, 则随时都可以反盘?
            • 能不能翻盘还要看总督的决定。一般来说,如果不久前才选举,总督会让第二大党试图组阁,否则就会重新大选。
              • 会不回这样: 现任总督是现任政府提名的. 所以, 每当此事发生时, 现任总督都指定执政党去与另外一个党联合.
                • 无论这个总督是不是总理提名的,影子总理都有首先组阁权,即使执政党在选举后席位不是最多的。但是能不能组阁成功,就不是总督的能力所及了。
                  • 就像上次英国的大选一样。
    • coalition的重要特点是超过一个党在内阁拥有职位。Iggy只要不给其他党进内阁,就不算组建coalition
      • 正确。老叶因为在大选开始阶段说过不搞联合政府,现在看形势不利,就开始慢慢转口风了,但顾忌到原来的承诺,所以就绕来绕去说了一堆。毕竟是学者出身,以前把话说满了。从他出任党领以来,类似错误犯了不少。
        • 这不一定。Iggy应该知道自由党的席位会少于保守党的席位,所以早就有此打算。
          • 老叶心里的确早有打算,却一不小心上了当。总理拿联合政府激他,看他如何回答。如果他回答不排除组织联合政府,那么说明他心中对大选没底,这样会影响士气 ;如果他回答不会组织联合政府,那么就让他自己给自己上了一个套子。估计老叶现在醒悟过来了。晚了。
      • 那现在的内阁是几个党组成的?
        • 现在的影子内阁全是保守党的议员。
    • 跟harper道歉似的。当然要允许哈总理竞选办特聘选委有一个认清问题的过程。这就是哈珀政府死法中的一种,并且现在看来这是最可能的死法了。因为大家都烦harper右派等人了。
    • 建议好好研读主席的"论联合政府"。你会收益非浅。
      HA HA HA
      • 中国共产党领导的多党合作制度?
    • it's clear that Canadians have to choose from majority conservative or coalition. bookworm ig isn't handling it well. a general good strategy is to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. once you are moving, people are hesitant to be on your way
      • The Canadian Prime Minister and Cabinet must have the support of a majority of members of the House of Commons to remain in power.
    • 还没看这个采访的可以进来看一看:
      • 很好。顶。
      • Peter 提到的那个广告Harper's Health Risk的原版:"Stephen Harper is demanding absolute power. Can you trust him with your health care?“
        "Stephen Harper is demanding absolute power. Can you trust him with your health care? He said the law that protects universal health care should be scrapped. And he's open to American style private for profit health care. Last year Harper's finance minister called for massive cuts to increases in health spending. Now Harper has a risky plan to cut 11 billion dollars from government spending. Where would Harper's cuts leave your family's health? The stakes are too high. Vote Liberal. "

      • 那个广告的新版:"Stephen Harper is demanding more time in power.“
        The Globe and Mail has corrected a quote Liberals used in the original Stephen Harper is a "health risk" ad. Accordingly, we updated our ad. Stay tuned for more...

        • Well done.